is a tool that retrieves and displays AWS EC2 spot instance prices and interruption data by instance type.
go install
spot-instance-advisor | sort -n -k 2,2 -r
another options:
spot-instance-advisor -help
Usage of ./bin/spot-instance-advisor:
-max-memory int
Memory in GB (default 32)
-max-vcpus int
Number of CPUs (default 4)
-min-memory int
Memory in GB (default 16)
-min-vcpus int
Number of CPUs (default 4)
-region string
AWS region (default "us-west-2")
Ensure the following pre-conditions are met before running the tool:
- You can use aws-cli
- You have the necessary permission about EC2
- The following command must succeed:
aws ec2 describe-instance-types
To set up the development environment, run the following commands:
make devel-deps
make run