Zeus is a distributed personal assistant. It can play music, read your mail, answer your questions and much more. Check out the website.
Zeus consists of a Core, and several agents, each of which can run on a separate node on a distributed system. These agents provide various kinds of functionality, and also plan and coordinate amongst themselves.
Zeus is built using the Xi framework.
You need at least:
- node v0.10.
- A reasonably fast internet connection.
- bunyan to pretty print logs.
In addition, many agents have their own prerequisites. See the full documentation for all agents in Zeus.
$ git clone https://github.com/xiproject/zeus && cd zeus
$ ./scripts/update.sh
$ ./scripts/run.sh 2>&1 | bunyan
Install the Chrome app. Make sure to read the caveats.
Once Zeus is running, in a separate shell, run:
$ ./scripts/cli.sh
- Zeus is rough around the edges. It has no security. Don't run it on an untrusted network.
- Many agents use Google services all the time (speech-to-text, gmail) or provide an option to do so (text-to-speech). Please see the full documentation to read the caveats associated with every agent.
Zeus and the Xi framework are in active development. Bug reports are welcome. Contributions are even more welcome - join the mailing list.