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@xieguigang xieguigang released this 24 Jun 08:21
· 5969 commits to master since this release

Mzkit is an open source raw data file toolkit for mass spectrometry data analysis, provides by the BioNovoGene corporation. The features of mzkit inlcudes: raw data file content viewer(XIC/TIC/Mass spectrum plot), build molecule network, formula de-novo search and de-novo annotation.

This open source mass spectrometry data toolkit is developed at the BioDeep R&D laboratory and brought to you by BioNovoGene corporation.



This is a release update edition for PANOMIX spatial metabolism
Wish you peace and health on Chinese Dragon Boat Festival!

  • new Enable mzkit for imports 10x genomics raw data file for do slide sample imaging
  • new Enable mzkit for do ms-imaging slide sample rotation, just use the button [Rotate Slide] in MSI operations menu.
  • new Add ion annotation table imports for ms-imaging viewer, this function required a csv table that contains the target ions' m/z, name, formula, precursor_type information.
  • enhancement show physical ruler overlap in the ms-imaging render, you can turn off this overlap by set showPhysicalRuler option to false
  • enhancement show total ions ms-imaging overlaps in the ms-imaging render, you can turn off this overlap by set showTotalIonOverlap option to false
  • enhancement enable adjust the ion polarity mode for the ms-imaging data viewer, this option value will affects some ion metabolite annotation related function in mzkit ms-imaging data viewer
  • enhancement add more ms-imaging related properties to displayed in ms-imaging viewer: resolution, physical size in unit mm, file type, etc.
  • enhancement enable imports custom ion layer in the ion layer selector of the ms-imaging viewer, data imports could be comes from a csv or xlsx table file.
  • enhancement Add tweaks of the parameters when do ms-imaging row scan raw data file combines
  • fixed fix of the possible bug in the background R# script data backend when create the ms-imaging heatmap matrix
  • enhancement enable set the color palette when create the ms-imaging heatmap matrix, you can just tweaks of this parameter in the [Settings] tab page on the ms-imaging heatmap matrix editor
  • new Add a color scaler bar besides the ms-imaging viewer, you can adjust the intensity scaler range manually via this color scaler bar. This color scaler bar not working for the RGB ms-imaging render.
  • new View ion m/z distribution histogram in ms-imaging viewer. You can found this option in [MSI Analysis] -> [Feature Detections] menu.
  • new Add umap manifold + dbscan clustering for do slide sample auto-segmentation
  • enhancement Now the umap 3d scatter viewer could interactive with the ms-imaging viewer: you can select the ms-imaging pixel spot via mouse click on the scatter point in umap 3d scatter viewer
  • enhancement Enable the ms-imaging viewer imports the umap cluster dataset as the sample slide segmentation data source
  • enhancement Add scatter size options for tweaks the point size when view the tissue segmentation result overlap with the ms-imaging
  • update removes the biodeep login condition for the targetted metabolism data handler
  • enhancement make improvements of the targetted metabolism data viewer: export targetted linear modelling report PDF
  • enhancement Enable display the RGB ms-imaging renering plot by default when load plot data from the export cdf matrix file comes from the mzkit RGB ms-imging rendering result
  • update Add options for group the un-tagged pixel spots in the ms-imging slide sample in the ms-imaging tissue sample region editor
  • update Add option for view sample region MS1 spectrum in the ms-imaging tissue sample region editor, use the mouse right click to invoke this function
  • update Add option for set custom color in html color code for the ms-imaging tissue sample region
  • update Add function for load all annotated molecule layer from the ms-imaging raw data file, you can use this new function via mouse contex menu of the ion layer selector
  • update Add batch export of the ms-imaging layer image via mouse contex menu of the ion layer selector
  • new Add app plugin for view mzkit LCMS reference spectrum library data pack file, use this function by open plugin from [Plugin Manager] -> [Reference Library Viewer]
  • new Add app plugin for access to the Spectrum cluster tree database, use this function by open plugin from [Plugin Manager] -> [Molecular Network Viewer Client]