react-router-dom @types/react-router-dom
/login: /admin: layout
/admin/* feature: /admin/dashboard feature: /admin/students
auth / authentication
- login
- sign up / register
- forget password
- Call API to login
- Success --> redirect ADMIN
- FAILED --> show ERROR
- if logged in, watch LOGOUT
- else watch LOGIN
- call login API to get token + user info
- set token to local storage
- redirect to admin page
- clear token from local storage
- redirect to login page
authSlice authSaga
- Watch redux store and make redirect on component
const function App() {
const loginSuccess = useAppSelector(state => state.auth.loginSuccess)
useEffect(() => {
if (loginSuccess) {
// redirect to admin page
}, [loginSuccess])
// ...
--> Flow is fragmented, hard to control when you have more and more state.
- Using callbacks
- This approach using non-serializable (callback) in action and dispatch to redux store which is NOT RECOMMENDED BY Redux Toolkit.
const function App() {
const dispatch = useAppDispatch();
const handleLoginSubmit = (values) => {
onSuccess: () => history.push('/admin'),
onError: () => console.log('Notify error to user'),
// ...
- Using connected-react-router
- Sync routings to redux.
- Navigate by dispatching an action to redux store.
- One thing to make sure, when route changes, it doesn't cause re-render our components.
--> We'll go with this solution for now.
Lib: connected-react-router + custom history
RTK + Thunk: provide a way to await an async action right on component --> Handle loading/error on component easily
RTK + Saga: doesn't have a way to do so --> what to do?
imho, my suggestions:
- LOADING: can based on redux store
- ERROR: eliminate the usage as much as you can.
- Trigger error toast from saga.
- Consider to call API directly on component instead of going through saga.
- /admin/students: listing
- /admin/students/add: add new student
- /admin/students/:studentId: update a student
- Search by name
- Filter by city
- Sort by name, mark
- Pagination
student slice state:
- loading
- list
- pagination
- filter { page: 1, limit: 10, ... }
- React Hook Form v7
- Yup
- /admin/students/add: add new student
- /admin/students/:studentId: update a student
Student Form
- Mode: Add/Edit
- Initial values
- Values
- name: Text Input
- age: Number Input
- gender: Radio options
- city: Select
- mark: Number Input
- Validations: all required
- name: at least two words
- age: >= 18
- gender: male / female
- city: required
- mark: 0 -> 10
- Submission: redirect to student list page after submitting successfully