Automated YouTube Channel for Valorant Clips
This will create folders to store the data, and it will use chromedriver.exe to have automated control of the webpages
Libraries (Braullio):
pip install selenium
pip install requests
pip install pillow
pip install moviepy
Libraries (Zaid):
pip install --upgrade google-api-python-client
pip install --upgrade google-auth-oauthlib google-auth-httplib2
pip install argparse
pip install python-http-client
pip3 install --upgrade oauth2client
pip install opencv-python
pip install google-auth-oauthlib
Install FFmpeg and follow
The code will display which function is currently being ran in order:
- Reset Folders
- Scrape Clip information
- Download Clips
- Create channel mention
- Add Mention to Clips
- Create timestamps
- Generate a title
- Generate a thumbnail
- Merge clips together
- Upload to YouTube
- Repeat
This was launched 8/8/20 as version 1.0. We had a few errors with repetition and resolution and version 1.1 is the current one that went live on 8/9/20
- Python V3.8.5 - The language used to code it
- Windows Server 2019 - Server ran from the saftey of our home
Currently on version 1.1