A square-1 image generator.
Where [shape] is formed from c (corner) and e (edge) characters. The default image size is 200px, but can be set via the size query parameter.
The default color is dark grey, but everything (including side stickers) can be set via the colors query parameter.
Color codes:
d: darkgrey
w: white
y: yellow
o: orange
r: red
g: green
b: blue
If colors.length <= shape.lengt
only the pieces will be colored, else you need to provide 3 colors for corners (color, left side, right side) and 2 colors for edges (color, side).
You can use any non-alphanumeric character as a separator between the color blocks.
default colors, default size /eeccccc
size set to 250 /eeeecceeee?size=250
colored pieces /eccecece?colors=wwyyyyyy
colored pieces with side stickers /ceceecec?colors=yrb_yb_ybo_yo_wr_wr_g_wg_wgo
parity /cececece?colors=yrb_yb_ybo_yo_yog_yr_ygr_yg