This repository contains Python3 code for implementing the regression adjustment (RA), inverse probability weighting (IPW), and doubly robust (DR) estimators of dose-response curve and its derivative with and without the positivity condition.
- Paper Reference: Y. Zhang and Y.-C. Chen. Doubly Robust Inference on Causal Derivative Effects for Continuous Treatments. (2025+).
- We also provide a Python package npDoseResponse for implementing all the estimators in the paper; see the package documentation:
- Python >= 3.10 (earlier version might be applicable).
- NumPy, scikit-learn, PyTorch (for neural network models and auto-differentiation), SciPy (for some statistical functions), and Matplotlib (for plotting).
- Optional if only use the main functions: pandas and pickle.
Some high-level descriptions of our Python scripts are as follows:
- (Key file): This file contains the implementations of the RA, IPW, and DR estimators of the derivative of a dose-response curve with and without the positivity condition.
- (Key file): This file contains the implementations of the RA, IPW, and DR estimators of the dose-response curve under the positivity condition.
- (Key auxiliary file): This file contains the implementations of common kernel functions.
- (Key auxiliary file): This file contains the utility functions for the main functions for implementing our proposed methods.
- Case Study -- Job Corps program (Final).ipynb: This Jupyter Notebook contains detailed code for applying our proposed DR estimators to the Job Corps data, replicating the finite-difference method proposed by Colangelo and Lee (2020), and creating the comparative plot. (Reproducing Figure 4 in the arxiv version of our paper.)
- This file contains the code of applying our proposed DR estimators to the Job Corps data (for parallel slurm jobs).
- Plotting for Simulation 1 Without Positivity (L=1 or L=5).ipynb: These two Jupyter Notebooks contain the code for plotting the simulation results when the data model violates the positivity condition. (Reproducing Figures 5 and 6 in the arxiv version of our paper.)
- Plotting for Simulation 2 (L=1 or L=5).ipynb: These two Jupyter Notebooks contain the code for plotting the simulation results when the data model satisfies the positivity condition. (Reproducing Figures 2 and 3 in the arxiv version of our paper.)
- and These two files contain the code for applying our (bias-corrected) IPW and DR estimators when the data model violates the positivity condition (for parallel slurm jobs).
- and These two files contain the code for applying our proposed estimators and replicating the finite-difference method proposed by Colangelo and Lee (2020) under the data model that satisfies the positivity condition (for parallel slurm jobs).
-,, and These files are used to synthesize the outputs from the parallel slurm jobs.
The dose-response curve is defined as , where
is the potential outcome that would have been observed under treatment level
. Accordingly, the derivative function of the dose-response curve is defined as
Under some regularity conditions and the positivity condition (see Section 2 of our paper), the dose-response curve and its derivative can be identified as and
, where
is the conditional mean outcome (or regression) function of the outcome variable
given the treatment
and the covariate vector
For nonparametric estimation of the dose-response curve with observed data
, there are three major strategies:
- Regression Adjustment (RA) Estimator:
where is a (consistent) estimator of the conditional mean outcome function
- Inverse Probability Weighting (IPW) Estimator:
where is a smoothing bandwidth parameter and
is a (consistent) estimator of the conditional density
- Doubly Robust (DR) Estimator:
where and
are (consistent) estimators of
, respectively. The DR estimator is not only robust to the misspecifications of the conditional mean outcome and conditional density models but also asymptotically normal as
where is the bias term that shrinks quadratically to 0 with respect to
is the asymptotic variance term that can be estimated by
More details can be found in Section 2.1 and Section D of our paper.
For nonparametric estimation of the derivative function , we also consider three similar strategies:
- Regression Adjustment (RA) Estimator:
where is a (consistent) estimator of
- Inverse Probability Weighting (IPW) Estimator:
where is a kernel function with
is a smoothing bandwidth parameter and
is a (consistent) estimator of the conditional density
- Doubly Robust (DR) Estimator:
where and
are (consistent) estimators of
, respectively. Again, our proposed DR estimator of
is not only robust to the misspecifications of the conditional mean outcome and conditional density models but also asymptotically normal as
where is the bias term that shrinks quadratically to 0 with respect to
is the asymptotic variance term that can be estimated by
More details can be found in Section 3 of our paper.
Both the dose-response curve and its derivative
are unidentifiable in general when the positivity condition is violated; see Section 4.1 in our paper. To identify and estimate them, we assume an additive structure on the potential outcome
so that
These formulas lead to the RA estimator of as:
The above IPW and DR estimators will give rise to inconsistent estimates of without the positivity even when the additive model holds true. We proposed our bias-corrected IPW and DR estimators of
where , and
are (consistent) estimators of
, the joint density
, and the interior conditional density
respectively. We also prove that this bias-corrected DR estimator is not only robust to the misspecifications of the conditional mean outcome and conditional density models but also asymptotically normal as
More details can be found in Section 5 of our paper.
import numpy as np
import scipy.stats
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from npDoseResponseDR import DRCurve
from npDoseResponseDerivDR import DRDerivCurve, NeurNet
from sklearn.neural_network import MLPRegressor
rho = 0.5 # correlation between adjacent Xs
d = 20 # Dimension of the confounding variables
n = 2000
Sigma = np.zeros((d,d)) + np.eye(d)
for i in range(d):
for j in range(i+1, d):
if (j < i+2) or (j > i+d-2):
Sigma[i,j] = rho
Sigma[j,i] = rho
sig = 1
# Data generating process
X_sim = np.random.multivariate_normal(mean=np.zeros(d), cov=Sigma, size=n)
nu = np.random.randn(n)
eps = np.random.randn(n)
theta = 1/(np.linspace(1, d, d)**2)
T_sim = scipy.stats.norm.cdf(3*, theta)) + 3*nu/4 - 1/2
Y_sim = 1.2*T_sim + T_sim**2 + T_sim*X_sim[:,0] + 1.2*, theta) + eps*np.sqrt(0.5+ scipy.stats.norm.cdf(X_sim[:,0]))
X_dat = np.column_stack([T_sim, X_sim])
t_qry = np.linspace(-2, 2, 41)
# Choice of the bandwidth parameter
h = 4*np.std(T_sim)*n**(-1/5)
# RA estimator of m(t)
reg_mod = MLPRegressor(hidden_layer_sizes=(10,), activation='relu', learning_rate='adaptive',
learning_rate_init=0.1, random_state=1, max_iter=200)
m_est_ra5 = DRCurve(Y=Y_sim, X=X_dat, t_eval=t_qry, est="RA", mu=reg_mod,
L=5, h=None, kern="epanechnikov", print_bw=False)
# IPW estimator of m(t)
regr_nn2 = MLPRegressor(hidden_layer_sizes=(20,), activation='relu', learning_rate='adaptive',
learning_rate_init=0.1, random_state=1, max_iter=200)
m_est_ipw5 = DRCurve(Y=Y_sim, X=X_dat, t_eval=t_qry, est="IPW", mu=None,
condTS_type='kde', condTS_mod=regr_nn2, tau=0.001, L=5, h=h,
kern="epanechnikov", h_cond=None, self_norm=True, print_bw=True)
# DR estimator of m(t)
m_est_dr5, sd_est_dr5 = DRCurve(Y=Y_sim, X=X_dat, t_eval=t_qry, est="DR", mu=reg_mod,
condTS_type='kde', condTS_mod=regr_nn2, tau=0.001, L=5,
h=h, kern="epanechnikov", h_cond=None, self_norm=True, print_bw=True)
# RA estimator of \theta(t)
theta_ra5 = DRDerivCurve(Y=Y_sim, X=X_dat, t_eval=t_qry, est="RA", beta_mod=NeurNet,
n_iter=1000, lr=0.01, L=5, print_bw=False)
# IPW estimator of \theta(t)
theta_ipw5 = DRDerivCurve(Y=Y_sim, X=X_dat, t_eval=t_qry, est="IPW", beta_mod=None,
condTS_type='kde', condTS_mod=regr_nn2, tau=0.001, L=5,
h=h, kern="epanechnikov", h_cond=None, self_norm=True, print_bw=True)
# DR estimator of \theta(t)
theta_dr5, theta_sd5 = DRDerivCurve(Y=Y_sim, X=X_dat, t_eval=t_qry, est="DR", beta_mod=NeurNet,
n_iter=1000, lr=0.01, condTS_type='kde', condTS_mod=regr_nn2, tau=0.001,
L=5, h=h, kern="epanechnikov", h_cond=None, self_norm=True, print_bw=True)
## Visualization of the estimators
plt.rcParams.update({'font.size': 16})
plt.subplot(1, 2, 1)
plt.plot(t_qry, 1.2*t_qry + t_qry**2, linewidth=4, color='red', label=r'True $m(t)$')
plt.plot(t_qry, m_est_ra5, linewidth=2, color='darkorange', label=r'$\widehat{m}_{\mathrm{RA}}(t)$')
plt.plot(t_qry, m_est_ipw5, linewidth=2, alpha=0.8, color='darkgreen', label=r'$\widehat{m}_{\mathrm{IPW}}(t)$')
plt.plot(t_qry, m_est_dr5, linewidth=2, alpha=0.8, color='blue', label=r'$\widehat{m}_{\mathrm{DR}}(t)$')
plt.fill_between(t_qry, m_est_dr5 - sd_est_dr5*scipy.stats.norm.ppf(0.975),
m_est_dr5 + sd_est_dr5*scipy.stats.norm.ppf(0.975),
color='blue', alpha=.3, label='95% pointwise CIs')
plt.xlabel('Treatment value t')
plt.ylabel(r'Dose-response curve $m(t)$ or $\widehat{m}(t)$')
plt.subplot(1, 2, 2)
plt.plot(t_qry, 1.2 + 2*t_qry, linewidth=4, color='red', label=r'True $\theta(t)$')
plt.plot(t_qry, theta_ra5, linewidth=2, color='darkorange', label=r'$\widehat{\theta}_{\mathrm{RA}}(t)$')
plt.plot(t_qry, theta_ipw5, linewidth=2, alpha=0.8, color='darkgreen', label=r'$\widehat{\theta}_{\mathrm{IPW}}(t)$')
plt.plot(t_qry, theta_dr5, linewidth=2, alpha=0.8, color='blue', label=r'$\widehat{\theta}_{\mathrm{DR}}(t)$')
plt.fill_between(t_qry, theta_dr5 - theta_sd5*scipy.stats.norm.ppf(0.975),
theta_dr5 + theta_sd5*scipy.stats.norm.ppf(0.975),
color='blue', alpha=.3, label='95% pointwise CIs')
plt.xlabel('Treatment value t')
plt.ylabel(r'Derivative curve $\theta(t)$ or $\widehat{\theta}(t)$')
Fig 1. Illustrative plots of RA, IPW, and DR estimators of a dose-response curve and its derivative under positivity.
import numpy as np
import scipy.stats
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from npDoseResponseDerivDR import NeurNet, RADRDerivBC, IPWDRDerivBC, DRDRDerivBC
n = 2000
# Data generating process
X_sim = 2*np.random.rand(n) - 1
T_sim = np.sin(np.pi*X_sim) + np.random.rand(n)*0.6 - 0.3
Y_sim = T_sim**2 + T_sim**3 + 10*X_sim + np.random.normal(loc=0, scale=1, size=n)
X_dat = np.concatenate([T_sim.reshape(-1,1), X_sim.reshape(-1,1)], axis=1)
# Query points
t_qry = np.linspace(-0.8, 0.8, 41)
# Choice of the bandwidth parameter
h = 2*np.std(T_sim)*n**(-1/5)
# Bias-corrected RA estimator of \theta(t)
theta_C_RA5 = RADRDerivBC(Y=Y_sim, X=X_dat, t_eval=t_qry, mu=NeurNet, L=5,
n_iter=1000, lr=0.01, h_bar=None, kernT_bar="gaussian")
# Bias-corrected IPW estimator of \theta(t)
theta_C_IPW5, condTS5 = IPWDRDerivBC(Y=Y_sim, X=X_dat, t_eval=t_qry, L=5, h=h, kern='epanechnikov',
b=None, self_norm=True, thres_val=0.85)
# Bias-corrected DR estimator of \theta(t)
theta_C_DR5, theta_C_sd5 = DRDRDerivBC(Y=Y_sim, X=X_dat, t_eval=t_qry, mu=NeurNet, L=5, h=h, kern='epanechnikov',
n_iter=1000, lr=0.01, b=None, thres_val=0.85, self_norm=False)
plt.rcParams.update({'font.size': 16})
plt.plot(t_qry, 2*t_qry + 3*(t_qry**2), linewidth=4, color='red', label=r'True $\theta(t)$')
plt.plot(t_qry, theta_C_RA5, linewidth=2, alpha=0.8, color='darkorange', label=r'$\widehat{\theta}_{\mathrm{C,RA}}(t)$')
plt.plot(t_qry, theta_C_IPW5, linewidth=2, alpha=0.8, color='darkgreen', label=r'$\widehat{\theta}_{\mathrm{C,IPW}}(t)$')
plt.plot(t_qry, theta_C_DR5, linewidth=2, alpha=0.8, color='blue', label=r'$\widehat{\theta}_{\mathrm{C,DR}}(t)$')
plt.fill_between(t_qry, theta_C_DR5 - theta_C_sd5*scipy.stats.norm.ppf(0.975),
theta_C_DR5 + theta_C_sd5*scipy.stats.norm.ppf(0.975),
color='blue', alpha=.3, label='95% pointwise CIs')
plt.xlabel('Treatment value t')
plt.ylabel(r'Derivative curve $\theta(t)$ or $\widehat{\theta}_C(t)$')
Fig 2. Illustrative plot of bias-corrected RA, IPW, and DR estimators of the derivative of a dose-response curve without positivity.
- K. Colangelo and Y.-Y. Lee (2020). Double debiased machine learning nonparametric inference with continuous treatments. arXiv preprint arXiv:2004.03036.