awesome-domstorage provides an abstraction for two web storages built in modern web browsers: LocalStorage and SessionStorage
LocalStorageService (SessionStorageService) provides an abstraction for Web storage (Dom storage) of a web browser. The difference between the two storage services is the web storage (built-in) handled.
Knowing that Web Storage is of only a single layer structure, this service helps nested structuring of key-value pairs by filling dashes in-between.
e.g. You might want to have a structure like the following,
{'key1': {
'foo': 'false',
'bar': 'true'
'messenger': {
In this case, 'foo' of 'key1' becomes 'key1-foo' with value 'false'.
Note that Web Storage can only have STRING value NOT BOOLEAN. However, 'false' (string) becomes false (boolean) by calling stringToBoolean(). 'null'(string) becomes null (null) as well.
setPrefix() to set prefix for each key in order to avoid potential conflicts. e.g. Using the aforementioned example, 'key1-foo' is prefixed with 'myApp' 'myApp-key1-foo' = false ...
In case where the Web Storage cannot be used, this service generates its own temporary storage object to store the configuration. Temporary storage expires every time the web page is refreshed, though.
setWithExpiration() and getWithExpiration() provides expiration time.
setWithExpiration('key', 'value', 30 /* seconds */, null /* valueAfterExpiration */)
getWithExpiration('key') // is 'value' before 30 seconds
getWithExpiration('key') // is null after 30 seconds
npm install awesome-domstorage
import { LocalStorage, SessionStorage} from 'awesome-domstorage'
const NAME = 'your-app'
LocalStorage.init({foo: 'bar'}, NAME)
LocalStorage.set(['container', 'star'], 'shining')
var starIs = LocalStorage.get(['container', 'star'])