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The projram runs the next three steps one by one.

Names: Amit Haim 312463904, Yoav Keissar 308576032 AWS Username: amir_yoav

How to run: Pre conditions: 1) Setup aws credentials file. 2) Create bucket in s3 called 'dsps-assignment2'. 3) Upload to bucket jars 'prerun.jar', 'job-flow-step.jar' and 'job-flow-step-two.jar'.

Run 'java -jar job-flow.jar'.

Pre-run step: The pre-run step is reading all 1gram/2gram/3gram corpuses and aggregating lines by the n-grams, and summing up the occurences.

First Step: The first step gets the pre-run output. It sum up c0 by summing all the 1-gram occurences. It create a text file of 1gram/2gram/3gram and all the roles they take in each triple of words. Example: for triple 'yosi go home' - 'go' will have 'yosi go home'_2 because 'go' is w2, ect.

Second Step: The second step gets the first step output as the input. It aggregating all the data of a given triple and calculate the probability.

Pre-run step: Input: 1gram, 2gram, 3gram corpuses

	input key - LongWritable, 1gram/2gram/3gram line number.
	input value - Text, 1gram/2gram/3gram line.

	output key - Text, 1gram/2gram/3gram.
	output value - LongWritable, 1gram/2gram/3gram occurrences.

	input key - Text, 1gram/2gram/3gram.
	input value - iterable of LongWritable, list of 1gram/2gram/3gram occurences.

	output key - Text, 1gram/2gram/3gram.
	output value - Text, sum of occurences.

First Step: Input: Pre-run output

	input key - LongWritable, 1gram/2gram/3gram line number.
	input value - Text, 1gram/2gram/3gram	occurences.
	case 1gram:
		output1 key - Text, 1gram.
		output1 value - Text, *_##_occurrences.
		output2 key - Text, $#$.
		output2 value - Text, *_##_occurrences.

	case 2gram:
		output1 key - Text, 2gram.
		output1 value - Text, *_##_occurrences.

	case 3gram:
		output1 key - Text, 2nd word.
		output1 value - Text, 'w1_###_w2_###_w3_##_2'.
		output2 key - Text, 3nd word.
		output2 value - Text, 'w1_###_w2_###_w3_##_3'.
	    output3 key - Text, 1st word+" "+2nd word.
  	    output3 value - Text, 'w1_###_w2_###_w3_##_12'.
	    output4 key - Text, 2nd word+" "+3rd word
	    output4 value - Text, 'w1_###_w2_###_w3_##_23'.
  	    output5 key - Text, 3gram.
	    output5 value - Text, 'w1_###_w2_###_w3_##_123'
		output6 key - Text, 3gram.
		output6 value - Text, *_##_occurrences.

	input1 key - Text, 1gram.
	input1 value - iterable of Text, list of [*_##_occurrences, ...list of w1_###_w2_###_w3_##_job].

	input2 key - Text, 2gram.
	input2 value - iterable of Text, list of [*_##_occurrences, ...list of w1_###_w2_###_w3_##_job].

	input3 key - Text, 3gram.
	input3 value - iterable of Text, list of [*_##_occurrences, w1_###_w2_###_w3_##_123].

	input4 key - Text, $#$.
	input4 value - iterable of Text, *_1gram occurrences

	output1 key - Text, 1gram\2gram\3gram
	output1 value - iterable of Text, list of [occurrence, ...list of w1_###_w2_###_w3_##_job].

	upload c0 to s3

Second Step: Input: First step output Map: input key - LongWritable, line number. input value - Text, 1\2\3gram, [occurrences list of w1_###w2###w3##_job]

	output key - Text, w1_###_w2_###_w3.
	output value - Text, job_occurrences or 123@3gram_##_occurrences.


	input key - Text, w1_###_w2_###_w3.
	input value - Text, list of job_occurrences, 123@3gram_##_occurrences.

	output key - Text, 3gram
	output value - DoubleWriteable, 3gram prob.

Statistic: Pre-run: Pairs from mapper to reducer: - 459,942,034 key-value pairs. - 11,761,142,679 bytes. First Step: Pairs from mapper to reducer: - 23,562,567 key-value pairs. - 987,476,313 bytes. Second Step: Pairs from mapper to reducer: - 14,019,800 key-value pairs. - 684,661,873 bytes. Analysis: 1) "הטעם הזה": הטעם הזה לא 0.04152338439759161 הטעם הזה הוא 0.02350103163275917 הטעם הזה היה 0.016465502873600647 הטעם הזה אין 0.016172413797833733 הטעם הזה בעצמו 0.015007246432788708

	After "הטעם הזה" the system will suggeste the word "לא", which is reasonble.

2) "היא באה":	
	היא באה לידי	0.04206877337287936
	היא באה על	0.02013891439442686
	היא באה אל	0.014913175148874915
	היא באה אלי	0.012175620267813051
	היא באה מתוך	0.009933809633308905
	היא באה עם	0.009520816981867734

	After "היא באה" the system will suggeste the word "לידי", a bit odd, because the word "אל" sounds more reasonble.

3) "כל האוכל":	
	כל האוכל ושותה	0.17389834006461344
	כל האוכל פת	0.02942282958030007
	כל האוכל בתשיעי	0.020143643188904707
	כל האוכל לחם	0.017883358451752516
	כל האוכל בלא	0.0165610540748456
	כל האוכל ממנו	0.012910933078959368

	After "כל האוכל" the system will suggeste the word "ושותה", which is reasonble.

4) "משום שהם":	
	משום שהם לא	0.026067123591110814
	משום שהם היו	0.02217264547883657
	משום שהם אינם	0.017877169929700856
	משום שהם עצמם	0.011826513971615632
	משום שהם רואים	0.01056674438464625
	משום שהם רוצים	0.008415262020969214
	After "משום שהם" the system will suggeste the word "לא", which is reasonble.

5) "עיקר העבודה":	
	עיקר העבודה הוא	0.05864845329867535
	עיקר העבודה היא	0.049248730687020056
	עיקר העבודה של	0.030287011483569895
	עיקר העבודה היתה	0.02049814642197971
	עיקר העבודה היה	0.019214935849290175
	After "עיקר העבודה" the system will suggeste the word "הוא", and the second "היא" which can show us that people somtimes use wrong grammer.

6) "על האדם":	
	על האדם ועל	0.013175587740056924
	על האדם להיות	0.010330978974884872
	על האדם את	0.009283082609624408
	על האדם הוא	0.00927359258662976
	על האדם לעשות	0.008693873987644955
	After "על האדם" the system will suggeste the word "ועל", and this is reasonable.

7) "של קבוצת":
	של קבוצת אנשים	0.031600109951855596
	של קבוצת יהודים	0.01248233799546782
	של קבוצת חברים	0.01077775623334963
	של קבוצת צעירים	0.01055830762547374
	של קבוצת הרוב	0.008922180497332175
	After "של קבוצת" the system will suggeste the word "אנשים", and this is reasonable.

8) "בבית הכנסת":
	בבית הכנסת של	0.048233074110491395
	בבית הכנסת הגדול	0.042261477721499074
	בבית הכנסת על	0.00956522773378342
	בבית הכנסת או	0.008886403337348319
	בבית הכנסת לא	0.006402845016923922
	After "בבית הכנסת" the system will suggeste the word "של", and this is reasonable, because "של" is a common preposition.

9) "אם אינו":
	אם אינו יכול	0.050552091488355294
	אם אינו רוצה	0.03663985919163079
	אם אינו ענין	0.033800021105965986
	אם אינו יודע	0.03371406165092546
	אם אינו אלא	0.016501617648098377
	After "אם אינו" the system will suggeste the word "יכול", and this is reasonable.

10) "מערכת הבחירות":
	מערכת הבחירות של	0.07740343513934367
	מערכת הבחירות לכנסת	0.06594499795497866
	מערכת הבחירות לנשיאות	0.015252098956815585
	מערכת הבחירות לקונגרס	0.012716805824329425
	מערכת הבחירות שלו	0.01235414724711725
	After "מערכת הבחירות" the system will suggeste the word "של", which is a proposition, and the next suggested word is "לכנסת" which makes prefect sense.	

Output Location: s3://dsps-assignment2/second-output/final_output


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