For older versions, see apache/arrow/
4.0.1 (2021-05-16)
Implemented enhancements:
- Improve performance of bound checking option #280 [arrow]
- extend compute kernel arity to include nullary functions #276
- Add support for pretty-printing Decimal numbers #230 [arrow]
- CSV Reader String Dictionary Support #228 [arrow]
- Add Builder interface for adding Arrays to record batches #210 [arrow]
- Support auto-vectorization for min/max #209 [arrow]
- Support LargeUtf8 in sort kernel #25 [arrow]
Fixed bugs:
- Rust 1.52 Clippy error #266
- NaNs can break parquet statistics #255 [parquet]
- u64::MAX does not roundtrip through parquet #254 [parquet]
- Integration tests failing to compile (flatbuffer) #249 [arrow]
- Fix compatibility quirks between arrow and parquet structs #245 [parquet]
- Unable to write non-null Arrow structs to Parquet #244 [parquet]
- Dev PR / Process (pull_request) Failing on PRs #242
- schema: missing field
when deserialize #241 [arrow] - Arrow does not compile due to flatbuffers upgrade #238 [arrow]
- Sort with limit panics for the limit includes some but not all nulls, for large arrays #235 [arrow]
- Read list field correctly in <struct<list>> #167 [parquet]
Documentation updates:
- Comment out the instructions in the PR template #277
- Update links to datafusion and ballista in #19
- Update "repository" in Cargo.toml #12
- Improve docs for NullArray, new_null_array and new_empty_array #240 [arrow] (alamb)
Merged pull requests:
- Remove old release scripts #293 (alamb)
- manually bump development version #288 (nevi-me)
- Fix subtraction underflow when sorting string arrays with many nulls #285 (medwards)
- Speed up bound checking in
#281 (Dandandan) - Update PR template by commenting out instructions #278 (nevi-me)
- Added Decimal support to pretty-print display utility (#230) #273 (mgill25)
- Fix null struct and list roundtrip #270 (nevi-me)
- 1.52 clippy fixes #267 (nevi-me)
- Fix typo in csv/ #265 (domoritz)
- Fix empty Schema::metadata deserialization error #260 (hulunbier)
- update datafusion and ballista doc links #259 (Jimexist)
- support full u32 and u64 roundtrip through parquet #258 [parquet] (crepererum)
- fix NaN handling in parquet statistics #256 (crepererum)
- [MINOR] Added env to run rust in integration. #253 (jorgecarleitao)
- [Minor] Made integration tests always run. #248 (jorgecarleitao)
- fix parquet max_definition for non-null structs #246 (nevi-me)
- Disabled rebase needed until demonstrate working. #243 (jorgecarleitao)
- pin flatbuffers to 0.8.4 #239 (ritchie46)
- sort_primitive result is capped to the min of limit or values.len #236 (medwards)
- Read list field correctly #234 [parquet] (nevi-me)
- Fix code examples for RecordBatch::try_from_iter #231 (alamb)
- Support string dictionaries in csv reader (#228) #229 (tustvold)
- support LargeUtf8 in sort kernel #26 (ritchie46)
- Removed unused files #22 (jorgecarleitao)
- ARROW-12504: Buffer::from_slice_ref set correct capacity #18 [arrow] (tustvold)
- Add GitHub templates #17 (andygrove)
- ARROW-12493: Add support for writing dictionary arrays to CSV and JSON #16 [arrow] (tustvold)
- ARROW-12426: [Rust] Fix concatentation of arrow dictionaries #15 [arrow] (tustvold)
- Update repository and homepage urls #14 [arrow] [arrow-flight] [parquet] (Dandandan)
- Added rebase-needed bot #13 (jorgecarleitao)
- Added Integration tests against arrow #10 (jorgecarleitao)
- ARROW-12343: [Rust] Support auto-vectorization for min/max #9 [arrow] (Dandandan)
- ARROW-12411: [Rust] Create RecordBatches from Iterators #7 [arrow] (alamb)
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