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2D Delaunay triangulations and Voronoi diagram

The example program computes a 2D Delaunay triangulation and the dual Voronoi diagram. Try it online. The computed structures are displayed and can be interactively modified. The pointset can be optimized by Lloyd relaxation.

The Delaunay class

Delaunay is the base class for Delaunay triangulations in arbitrary dimension. There is a 2D version: Delaunay2d. An instance can be created as follows:

Delaunay_var delaunay = new Delaunay2d()

where Delaunay_var is a typedef corresponding to SmartPointer<Delaunay>. The delaunay triangulation is computed by the following function:

delaunay->set_vertices(n, points);

where n denotes the number of points and where points is a pointer to a contiguous array of 2n double precision numbers with the coordinates of the points. If the point coordinates are stored in a std::vector<double>, one may use delaunay->set_vertices(v.size()/2, If the point coordinates are stored in a std::vector<vec2>, one may use delaunay->set_vertices(v.size(), &>x) (as in the demo program). Using double* as an interface may seem low-level / outdated, but it is the smallest common denominator, and makes it easier to use with your own data structures.

Once the triangulation is created, it can be accessed through the following functions:

  • Delaunay::nb_vertices() returns the number of vertices (as specified in set_vertices())
  • Delaunay::nb_cells() returns the number of cells (in our case triangles) in the triangulation.
  • Delaunay::cell_vertex(c,lv) where 0 <= c < nb_cells() and lv in {0,1,2}, returns a vertex of a triangle
  • Delaunay::cell_adjacent(c,lf) where 0 <= c < nb_cells() and lf in {0,1,2}, returns the triangle adjacent to c accross edge lf
  • Delaunay::vertex_ptr(v) where 0 <= v < nb_vertices() returns a pointer to the coordinates of the v-th vertex.

Alternatively, one may use the (lower-level) functions:

  • Delaunay::cell_to_v() returns a pointer to the cell-vertices incidence array.
  • Delaunay::cell_to_cell() returns a pointer to the cell-cell adjacency array.

Drawing the Delaunay triangulation and the Voronoi diagram

We shall now see how to visualize the Delaunay triangulation and its dual, the Voronoi diagram. Geogram provides a set of classes

To draw things on the screen, Geogram has a set of functions called GLUP.

The vertices are drawn as follows:

  for(index_t i=0; i<points_.size(); ++i) {

Each call to glupVertex() between glupBegin(GLUP_POINTS) and glupEnd() results in a little ball drawn on the screen. In addition, one can specify the size (glupSetPointSize()) and the color (glupSetColor3f()) of the points. Programmers who know the (old) OpenGL 2.x API will feel "at home": GLUP takes exactly the same convention. Under the hood, GLUP "translates" its call into modern OpenGL (with vertex buffers and shaders).

The triangles are drawn as follows:

  for(index_t c=0; c<delaunay_->nb_cells(); ++c) {
    const signed_index_t* cell = delaunay_->cell_to_v() + 3*c;
    for(index_t e=0; e<3; ++e) {
      signed_index_t v1 = cell[e];
      signed_index_t v2 = cell[(e+1)%3];

Each pair of calls to glupVertex() between glupBegin(GLUP_LINES) and glupEnd() results in a segment drawn on the screen.

Let us now see how to draw the Voronoi cells. It is slightly more complicated, because they are not represented explicitly. What we need to do is deducing them "on the fly" from the Delaunay triangulation.

The vertices of the Voronoi cell corresponds to the circumcenters of the Delaunay triangles, let us write a function to compute them:

  vec2 circumcenter(index_t t) {
     signed_index_t v1 = delaunay_->cell_to_v()[3*t];
     signed_index_t v2 = delaunay_->cell_to_v()[3*t+1];
     signed_index_t v3 = delaunay_->cell_to_v()[3*t+2];
     vec2 p1(delaunay_->vertex_ptr(index_t(v1)));
     vec2 p2(delaunay_->vertex_ptr(index_t(v2)));
     vec2 p3(delaunay_->vertex_ptr(index_t(v3)));
     return Geom::triangle_circumcenter(p1,p2,p3);

It uses the function triangle_circumcenter() declared in geogram/basic/geometry.h.

Now we can write a function that computes the Voronoi cell associated with a vertex, from the Delaunay triangulation. Using typedef vector<vec2> Polygon, the function looks like that:

  void get_Voronoi_cell_v1(index_t t0, index_t lv, Polygon& cell) {
      index_t v = index_t(delaunay_->cell_to_v()[3*t0+lv]);
      index_t t = t0;
      do {
	 index_t e = (lv+1)%3;
	 signed_index_t neigh_t = delaunay_->cell_to_cell()[3*t+e];
	 t = index_t(neigh_t);
	 lv = find_vertex(t,v);
      } while(t != t0);

It takes as an argument a triangle t0, a local vertex index lv in {0,1,2} and fills the polygon cell with the Voronoi cell associated with vertex lv of triangle t0 (let us call it v). It traverses the triangles incident to v until it reaches t0 again. For each triangle, one needs to find the local index of v in it, using the find_vertex() function that works as follows:

  index_t find_vertex(index_t t, index_t v) {
     for(index_t lv=0; lv<3; ++lv) {
         if(index_t(delaunay_->cell_to_v()[3*t+lv]) == v) {
            return lv;

Note the geo_assert_not_reached statement, that will detect at runtime whenever you give to the function and triangle and a vertex the triangle is not incident to. It is a good practice to insert some assertion checks in your code, can save you hours of debugging.

So we are done for the Voronoi cells ? Not exactly in fact, because if you look at the Delaunay triangulation, then clearly it has a boundary (that corresponds to the convex hull of the vertices), and vertices on the boundary are associated with infinite Voronoi cells, so how can we compute those ? Our function that computes the Voronoi cells needs to be slightly more complicatd (hence the _v1 suffix in the previous version).

void get_Voronoi_cell(index_t t0, index_t lv, Polygon& cell) {
    index_t v = index_t(delaunay_->cell_to_v()[3*t0+lv]);
    bool on_border = false;
    index_t t = t0;
    do {
	index_t e = (lv+1)%3;
	signed_index_t neigh_t = delaunay_->cell_to_cell()[3*t+e];
	if(neigh_t == -1) {
	    on_border = true;
	t = index_t(neigh_t);
	lv = find_vertex(t,v);
    } while(t != t0);
    // If one traversed edge is on the border of the convex hull, then
    // we empty the cell, and start turing around the vertex in
    // the other direction, i.e. by traversing this time
    // edge (lv+2)%3 until we reach the other edge on the border of
    // the convex hull that is incident to v.
    if(on_border) {
	cell.push_back(infinite_vertex(t,(lv + 1)%3));
	for(;;) {
	    index_t e = (lv+2)%3;
	    signed_index_t neigh_t = delaunay_->cell_to_cell()[3*t+e];
	    if(neigh_t == -1) {
		cell.push_back(infinite_vertex(t, e));
	    t = index_t(neigh_t);
	    lv = find_vertex(t,v);

As before, we turn around the vertex, and insert the triangle circumcenters. But this time, we take care of detecting the triangles on the convex hull. If we detect one, we restart the computation (clear the polygon computed so far). Each triangle edge on the convex hull is associated with a vertex at infinity. In our case, we just put it "far far away", using the function infinite_vertex() below. For each vertex on the convex hull, there will be two of them, at the beginning and at the end of the traversal.

vec2 infinite_vertex(index_t t, index_t e) {
    index_t lv1 = (e+1)%3;
    index_t lv2 = (e+2)%3;
    index_t v1 = index_t(delaunay_->cell_to_v()[3*t+lv1]);
    index_t v2 = index_t(delaunay_->cell_to_v()[3*t+lv2]);
    vec2 p1(delaunay_->vertex_ptr(v1));
    vec2 p2(delaunay_->vertex_ptr(v2));
    vec2 n = normalize(p2-p1);
    n = vec2(n.y, -n.x);
    return 0.5*(p1+p2)+100000.0*n;

Convex clipping

Equipped with these functions, we can display the Voronoi cells. But we would like to do more: when we fill the Voronoi cells, those which have vertices at the infinity (or far far away) will be naturally clipped by the border of the drawing window, but can we clip them with a smaller rectangle ? Or can we clip them with an arbitrary shape ? In fact, it is interseting to ask the question not only for aesthetic reasons, but also because we want to compute something called a centroidal Voronoi diagram, that is, what ones obtains by moving each point to the centroid of its Voronoi cell over and over. It is possible to prove that doing so minimizes an objective function (that corresponds to the integrated squared distance to the points over the Voronoi cells), and the resulting set of points is evenly spaced in the shape. So what we would like to compute is the intersection between a Voronoi cell and a convex polygon (that is, the intersection between two convex polygons).

A convex polygon can be seen as the intersection between half-planes. Supposing that the polygon is oriented counter clockwise, each of these half-planes corresponds to the points that are "to the left" relative to an edge [ p[i] p[(i+1)%n] ] of the polygon (where n denotes the number of vertices of the polygon). This means that we need to clip the Voronoi cell by each half-plane corresponding to each edge of the polygon. To do so, we first need a function that determines whether a point is in the halfspace (to the left) relative to an edge:

static inline Sign point_is_in_half_plane(
    const vec2& p, const vec2& q1, const vec2& q2
) {
    return PCK::orient_2d(q1, q2, p);

It uses the function orient_2d that computes the sign of the determinant of p-q1 and p-q2. Such functions, that take combinatorial decisions based on the coordinates of some points, are called geometric predicates. It is important to make sure that these functions exactly compute what they are supposed to, to make the combinatorial decisions coherent. Geogram includes a Predicate Construction Kit (PCK) that converts a formula into a code that exactly computes the sign of this formula (using arithmetic filters to determine the sign in the easy cases, and expansion arithmetics for corner cases). The classical predicates (as well as less classical ones) are implemented here.

We need also a function that computes the intersection between two segments:

static inline bool intersect_segments(
    const vec2& p1, const vec2& p2,
    const vec2& q1, const vec2& q2,
    vec2& result
) {

    vec2 Vp = p2 - p1;
    vec2 Vq = q2 - q1;
    vec2 pq = q1 - p1;
    double a =  Vp.x;
    double b = -Vq.x;
    double c =  Vp.y;
    double d = -Vq.y;
    double delta = a*d-b*c;
    if(delta == 0.0) {
	return false ;
    double tp = (d * pq.x -b * pq.y) / delta;
    result = vec2(
	(1.0 - tp) * p1.x + tp * p2.x,
	(1.0 - tp) * p1.y + tp * p2.y
    return true;

Then we can write the function that computes the intersection between a polygon and a half-plane, and use it to compute the intersection between a polygon and a convex polygon:

void clip_polygon_by_half_plane(
    const Polygon& P, 
    const vec2& q1,
    const vec2& q2,
    Polygon& result
) {
    result.clear() ;
    if(P.size() == 0) {
	return ;

    if(P.size() == 1) {
	if(point_is_in_half_plane(P[0], q1, q2)) {
	    result.push_back(P[0]) ;
	return ;

    vec2 prev_p = P[P.size() - 1] ;
    Sign prev_status = point_is_in_half_plane(
	prev_p, q1, q2
    for(unsigned int i=0; i<P.size(); i++) {
	vec2 p = P[i] ;
	Sign status = point_is_in_half_plane(
	    p, q1, q2
	    status != prev_status &&
	    status != ZERO &&
	    prev_status != ZERO
	) {
	    vec2 intersect ;
	    if(intersect_segments(prev_p, p, q1, q2, intersect)) {
		result.push_back(intersect) ;

	switch(status) {
	    break ;
	case ZERO:
	    result.push_back(p) ;
	    break ;
	    result.push_back(p) ;
	    break ;
	prev_p = p ;
	prev_status = status ;
void convex_clip_polygon(
    const Polygon& P, const Polygon& clip, Polygon& result
) {
    Polygon tmp1 = P ;
    Polygon tmp2 ;
    Polygon* src = &tmp1 ;
    Polygon* dst = &tmp2 ;
    for(unsigned int i=0; i<clip.size(); i++) {
	unsigned int j = ((i+1) % clip.size()) ;
	const vec2& p1 = clip[i] ;
	const vec2& p2 = clip[j] ;
	clip_polygon_by_half_plane(*src, p1, p2, *dst);
	std::swap(src, dst) ;
    result = *src ;

The function above is an implementation of the Sutherland-Hogdman re-entrant clipping algorithm.

Lloyd relaxation

Now that we can restrict the Voronoi cells to a given convex polygonal domain, we can implement the Lloyd relaxation algorithm. To do so, we need to compute the area and centroid of each (restricted) Voronoi cell (see this link)

double signed_area(const Polygon& P) {
    double result = 0 ;
    for(unsigned int i=0; i<P.size(); i++) {
	unsigned int j = (i+1) % P.size() ;
	const vec2& t1 = P[i] ;
	const vec2& t2 = P[j] ;
	result += t1.x * t2.y - t2.x * t1.y ;
    result /= 2.0 ;
    return result ;

vec2 centroid(const Polygon& P) {
    geo_assert(P.size() > 0) ;

    double A = signed_area(P) ;

    if(::fabs(A) < 1e-30) {
	return P[0] ;

    double x = 0.0 ;
    double y = 0.0 ;
    for(unsigned int i=0; i<P.size(); i++) {
	unsigned int j = (i+1) % P.size() ;
	const vec2& t1 = P[i] ;
	const vec2& t2 = P[j] ;
	double d = (t1.x * t2.y - t2.x * t1.y) ;
	x += (t1.x + t2.x) * d ;
	y += (t1.y + t2.y) * d ;
    return vec2(
	x / (6.0 * A),
	y / (6.0 * A)
    ) ;

Now we are fully equipped to implement Lloyd relaxation. Note that we do not have a way to move from the points to the triangles, and to get each Voronoi cell, we need to start from a triangle and a local vertex index in that triangle. For this reason, we mark the vertices we already visited (using vector<bool> v_visited_):

void Lloyd_relaxation() {
    Polygon cell;
    for(index_t t=0; t<delaunay_->nb_cells(); ++t) {
	for(index_t lv=0; lv<3; ++lv) {
	    index_t v = index_t(delaunay_->cell_to_v()[3*t+lv]);
	    if(!v_visited_[v]) {
		v_visited_[v] = true;
		if(cell.size() > 0) {
		    new_points_[v] = centroid(cell);
		} else {
		    new_points_[v] = points_[v];
    std::swap(points_, new_points_);
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