Acoustic-VINS: Tightly Coupled Acoustic-Visual-Inertial Navigation System for Autonomous Underwater Vehicles
In this work, we present an acoustic-visual-inertial navigation system (Acoustic-VINS) for underwater robot localization. Specifically, we address the problem of the global position of underwater visual-inertial navigation systems being inappreciable by tightly coupling the long baseline (LBL) system into an optimization-based visual-inertial SLAM.
Additionally, for wider application, we extend the sensor data of the real-world AQUALOC dataset to obtain the LBL-AQUALOC dataset
System overview of the proposed Acoustic-VINS. The system is divided into four modules: sensors, pre-processing, initialization, and optimization. First, the measurements of the sensors are pre-processed. Then, in the initialization phase, Visual-Inertial-initialization is completed by aligning the inertial information and the results of vision-only Structure from Motion (SfM); Acoustic-Inertial-initialization is completed by aligning the inertial information and acoustic information. After the final initialization is successful, states will be optimized within the sliding window
The LBL-AQUALOC-Dataset includes measurements from LBL, a mono camera, a PS, and a low-cost MEMS-IMU.
The public underwater dataset AQUALOC collected ten sequence data in the scene of underwater archaeological sites. To address the lack of LBL data, we constructed a new dataset, LBL-AQUALOC, using a semi-physical simulation. This new dataset includes measurements from LBL, a mono camera, a PS, and a low-cost MEMS-IMU, packaged in Rosbag format.
The sequences of the archaeological sites were captured in the Mediterranean Sea near Corsica. In total, 10 sequences were documented, with 3 from the first site and 7 from the second. The first site was approximately 270 meters deep and had remnants of an old shipwreck. The second site was around 380 meters deep. As shown in Fig. \ref{ROV underwater challenging environment }, the underwater archaeological environment has characteristics such as low light, weak texture, repetitive texture, dynamic object interference, as well as turbidity caused by seabed sediment, and interference caused by the movement of mechanical arms. In such environment, visual information faces significant challenges. Fig. 1 (a) Data acquisition equipment ROV. And underwater challenging environment, (b) low light, (c) archaeological sites, (d) texture repetitive, (e) robotic arm, (f) sandy cloud, (g) dynamic object. Reproduced with permission of \cite{ferrera2019aqualoc}, Copyright © 2019, © SAGE Publications
The trajectory obtained from Colmap is used as the ground truth of the AUV motion trajectory. We further simulate the position of the acoustic buoy, the sound speed profile file (assuming that the sound speed changes uniformly with depth), and the time of arrival (TOA) at each moment (adding measurement deviation to TOA). The final simulated LBL measurements include the buoy number, buoy position information, arrival time, and average sound speed obtained by the AUV at each moment. These acoustic measurements are time-synchronized with visual-inertial measurements. Through LBL measurements, we can calculate the acoustic positioning accuracy results at the centimeter level, as well as the corresponding slant-range information.
Fig. 2 Application scenarios of Acoustic-VINS and sensors related to positioning and perception.
name | duration | size |
LBL_AQUALOC_sequence_1.bag | 14'39" | 10.5GB |
LBL_AQUALOC_sequence_2.bag | 7'29" | 5.4GB |
LBL_AQUALOC_sequence_3.bag | 5'16" | 3.8GB |
LBL_AQUALOC_sequence_4.bag | 11'09" | 8.0GB |
LBL_AQUALOC_sequence_5.bag | 3'19" | 2.4GB |
LBL_AQUALOC_sequence_6.bag | 2'49" | 2.0GB |
LBL_AQUALOC_sequence_7.bag | 9'29" | 6.8GB |
LBL_AQUALOC_sequence_8.bag | 7'49" | 5.6GB |
LBL_AQUALOC_sequence_9.bag | 5'49" | 4.2GB |
LBL_AQUALOC_sequence_10.bag | 11'54" | 8.5GB |
topic | type | frequency | description |
/camera/image_raw | sensor_msgs/Image | 20Hz | monocular camera |
/camera/ueye_info | ueye_cam/UEyeInfo | 20Hz | camera info |
/rtimulib_node/imu | sensor_msgs/Imu | 200Hz | IMU |
/lbl_1 | lbl_data/LBLdata | 1Hz | #1 acoustic bouy measurements of LBL |
/lbl_2 | lbl_data/LBLdata | 1Hz | #2 acoustic bouy measurements of LBL |
/lbl_3 | lbl_data/LBLdata | 1Hz | #3 acoustic bouy measurements of LBL |
/lbl_4 | lbl_data/LBLdata | 1Hz | #4 acoustic bouy measurements of LBL |
/fix | sensor_msgs/NavSatFix | 1Hz | Trajectory with noise. |
/barometer_node/depth | sensor_msgs/FluidPressure | 60Hz | PS height measurement |
/barometer_node/pressure | sensor_msgs/FluidPressure | 60Hz | PS raw measurement |
/barometer_node/temperature | sensor_msgs/Temperature | 60Hz | Temperature |
/rtimulib_node/mag | sensor_msgs/MagneticField | 200Hz | MagneticField measurement |
type | name |
std_msgs/Header | header |
float64 | bouy_id |
float64 | bouy_X |
float64 | bouy_Y |
float64 | bouy_Z |
float64 | arrival_time |
float64 | average_speed_of_sound |
When using this LBL-AQUALOC-Datasets in academic work, please consider citing:
author={Song, Jiangbo and Li, Wanqing and Zhu, Xiangwei},
journal={IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters},
title={Acoustic-VINS: Tightly Coupled Acoustic-Visual-Inertial Navigation System for Autonomous Underwater Vehicles},
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[1] Jiangbo Song, Wanqing Li, Xiangwei Zhu, ect. Underwater adaptive height-constraint algorithm based on SINS/LBL tightly coupled [J]. IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, 2022, vol. 71, pp. 1-9.
[2] Jiangbo Song, Wanqing Li, and Xiangwei Zhu. Acoustic-VINS: Tightly Coupled Acoustic-Visual-Inertial Navigation System for Autonomous Underwater Vehicles[J]. IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters. 2023
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LBL-AQUALOC-Dataset download link: