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KiteConnect .Net Client Library 3.0.0 beta 2

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@ajinasokan ajinasokan released this 21 Feb 10:09
· 2 commits to kite3 since this release

This is the second beta of .Net client library that uses KiteConnect v3 APIs.
Documentation for the new APIs is available here.

To get started check read me.

If you find any problem report in GitHub issues.
For discussion checkout KiteConnect Developer Forum and .Net client section.

Updates in Beta 2

  • Fixed a bug in parsing quote API for indices
  • Fixed a bug in receiving ticker packets that resulted in partial tick data while subscribing to many instruments at once.
  • Added new trigger range API that supports bulk fetch.
TrigerRange triggerRange = kite.GetTriggerRange(
                Exchange: Constants.EXCHANGE_NSE,
                TradingSymbol: "INFY",
                TrasactionType: Constants.TRANSACTION_TYPE_BUY

Changes to:

Dictionary <string, TrigerRange> triggerRange = kite.GetTriggerRange(
                InstrumentId: new string[] { "NSE:ASHOKLEY", "NSE:INFY" },
                TrasactionType: Constants.TRANSACTION_TYPE_BUY
  • Changes in TriggerRange structure
Beta 1 Beta 2
_ InstrumentToken
Start Lower
End Upper
Percent Percentage

Migrating from Kite Connect v2 to v3

Changes in Kite

  • All timestamps in string are now DateTime objects

New APIs added:

  • GetQuote
  • GetOHLC
  • GetLTP
  • GetHistoricalData with timestamps
  • GetProfile
  • InvalidateRefreshToken
  • RenewAccessToken

Changes in Ticker

  • Use Access Token to authenticate instead of Public Token. User id is not required.
Ticker ticker = new Ticker(MyAPIKey, MyUserId, MyPublicToken);


Ticker ticker = new Ticker(MyAPIKey, MyAccessToken);
  • Ticker now streams order updates
  • New fields in Ticks
  • Changed type of instrument token to UInt32

Changes in function names:

Verion 2 Version 3
RequestAccessToken GenerateSession
SetSessionHook SetSessionExpiryHook
InvalidateToken InvalidateAccessToken
Margins GetMargins
GetOrder GetOrderHistory
GetTrades GetOrderTrades
ModifyProduct ConvertPosition
GetHistorical GetHistoricalData
GetMFOrder GetMFOrders

Changes in User structure

Verion 2 Version 3
_ APIKey
_ AvatarURL
PasswordReset _
MemberId _
OrderType OrderTypes
Exchange Exchanges
Product Products

Changes in Position structure

Verion 2 Version 3
_ DayBuyQuantity
_ DayBuyPrice
_ DaySellQuantity
_ DaySellPrice
NetBuyAmountM2M _
NetSellAmountM2M _

Changes in Quote structure

Verion 2 Version 3
_ InstrumentToken
_ Timestamp
_ AveragePrice
_ OIDayHigh
_ OIDayLow
ChangePercent _
LastTime LastTradeTime
OpenInterest OI

Changes in Tick structure

Verion 2 Version 3
_ LastTradeTime
_ OI
_ OIDayHigh
_ OIDayLow
_ Timestamp

Changes in Trade structure

Verion 2 Version 3
OrderTimestamp -
- FillTimestamp