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Marie-Elise Lecoq edited this page Jun 6, 2017 · 9 revisions


This page will cover the process of management of data resource :

  • How to update data resource
  • Provider codes
  • Entering metadata
  • Creating the mapping
  • Ingest of resources

How to update data resource

See the First data resource and Other ways to add data resource pages.

Provider codes

Help to map the dataResource to the institution and/or the collection

SOLUTION 1 (Solution use on GBIF France portal) :

Download the DwC-A in local

Open the resource file using Excel

Add filters to the file

Go to institutionCode and collectionCode

Click on the column name for knowing the different codes used by this dataset

IMPORTANT : works with resources having a number of occurrences lower than the maximum number of lines in Excel (around 1 million)


You can also run the indexation, there is an info line with this information :

INFO : [DataLoader] - The current institution codes for the data resource

INFO : [DataLoader] - The current collection codes for the data resource

Enter those codes to your platform

Entering metadata

Fill in the metadata for the newly created dataresource.

If the dataResource is a link to a collection :

  • if it doesn’t exist : create the collection page.
  • if it does exist : add the collection to the record consumer of this dataResource

Link the dataResource to an institution :

  • if it doesn’t exist : create the institution page by filling in the metadata.
  • if it exists : add the institution to the record consumer of this dataResource.

Don’t forget to go back to the dataResource page to fill in the record consumers if the collection or/and institution doesn’t exist.

Creating the mapping

If the specific providerCodes do not exist, enter them using “Manage provider code” page :


Create the provider map between the data resource, the institution and/or the collection in the following page :


Ingest of resources


In case of a small dataresource ( < 50 000 records)

1 Connect to the server where your biocache tool is hosted

2 Connect to biocache

$ sudo biocache

3 Run the following command line:

$ ingest –dr <dataresource_id>

You can also run directly on the terminal

$ sudo biocache ingest -dr <dataresource_id>

Important : you will not have logs if you don’t specify the out file.

In case of a big dataresource ( > 50 000 records and < 8 millions)

1 Connect to the server where your biocache tool is hosted

2 Connect to biocache :

$ sudo biocache

3 Run the following command lines:

$ load <dataResource_id>
$ process -dr <dataResource_id>
$ sample -dr <dataResource_id> 
$ index -dr <dataResource_id>

You can also run directly on the terminal, the command lines above with

$ sudo biocache 

In case of a really big dataresource ( DwC-A size > 1 Go)

1 Upload a modified DwC-Archive with 15 occurrences in order to create the dataset into the system.

2 Copy the real DwC-Archive instead of the modified one on the /collectory/upload/ folder

3 Then run the load, process and index commands :

$ load <dataResource_id>
$ process -dr <dataResource_id>
$ sample -dr <dataResource_id> 
$ index -dr <dataResource_id>

We need to do step 1 because the ZipFile library used by the biocache-store can’t open a file bigger than 1 GO

You need to have a server with at least the size of your DwC-Archive in RAM.

All of your resources

You can run one command line (as sudo user):

$ nohup biocache ingest -all > /tmp/load.log &

You can run three different command lines directly on the terminal (as sudo user):

$ biocache bulk-processor load -t 7 > data/output_load.log
$ biocache bulk-processor process -t 6 > data/output_process.log
$ biocache bulk-processor index -ps 1000 -t 8 > /data/output_index.log

With the -t option, you will give the number of CPU you want to use for the processus.

With the -ps option, you will give the number of occurrences per pages on SOLR.

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