This repository holds rosinstall files for conveniently installing the BRML data acquisition (baxter_daq.rosinstall) and Human-Baxter collaboration (baxter_pnp.rosinstall) frameworks for the Baxter research robot. These files can be used with wstool to install the mentioned frameworks.
- baxter_data_acquisition: the core package of the data acquisition framework. Implements experiments and data recording.
- baxter_pick_and_place: the core package of the pick-and-place framework. Implements a pick-and-place demonstration.
- depth_sensors: depth sensor models for Gazebo.
- baxter_tools: tools required for controlling Baxter.
- baxter_interface: customized version of the Baxter SDK.
- baxter_common: customized version of the Baxter description.
- baxter_simulator: the Baxter simulated in Gazebo.
- baxter_pykdl: kinematics and dynamics of the Baxter research robot
- iai_kinect2: connecting the Kinect v2 to ROS