1.0 beta1
This is the package of scripts to create pgpool-II's installer.
[NOTICE] You should get RPM packages of pgpool-II and pgpoolAdmin by yourself.
- Install pgpool-II and pgpoolAdmin into both of servers for pgpool-II and backend nodes for PostgreSQL by RPM.
- Generate config files for pgpool-II, pgpoolAdmin and PostgreSQL.
- master-slave mode with streaming replication / pgpool's native replication
- watchdog
- load balance
- health check
- on memory query cache
- etc...
- Generate the scripts for fail over and online recovery.
- Setup SSH connections without inputting passwords.
$ git clone https://github.com/sraoss/pgpool-II-installer
$ cd pgpool-II-installer
$ wget http://www.pgpool.net/download.php?f=pgpool-II-pg{pg_version}-{version}.pgdg.x86_64.rpm
$ wget http://www.pgpool.net/download.php?f=pgpoolAdmin-{version}.pgdg.noarch.rpm
These RPM packages can be downloaded from here.
Edit lib/param.sh.
$ edit lib/param.sh
parameter's name | example | category | description |
PG_MAJOR_VERSION | 9.3 | PostgreSQL | major version |
MAJOR_VERSION | 3.3 | pgpool-II | major version |
P_VERSION | 3.3.3 | pgpool-II | full version |
P_RELEASE | 1 | pgpool-II | release number of RPM package |
A_VERSION | 3.3.1 | pgpoolAdmin | full version |
A_RELEASE | 1 | pgpoolAdmin | release number of package |
$ su -
# whoami
# cd /path/to/installer
# ./install.sh
After answering some questions, installation and setup will start.
If you create the config file called "installer.conf" before you execute install.sh, install.sh uses the parameters in the file as the default value of questions by the script.
$ cp installer.conf.sample installer.conf
$ edit installer.conf
# whoami
# cd /path/to/installer
# ./install.sh
parameter's name | example | category | description |
DEF_PGPOOL_WATCHDOG | yes | pgpool-II | use watchdog |
DEF_PGPOOL_HOST_ARR[0] | pool-alice | pgpool-II | hostname of 1st pgpool server |
DEF_PGPOOL_HOST_ARR[1] | pool-bob | pgpool-II | hostname of 2nd pgpool server (only when using watchdog) |
DEF_REPLICATION_MODE | stream | pgpool-II | pgpool's replication mode |
DEF_PGPOOL_WATCHDOG | yes | pgpool-II | use watchdog or not |
DEF_delegate_IP | '' | pgpool-II | virtual IP address (only when using watchdog) |
DEF_BACKEND_HOST_ARR[n] | db-alice | PostgreSQL | hostname of nth PostgrteSQL server |
DEF_BACKEND_PORT_ARR[n] | 5432 | PostgreSQL | port number of nth PostgreSQL server |
DEF_PGDATA_ARR[n] | /var/lib/pgsql/alice-data | PostgreSQL | data directory of nth PostgreSQL server |
DEF_ARCHIVE_DIR_ARR[n] | /var/lib/pgsql/alice-arc | PostgreSQL | archive directory of nth PostgreSQL server |
NETMASK | | PostgreSQL | netmask |
DEF_PG_ADMIN_USER | admin | pgpoolAdmin | user for pgpoolAdmin |
DEF_PG_ADMIN_USER_PASSWORD | pgpool | pgpoolAdmin | password for pgpoolAdmin's user |