Dzerzhinsky Tractor Factory
Reworked initial objectives, now Apartment 5031, Logistics Bureau and AT Position are all initially active and grouped.
Reworked South Commons objective by splitting it into 2 new, smaller objectives.
Reworked Allied and Axis logistics availability.
Changed Soviet tanks to all be initially available, instead of only T60.
Removed Soviet Marine roles.
Removed incorrect RO grenades and replaced with proper DH types.
Disabled collision/karma collision from various static meshes around the map.
Tweaked Danger Zone influences of most objectives.
Tweaked Objective Spawns (increased minimum distance from 125 to 150 meters, removed Axis objective spawn at AT Position).
Fixed missing boundary boxes in setup phase.
Fixed misaligned objective actor for West Commons objective.
Fixed audio clipping issue.
Fixed water in the sewers not being aligned correctly.
Fixed tree branches in South Commons having collision.
Fixed cull distances on smoke smitters.
Fixed some floating smoke emitters.
Fixed objective progression issues.
Fixed bug where two King Tigers would spawn.
Fixed the bug where the Tiger I would not unlock.
Increased Hetzer spawns from 2 to 3.
Increased Soviet logi trucks from 1 to 2.
Added more cover and detail on approach to Intersection.
Fixed clipping issues on several buildings.
Fixed some bad collision on fences.
Miscellaneous role changes.
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