F-IKOS is a runtime error analyzer for Fortran programs based on abstract interpretation. Its frontend parser is sourced from Flang. Flang is a compiler for Fortran programs that can convert .f
, .f90
, .f95
, and .f03
files into .bc
or .ll
files. The backend analyzer is based on IKOS, which can analyze .c
, .cpp
, or .bc
files to check for runtime errors. However, IKOS cannot check numerical properties for floating-point programs, and since floating-point types are very common in Fortran programs, we extended IKOS. The extended IKOS supports runtime error checking for programs containing both integer and floating-point types. Notably, the extended IKOS supports sound analysis of floating points, considering rounding errors in the program, ensuring that the analysis results are sound. This repository contains the extended IKOS, and to analyze Fortran programs, we also need its frontend, Flang. The installation and usage instructions are provided below.
We use the legacy branch from flang-compiler/flang because it and IKOS both support the LLVM-14 environment. Detailed installation instructions for Flang can be found here: How to build Flang.
If you only need to use the extended IKOS to analyze programs, you do not need to install the Fortran frontend, so you can skip this step.
To build and run the analyzer, you will need the following dependencies:
- A C++ compiler that supports C++14 (gcc >= 4.9.2 or clang >= 3.4)
- CMake >= 3.4.3
- GMP >= 4.3.1
- Boost >= 1.55
- Python >= 3.3
- SQLite >= 3.6.20
- TBB >= 2
- LLVM and Clang 14.0.x
- APRON >= 0.9.10
Most of them can be installed using your package manager.
Note: If you build LLVM from source, you need to enable run-time type information (RTTI).
Now that you have all the dependencies on your system, you can build and install IKOS.
As you open the IKOS distribution, you shall see the following directory structure:
├── CMakeLists.txt
├── LICENSE.pdf
├── README.md
├── analyzer
├── ar
├── cmake
├── core
├── doc
├── frontend
├── script
└── test
IKOS uses the CMake build system. You will need to specify an installation directory that will contain all the binaries, libraries, and headers after installation. If you do not specify this directory, CMake will install everything under install
in the root directory of the distribution. In the following steps, we will install IKOS under /path/to/ikos-install-directory
Here are the steps to build and install IKOS:
$ mkdir build
$ cd build
$ cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/path/to/ikos-install-directory ..
$ make
$ make install
Then, add IKOS to your PATH (consider adding this to your .bashrc):
$ PATH="/path/to/ikos-install-directory/bin:$PATH"
To build and run the tests, simply type:
$ make check
Suppose we want to analyze the following Fortran program in a file called cap.f90:
real function cap(x)
implicit none
real, intent(in) :: x
real :: y
y = x
! Cap the value of y based on certain conditions
if (10.0 > y) then
y = 10.0
else if (15.0 < y) then
y = 20.0
y = y / (y - x)
end if
cap = y
end function cap
program main
implicit none
real,external :: cap
real :: x
x = 13.3
! Cap the value of x by calling the cap function
a = cap(x)
end program main
To analyze this program with F-IKOS, simply run:
flang -emit-llvm -S -c cap.f90 -o cap.ll
ikos cap.ll --entry-point=MAIN_ -a='*,-sound,-upa' -d=apron-polka-polyhedra
You shall see the following output. F-IKOS reports an occurrence of divide-by-zero at line 12.
$ flang -emit-llvm -S -c cap.f90 -o cap.ll
$ ikos cap.ll --entry-point=MAIN_ -a='*,-sound,-upa' -d=apron-polka-polyhedra
[*] Running ikos preprocessor
[*] Running ikos analyzer
[*] Translating LLVM bitcode to AR
[*] Running liveness analysis
[*] Running widening hint analysis
[*] Running interprocedural value analysis
[*] Analyzing entry point 'MAIN_'
[*] Checking properties for entry point 'MAIN_'
# Time stats:
ikos-analyzer: 0.013 sec
ikos-pp : 0.011 sec
# Summary:
Total number of checks : 18
Total number of unreachable checks : 0
Total number of safe checks : 17
Total number of definite unsafe checks: 1
Total number of warnings : 0
The program is definitely UNSAFE
# Results
cap.f90: In function 'cap_':
cap.f90:12:1: error: division by zero
y = y / (y - x)
For more details on the use of IKOS, please refer to IKOS GitHub Repository.