I'm getting the following error:
WARN: Error updating branch: update failure (branch="renovate/docker-templates")
My docker compose file is written in Jinja so that anisible can fill in variables. I currently have the following image lines in the file:
image: traefik:v3.1.6@sha256:f703a2ac2ddf75f6e06c9cccac7f158765e2ab42d642b04e79e2e3d7355c2ddc
image: litetex/ghcr.gethomepage.homepage:v0.9.11
image: hotio/sabnzbd:release-4.3.3
image: hotio/readarr:testing-
image: advplyr/audiobookshelf:2.16.0
image: hotio/jackett:release-0.22.856
"matchStrings": [
"(?:image: )(?<depName>.*?)(?::(release)?(testing)?)-?(?<currentValue>.*?)(?:@(?<currentDigest>sha256:[a-f0-9]+))?\\n"
I used the above regex to clean up the release, testing from the versions and just show the version number. Not sure what the exact issue is as the only issue appears as the warning posted above. I guess it probably has to do with the 4 . version of readarr? What is the best way to go about parsing this file? Should I make a regex for each different 'image' file?
Renovate gives the following error:
WARN: Error updating branch: update failure (branch="renovate/docker-templates")
Renovate should provide the updates to the docker image versions