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NBN Atlas Scotland production environment

Sophia edited this page Jun 29, 2018 · 9 revisions

The NBN Atlas Scotland can be found here: It is a hub of the NBN Atlas and was the first installation of the family of NBN Atlases, launched in 2016.

NBN Atlas Scotland development

The NBN Trust employs one full-time developer to manage, support and develop the NBN Atlas and country hubs.

NBN Atlas Scotland architecture

The NBN Atlas Scotland uses the following hub-specific user-facing ALA components:

  • bie
  • biocache-hubs
  • regions
  • spatial-portal

(Not so) current production environment diagram:

The NBN Atlas Scotland hub-specific front-end components are hosted on EC2 t2.micro instances, except for the spatial portal which is a t2.medium instance.

Overview of content and users

The NBN Atlas Scotland holds:

  • xx million species records
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