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Class Quiz

Project description

Teachers are increasingly asked to provide individualized instruction for their students. Most teachers agree that this will be helpful for students and do their best to provide instruction at different levels in and different ways for students. However, due to lack of both planning and class time, teachers are not always able to provide more individualized practice to students.

This tool will be an aid for teachers. They can create “quizzes” which can be used as quizzes or as practice. They can create different quizzes for different students and assign it to a group or to specific students. Students are able to access these practice problems or quizzes on their own time. Teachers will also save time. They can easily create a set of practice problems for math, reading questions or writing prompts. This set can be reused again and again without printing or copying. They will also save time grading as most quizzes can be graded automatically.


Student features

Students can:

  • Log in with a class code provided by the teacher and thier personal password
  • See their assingned quizzes listed, color coded by completion status
  • Click on a quiz or assingment to see the list of questions associated with it
  • Answer and submit thier assignments
  • See thier score and wheter they passed the quiz or not
  • Retry a quiz if the teacher has allowed retries

Teacher features

Teachers can :

  • Sign up for an account
  • Log in to their account with an Email and Password
  • Crate classes and pupulate them with thier students
  • Create student accounts
  • See, Add, Delete or Update thier classes
  • See, Add, Delete or Update students in thier classes
  • Create quizzes that include both multiple choice or short answer questions
  • See, Edit, Delete or Update the quizzes
  • See and Edit, Delete or Add questions to each quiz
  • Assign quizzes to different students
  • See each student's assignments, thier completion status status, and the score

Set Up


Follow the usual commands to set up yout python enviroment

pipenv install 
pipenv shell 

This project is set up with a proxy, please make sure to export your port to 5555.

cd server


Install dependencies and start the application:

cd client npm install npm start


This project uses 7 related models :

  table teachers {
  id interger [primary key]
  email string 
  fname string
  lname string 
  school string 
  role string

table students {
  id interger [primary key]
  name string 
  password string 
  points interger 
  section_id interger
  role string 

table sections {
 id interger 
 name string 
 teacher_id integer
 section_code string

table  quizes{
  id interger [primary key]
  title string
  description string
  teacher_id interger
  passing_score interger 
  category string
  retry boolean 
  point_value interger

table assigments{
  id interger [primary key]
  student_id interger 
  quiz_id_id interger 
  status string
  score integer

table  questions{
  id interger [primary key]
  type string
  question string  
  correct_answer string 
  quiz_id interger

table  options{
  id interger [primary key]
  option string
  question_id string     

Some important relationships:

One to many relationships:

  • a teacher has many classes
  • a section has many students
  • a teacher has many quizzes
  • a student has many assingments
  • a quiz is assigned to many students
  • a quiz has many questions
  • a question has many options

Many to many relationships:

  • a student can have many quizzes through assignments
  • a quiz can have many students assingned



This folder contains components that I have concidered "pieces of a page". These are components that can be moved and resued from one page to the next and with in each page as needed.

All of these components work together to accomodate the different features.

  • AddAssigment.js - creates a new assignment for each student in the array it is passed
  • AddQuesitonForm.js - addds either a multiple choice or short answer question to precreated quizzes
  • AddStudentForm.js - adds a new student to a class
  • CreateClass.js - creates new class or section
  • EditQuesitionForm.js - fetches selected question, preloads form with previous values and updates question upon form submission
  • EditStudentForm.js - fetches selected student, preloads form with previous values and updates student upon form submission
  • Header - displays header also holds LogOut button
  • LoginStudentCard.js - this component displays a card with student name and input field for thier password, it logs the student in upon submission
  • MyClasses.js- displays current list of classes in a table also allows displays buttons that allow user to update, delete or create classes
  • NavBar.js- displays main navigation bar
  • Quiz.js- Displays and runs quiz features. This compoment shows each question to the students
  • QuizDisplay.js- displays quiz information as well as buttons that allows user to edit quiz and questions
  • QuizTable.js- Displays a table with all the user quizzes with buttons to display the quizzes (then they can be updated)
  • SectionSelector.js- Renders a downdown menu with all ths teacher's sections and sets section selected to the appropropiate section
  • StudentCard.js - Renders a card for each student with their assignments , status and scores
  • StudentRoster.js - Renders a table with all students in each section and buttons that allow deletion and updates
  • TeacherLogIn.js - Renders a form for teachers to log in
  • TeacherSignUp.js - Renders a form for teachers to sign up
  • UpdateClass.js - Renders a form with preloaded values so sections can be updated


This compnents match the routes on navigation bars. It thin of these compnents more as structural. Their job is just to render the "piece" components in an organizes manner so that the user can see and access each.

Some important files in this folder:

  • Root.js - This file renders the whole application. States are held here and passed down through a context provider
  • LandingPage.js - This file renders a different landing page (Langing, TeacherHome or Section) depending on the existance of a matched user or section


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