This is the official implementation of ICCV2023 "Towards Real-World Burst Image Super-Resolution: Benchmark and Method".
Here is the [baidu link] (include Cropped RealBSR-RGB), the [baidu link] (include Full-size RealBSR-RGB) and the [google drive link] (include Cropped RealBSR-RGB and Cropped RealBSR-RAW) of the proposed RealBSR dataset. (Please read the folder structure below before using them)
RealBSR Dataset
├── train
├──── LR (original LR. Need to run to align them.)
├──── LR_aligned (Aligned LR using homography. You can use the aligned data directly as inputs of network)
├──── GT (Corresponding HR)
├── test
├──── LR (original LR. Need to run to align them.)
├──── LR_aligned (Aligned LR using homography. You can use the aligned data directly as inputs of network)
├──── GT (Corresponding HR)
RealBSR Dataset
├── train
├──── LR (original LR. Need to run to align them.)
├──── rewarp.png (GT)
├── test
├──── LR (original LR. Need to run to align them.)
├──── rewarp.png (GT)
RealBSR Dataset
├── RGB
├──── train
├────── (Aligned LR using homography. You can use the aligned data directly as inputs)
├────── (Each group contains 14 original LR + 1 HR named xxxrewarp.png. If you want to use the LR data here, you need to run before regarding them as inputs of our network)
├──── test
├────── (Aligned LR using homography. You can use the aligned data directly as inputs)
├────── (Each group contains 14 original LR + 1 HR named xxxrewarp.png. If you want to use the LR data here, you need to run before regarding them as inputs of our network)
├── RAW
├──── (Each group contains 14 original LR RAW + 1 HR named xxx_rgb.png + 1 pkl named xxx.pkl. The raw LR need to be aligned first by simply changing the homography_alignment for 4 channels. )
├──── (Each group contains 14 original LR RAW + 1 HR named xxx_rgb.png + 1 pkl named xxx.pkl. The raw LR need to be aligned first by simply changing the homography_alignment for 4 channels. )
The project is built with PyTorch 1.10.1, Python3.9, CUDA10.1. For package dependencies, you can install them by:
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
- Checkpoint of FBANet on RealBSR dataset [Google Drive] and [Baidu Drive Link]
Model | PSNR | SSIM | LPIPS |
FBANet (FAF in paper) | 31.012 | 0.898 | 0.102 |
For training and testing data of Burst, first you should align the burst frames using
The aligned frames could be put into '../LR_aligned' and then you should use the aligned frames as the input of the following training and testing.
If you want to use your own data, the resolution of data should better >=160x160, and the setting could be changed in and
For convenient evaluation, you could use data [here] for evaluation. It is worth noting that the data is not included in training or testing of our BaseModel.
python --arch BaseModel --weights ./checkpoints/FAF/model_best.pth --save_images
To train BaseModel on RealBSR, we use 2 V100 GPUs and run for 200 epochs:
python3 ./ --arch BaseModel --batch_size 16 --gpu '0,1' --train_ps 160 --env 64_0523_MotionMFSR_FAF --embed_dim 64 --warmup
My email is [email protected]. Please feel free to contact me about anything related to the paper. And I'm also very glad to talk about any topic of Super-Resolution!