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A full-blown IDE based on Neovim (or Vim).


Table of Contents


A full-blown IDE based on Neovim (or Vim) with gdb and ctags support.

Basic Installation

Basic installation is simple:

git clone ~/.config/nvim
cd ~/.config/nvim/
git submodule init && git submodule update

Make links if you are using Vim:

mv ~/.vim ~/.vim.backup
mv ~/.vimrc ~/.vimrc.backup
ln -s ~/.config/nvim ~/.vim
ln -s ~/.config/nvim/init.vim ~/.vimrc

Startup vim and dein will detect and ask you install any missing plugins.

It is completely customisable using a ~/.config/nvim/vimrc.before and ~/.config/nvim/vimrc.after files.


<Leader> default set to ,


Keybinding Description
<Space><Space> go to anything (files, buffers, MRU, bookmarks)
<Space>f select from files under the current working directory
<Space>e select from MRU
<Space>l select line from current buffer
<Space>b select from current buffers
<Space>o select from outline of current file
<Space>s quick switch buffer
<Space>/ recursively search all files for matching text (uses ag or ack if found)
<Space>m select from key mappings
<Space>t select from tags
<Space>y select from previous yanks
<Space>j select from junkfiles
<Space>gg lists the references or definitions of a word
<Space>gd lists definitions of a word
<Space>gr lists references of a word
<Space>ge lists grep result of a word
<Space>ga lists all tokens in GTAGS
<Space>gf lists current file's tokens in GTAGS


Keybinding Mode Description
<Leader>n n toggle the-nerd-tree
<Leader>nf n open the-nerd-tree to path of the current file
<Leader>t n toggle tagbar
<Leader>b n preview MRU buffers
<Leader>u n toggle undo tree
<Leader>q n toggle quickfix list
<Leader>l n toggle location list
<Leader>d n Conque-GDB


Keybinding Mode Description
<Leader>y n windows-like copy
<Leader>p n windows-like paste
<C-h> i move the cursor left
<C-l> i move the cursor right
<Leader>a n alternate files (.c -> .h etc)
<Leader>w n, i write buffer to file
<Leader>s v sort selection
<Leader>fef n format entire file
<Leader>f$ n strip current line of trailing white space
jk, kj i escape
gp n visually reselect the last paste
:O n load default session
:S n save default session
:OpenSession n load a session
:SaveSession n save a session

Window & Buffer

Keybinding Mode Description
<Left>, <Right> n previous buffer, next buffer
<Leader>v n vertical split
<Leader>s n horizontal split
<Leader>vsa n vertically split all buffers
<C-h>, <C-l> n move to window in the direction of hl
<C-j>, <C-k> n move to window in the direction of jk
<C-w>o, <C-w>O n maximize or restore current window in split structure
<C-w><C-o> n same as above
<Leader>= n increase the window size by a factor
<Leader>- n decrease the window size by a factor
Q n close windows and delete the buffer (if it is the last buffer window)
gb, gB n previous MRU buffer, next MRU buffer
<Leader>bd n kill a buffer without changing the window layout


Keybinding Mode Description
<Leader>fd n, v find current word (or selected text) in current directory into the quickfix list
<Leader>ff n find current word in current file into the quickfix list
<Leader>fr n, v replace current word (or selected text) in current file
/ n replaced with /\v for sane regex searching


Keybinding Mode Description
<Leader>j n, v toggle just text (for copy and paste)
<Leader>h n toggle highlight
<Leader>ig n toggle indent guides
<Leader>z n toggle goldenview
:XtermColorTable<CR> n show color table
:syntax<CR> n show syntax highlight


Keybinding Description
<Leader>vo select the files to search in and set grep options (must run this first)
<Leader>vv grep for the word under the cursor, match all occurences, like
<Leader>vV grep for the word under the cursor, match whole word, like
<Leader>va like vv, but add to existing list
<Leader>vA like vV, but add to existing list
<Leader>vr perform a global search on the word under the cursor and prompt for a pattern with which to replace it
<Leader>vR same as vr, but matches whole word


Keybinding Description
[a :previous
]a :next
[A :first
]A :last
[b :bprevious
]b :bnext
[B :bfirst
]B :blast
[c signify previous hunk
]c signify next hunk
[l :lprevious
]l :lnext
[L :lfirst
]L :llast
[<C-L> :lpfile
]<C-L> :lnfile
[q :cprevious
]q :cnext
[Q :cfirst
]Q :clast
[<C-Q> :cpfile (Note that only works in a terminal if you disable
]<C-Q> :cnfile flow control: stty -ixon)
[t :tprevious
]t :tnext
[T :tfirst
]T :tlast


Keybinding Mode Description
;g n go to definition or reference
;d n go to definition
;r n find reference
;s n locate symbols which are not defined in GTAGS
;e n locate strings
;f n get a list of tags in specified files

Cscope (Default Off)

Keybinding Mode Description
;s n find all references to the token under cursor
;g n find global definition(s) of the token under cursor
;c n find all calls to the function name under cursor
;t n find all instances of the text under cursor
;e n egrep search for the word under cursor
;f n open the filename under cursor
;i n find files that include the filename under cursor
;d n find functions that function under cursor calls


Keybinding Mode Description
<Leader>DD n starts profiling all functions and files into a file profile.log
<Leader>DP n pauses profiling
<Leader>DC n continues profiling
<Leader>DQ n finishes profiling and exits vim

Advanced Installation


YouComplete only support Neovim or MacVim.

Install Neovim (Recommended)

pip install --upgrade pip
pip3 install --upgrade pip
pip install --user --upgrade neovim
pip3 install --user --upgrade neovim
brew tap neovim/neovim
brew update
brew reinstall --HEAD neovim

Make alias

alias vi='nvim'
alias vim="nvim"
alias vimdiff="nvim -d"

If <C-h> does not work in neovim, add these line to ~/.zshrc

infocmp $TERM | sed 's/kbs=^[hH]/kbs=\\177/' > $TERM.ti
tic $TERM.ti

Execute the :UpdateRemotePlugins and restart Neovim.

Install MacVim

brew install macvim --with-luajit --override-system-vim

Make alias

alias vi="mvim -v"
alias vim="mvim -v"
alias vimdiff="mvim -d -v"

Install GLOBAL

brew install global

Quick Compile YouCompleteMe

cd ~/.vim/bundle/YouCompleteMe
./ --clang-completer --omnisharp-completer

Check for ~/.vim/bundle/YouCompleteMe/third_party/ycmd/ and ~/.vim/bundle/YouCompleteMe/third_party/ycmd/, done

Full Compile YouCompleteMe

Try this if quick compile does not work

cd ~/.vim/bundle/
git clone
cd YouCompleteMe/
git submodule update --init --recursive

Download clang from to ~/src/ and compile ycm_support_libs

mkdir -p ~/src/
cd ~/src/
tar xf clang+llvm-3.6.0-x86_64-apple-darwin.tar.xz
mkdir -p ~/src/ycm_build/
cd ~/src/ycm_build/
cmake -G "Unix Makefiles" -DPATH_TO_LLVM_ROOT=~/src/clang+llvm-3.6.0-x86_64-apple-darwin . ~/.vim/bundle/YouCompleteMe/third_party/ycmd/cpp
make ycm_support_libs

Check for ~/.vim/bundle/YouCompleteMe/third_party/ycmd/ and ~/.vim/bundle/YouCompleteMe/third_party/ycmd/, done

Project Configuration

Download to your project directory


This distribution will pick 1 of 4 combinations, in the following priority:

  1. deoplete + neosnippet if you have nvim and python3 enabled (recommended)
  2. youcompleteme + ultisnips if you have python3 or python enabled and compiled YCM
  3. neocomplete + neosnippet if you have lua enabled
  4. neocomplcache + neosnippet if you only have vimscript available

this can be overridden with g:nvim_settings.autocomplete_method

Standard Modifications

  • if you have either ack or ag installed, they will be used for grepprg
  • all temporary files are stored in ~/.vim/.cache, such as backup files and persistent undo


  • this is an extremely powerful plugin that lets you build up lists from arbitrary sources
  • <Space><Space> go to anything (files, buffers, MRU, bookmarks)
  • <Space>y select from previous yanks
  • <Space>l select line from current buffer
  • <Space>b select from current buffers
  • <Space>o select from outline of current file
  • <Space>s quick switch buffer
  • <Space>/ recursively search all files for matching text (uses ag or ack if found)
  • a light and configurable statusline/tabline
  • show tab info and buffer info in tabline
  • powerful file explorer
  • j cursor down
  • k cursor up
  • h go to parent
  • l go to child
  • <Leader>bd or :BD will kill a buffer without changing the window layout
  • motion on steriods
  • makes search/replacing in your project a lot easier without relying on find and sed
  • the loading time of this plugin is relatively heavy, so it is not loaded at startup. to load it on-demand, use <Leader>vo, which opens the options window.
  • <Leader>vv find word under the cursor
  • <Leader>vV find whole word under the cursor
  • <Leader>vr perform global search replace of word under cursor, with confirmation
  • <Leader>vR same as vr, but matches whole word
  • git wrapper
  • <Leader>gs status
  • <Leader>gd diff
  • <Leader>gc commit
  • <Leader>gb blame
  • <Leader>gl log
  • <Leader>gp push
  • <Leader>gw stage
  • <Leader>gr rm
  • in addition to all the standard bindings when in the git status window, you can also use U to perform a git checkout -- on the current file
  • nice log history viewer for git
  • <Leader>gv
  • many additional bracket [] maps
  • <C-up> to move lines up
  • <C-down> to move lines down
  • file browser
  • <Leader>n toggle browser
  • <Leader>nf open tree to path of the current file
  • very versatile commenting plugin that can do motions
  • gcc to toggle or gc{motion}
  • fuzzy file searching
  • <C-p> to bring up the search
  • \t search the current buffer tags
  • \T search global tags
  • \l search all lines of all buffers
  • \b search open buffers
  • \o parses the current file for functions with funky
  • <Leader>nr puts the current visual selection into a new scratch buffer, allowing you to perform global commands and merge changes to the original file automatically
  • easily aligns code
  • <Leader>a&, <Leader>a=, <Leader>a:, <Leader>a,, <Leader>a|
  • automatically get or push changes for gists with :Gist
  • makes for writing html/css extremely fast
  • for supported most filetypes, <tab> will be mapped to automatically expand the line (you can use <C-v><Tab> to insert a tab character if needed)
  • for other features, default plugin mappings are available, which means <C-y> is the prefix, followed by a variety of options (see :help zencoding)
  • visualize the undo tree
  • <Leader>u to toggle
  • provides an asynchronous keyword completion system in the current buffer
  • amazingly fast fuzzy autocomplete engine combined with an excellent snippets library
  • use <C-n> and <C-p> to go back/forward between selections, and <tab> to expand snippets
  • mapped to <C-N>, this will select all matching words and lets you concurrently change all matches at the same time
  • <Leader>d gdb command line interface and terminal emulator
  • <Leader>ta displays tags in a window
  • <Leader>t list, select and switch between buffers
  • <Leader>z always have a nice view for vim split windows

And Some More Plugins

  • surround makes for quick work of surrounds
  • repeat repeat plugin commands
  • speeddating Ctrl+A and Ctrl+X for dates
  • gist awesome plugin for your gist needs
  • signature shows marks beside line numbers
  • matchit makes your % more awesome
  • syntastic awesome syntax checking for a variety of languages
  • bufferline simple plugin which prints all your open buffers in the command bar
  • indent-guides vertical lines
  • signify adds + and - to the signs column when changes are detected to source control files (supports git/hg/svn)
  • delimitmate automagically adds closing quotes and braces
  • startify gives you a better start screen

And Even More Plugins...

  • I think I've listed about half of the plugins contained in this distribution, so please have a look at the vimrc directly to see all plugins in use

Recommended Fonts


I wanted to give special thanks to all of the people who worked on the following projects, or people simply posted their vim distributions, because I learned a lot and took many ideas and incorporated them into my configuration.




The ultimate Neovim distribution






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