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@xieguigang xieguigang released this 20 Jan 07:28
· 7158 commits to master since this release

Mzkit is an open source raw data file toolkit for mass spectrometry data analysis, provides by the BioNovoGene corporation. The features of mzkit inlcudes: raw data file content viewer(XIC/TIC/Mass spectrum plot), build molecule network, formula de-novo search and de-novo annotation.

This open source mass spectrometry data toolkit is developed at the BioDeep R&D laboratory and brought to you by BioNovoGene corporation.



🎉Happy chinese new year!

  • fixed Make bugs fixed for the web query cache system: empty cache could make the empty query result always returned, now it has been fixed!
  • new Add mzkit background services process viewer
  • new Reconstruct of the mzkit workbench desktop application framework for implements the plugin feature, the mzkit app sotre online
    services is comming soon!
  • enhancement fixed for the possible null reference error and the index out of range error, make the MS-imaging viewer more stable
  • enhancement make improvements of the task progress UI
  • enhancement add copy text and save log output text function to the log text output window
  • new Add custom action for view scatter 3d data on the table data.
  • new View spatial metabolism tissue spot cluster data in 3d scatter plot view
  • new Add new feature for connect to the cloud services for processing ms-imaging data analysis and visualization
  • new Add a new feature for view virtual pathology slide in tiff, dzi or ndpi format!
  • new View NMR raw data spectrum
  • new View 3D MALDI scan data, MS-imaging in 3D
  • new Add single cell metabolism data processing feature into the mzkit R# package!
  • enhancement Add data context menu in the spectrum matrix viewer: [Open in table view] for send the spectrum matrix to the table viewer for the further data analysis or visualization, and the [Save] menu item for export the selected spectrum matrix into an excel file.
  • enhancement Add shortcut button for launch the ms data file conversion tool
  • new Merge multiple ms-imaging sample data file into one larger slide, and you also can custom the sample location layout in a super easy way
  • new Add an excited feature which you can make the spatial mapping between the spatial transcription sample slide and the spatial metabolism sample slide!
  • enhancement make improvements of the ms-imaging render output post image processing function
  • fixed make bugs fixed for the in-correct slide scan width and height when do background clean in manually.
  • enhancement change the [install Mzkit] button from install package internally to calling the external pipeline script for initialize the R# runtime environment.
  • update make improvements of the MS-imaging viewer, update to v2.0 version: do zoom, rotation of the ms-imaging output
  • update Add parameter adjustment for the peak finding algorithm page
  • enhancement Add functional buttons/context menu to the peak finding page: save matrix, imports matrix and copy peak list data.
  • enhancement Add options for check sample row data normalization when do row sample data merge of the MS-imaging row scans.

Full Changelog: 3.5.593.3968...