stm32 based board, designed to receive, process and transmit further data from JL_2000 joystick. Board will be used in electric bolid, adjusted for disabled people.
Application is desired to aquire data from wheelchair joystic an transmit it further via CAN. Application written In C using HAL library. Working enviroment is Atolic TrueStudio for STM32 v.9.3.0 download links:
Additionally, if you want to see live variables, downlad stmstudio.
- .metadata - eclpise files
- .settings - eclipse files
- Core - files created by MXCube
- Adc - logic level adc data handling
- Debug - debug data, .elf files are stored here.
- Drivers - CMSIS and board specific HAL drivers
- Startup - stm32 boot file
- Test - unit tests made in ceedling framework
- User_interface.* - main program source and header file
- .project - keeps eclipse workspace data
- STM32F103RC_FLASH.ld - stm32 linker script
- User_interface.ioc - MXCube project