About the repoitory: Open source API written in the latest version of .NET, implementing the concepts of S.O.L.I.D, Clean Code and MediatR
- .NET 8
- MediatR
- FluentValidation
- Swagger UI
- HealthChecks
- Data Layer - SQL Server compatible
- Caching (Memory and Redis)
- Datadog compatible
- Sentry compatible
- Multilanguage Culture and Localization support
- Clean Code
- Domain Driven Design (Layers and Domain Model Pattern)
git clone https://github.com/yigitnuhuz/dotnet-sample-mediatr-api.git
This project based on .NET 8, please install corresponding SDK for your operating system:
After installing, please run below command to make sure current .NET version is 8 or above.
dotnet --version
If http => http://localhost:5153/swagger If https => https://localhost:7184/swagger
curl -X 'GET'
-H 'accept: text/plain'
-H 'APICulture: en-GB'
it suppose to be return Healthy response with 200 status code.
{ "data": "Healthy", "version": "v0.0.1" }
Create API request with following Curl;
curl -X 'POST'
-H 'accept: text/plain'
-H 'APICulture: en-GB'
-H 'Content-Type: application/json'
-d '{ "username": "YigitNuhuz", "password": "CustomPasswordForApi" }'
You will get token response;
{ "type": "Bearer", "token": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJTeXN0ZW0iOiJEb3RuZXRTYW1wbGVBcGkiLCJJc0F1dGhlbnRpY2F0ZWQiOiJUcnVlIiwiVXNlcklkIjoiMWYzYmZhMjktZmZlNy00OTM0LThkZDQtNTlkYzUxMjc1YjJhIiwiVXNlck5hbWUiOiJZaWdpdE51aHV6IiwiU2Vzc2lvbklkIjoiNWJlZDA4ZDMtNjU2Zi00ZWZjLWEzZmUtMGQwMWIwMGNjYmE4IiwiUHJvdmlkZXIiOiJDQVJCT04iLCJuYmYiOjE3MDUwNjY2NzksImV4cCI6MTcwNTA3MDI3OSwiaWF0IjoxNzA1MDY2Njc5fQ.HPQdBzixZMxe5KgCT-JK0Jk7FiPDbdu9xe832ixwt_0", "expireIn": 60 }
There is a custom endpoint for this documentation. So you can make a request with your JWT token and you can get a your UserName from your token.
Create API request with following Curl;
curl -X 'GET'
-H 'accept: /'
-H 'APICulture: en-GB'
-H 'Authorization: bearer eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJTeXN0ZW0iOiJEb3RuZXRTYW1wbGVBcGkiLCJJc0F1dGhlbnRpY2F0ZWQiOiJUcnVlIiwiVXNlcklkIjoiMWYzYmZhMjktZmZlNy00OTM0LThkZDQtNTlkYzUxMjc1YjJhIiwiVXNlck5hbWUiOiJZaWdpdE51aHV6IiwiU2Vzc2lvbklkIjoiNWJlZDA4ZDMtNjU2Zi00ZWZjLWEzZmUtMGQwMWIwMGNjYmE4IiwiUHJvdmlkZXIiOiJDQVJCT04iLCJuYmYiOjE3MDUwNjY2NzksImV4cCI6MTcwNTA3MDI3OSwiaWF0IjoxNzA1MDY2Njc5fQ.HPQdBzixZMxe5KgCT-JK0Jk7FiPDbdu9xe832ixwt_0'
You supposed to get the following response;
your token is valid YigitNuhuz