This repository contains a number of Roslyn diagnostic analyzers initially developed to help flesh out the design and implementation of the static analysis APIs.
Currently there are only a few projects here. Over time the collection will grow as more are migrated from the dotnet/roslyn repository.
Debug | Release |
Created by summer 2014 interns Chardai Page, Kendra Havens, and Vivian Morgowicz
The AsyncPackage analyzer enforces good practices when writing code that makes use of C#'s async
and await
language features.
Created by summer 2015 interns Zoë Petard, Jessica Petty, and Daniel King
The MetaCompilation Analyzer is an analyzer that functions as a tutorial to teach users how to write an analyzer. It uses diagnostics and code fixes to guide the user through the various steps required to create a simple analyzer. It is designed for a novice analyzer programmer with some previous programming experience.
General language rules implemented as analyzers using the .NET Compiler Platform ("Roslyn").
Provides guidelines for using .NET Compiler Platform ("Roslyn") APIs.
- Clone the repository
- Install NuGet packages:
powershell -executionpolicy bypass src\.nuget\NuGetRestore.ps1
- Build:
msbuild src\Analyzers.sln
Prior to submitting a pull request, ensure the build and all tests pass using BuildAndTest.proj:
msbuild BuildAndTest.proj