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Marcel Schmalzl edited this page Dec 16, 2024
5 revisions
def timeit(log_file_path: Optional[str] = None, ignore_measurement_overhead: bool = False) -> Callable:
Decorator to measure the execution time of a function
log_file_path: Log file directory; default = None. If None, no log files will be written
ignore_measurement_overhead: Consider measurement overhead correction factor if False
Callable: The wrapped function with timing measurement.
measurement_overhead_correction_factor: Optional[float] = None
def measure_overhead() -> None:
nonlocal measurement_overhead_correction_factor
test_runs = 20
total_time = 0.0
for _ in range(test_runs):
start_time = time.time()
end_time = time.time()
total_time += (end_time - start_time)
measurement_overhead_correction_factor = total_time / test_runs
def decorator(func: Callable) -> Callable:
nonlocal measurement_overhead_correction_factor
if measurement_overhead_correction_factor is None and not ignore_measurement_overhead:
def wrapper(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> Any:
start_time = time.time()
start_timestamp = int(start_time)
result = func(*args, **kwargs)
end_time = time.time()
end_timestamp = int(end_time)
delta = end_time - start_time
if not ignore_measurement_overhead:
delta -= measurement_overhead_correction_factor
runtime = time.strftime("%H:%M:%S", time.gmtime(delta))
fqdn = f"{func.__module__}.{func.__qualname__}"
current_time = datetime.datetime.now().strftime("%Y-%m-%d_-_%H:%M:%S")
log_message = f"{current_time}: Function: {fqdn}: -start + end time (Unix): {start_timestamp} - {end_timestamp} = {delta:.2f}; runtime [HH:MM:SS]: {runtime}"
if log_file_path is not None:
if not os.path.exists(log_file_path):
log_file_name = f"{func.__name__}_timing_{datetime.datetime.now().strftime('%Y-%m-%d')}.log"
full_log_file_path = os.path.join(log_file_path, log_file_name)
with open(full_log_file_path, 'a') as log_file:
log_file.write(log_message + "\n")
return result
return wrapper
return decorator
This is a helpful snippet in order to measure and compare different implementations.
import timeit
import pypiscout as sc
import datetime
FACTOR = 10**7+1
class aClass:
def __init__(self):
self.a = "a"
self.b = "b"
self.c = "c"
self.d = "d"
self.e = "e"
self.f = "f"
anObj = aClass()
def function1ToMeasure():
:return: None
def function2ToMeasure():
:return: None
if __name__ == "__main__":
sc.header("Let's do this!")
timeStart_empty = timeit.default_timer()
for i in range(0, FACTOR):
timeEnd_empty = timeit.default_timer()
sc.info("Job no load finished at: {} (duration: " "{:.12f} s)".format(datetime.datetime.now().strftime("%H:%M:%S"), (timeEnd_empty - timeStart_empty)))
# ########################
# Function 1
timeStart = timeit.default_timer()
for i in range(0, FACTOR):
timeEnd = timeit.default_timer()
sc.info("Job 1 finished at: {} (duration: " "{:.12f} s)".format(datetime.datetime.now().strftime("%H:%M:%S"), (timeEnd - timeStart)))
# Function 2
timeStart = timeit.default_timer()
for i in range(0, FACTOR):
timeEnd = timeit.default_timer()
sc.info("Job 2 at: {} (duration: " "{:.12f} s)".format(datetime.datetime.now().strftime("%H:%M:%S"), (timeEnd - timeStart)))
(statistical profiler (polls every 1 ms the call stack)) - Pythons build-in
- List comprehensions are generally faster than ordinary for-loops
F-strings are usually fastest (and (!) most readable). See also: https://stackoverflow.com/a/38362140/4773274
- https://wiki.python.org/moin/PythonSpeed/PerformanceTips
- Map, for, list comprehensions, disassembly
- Looping over Pandas DataFrames
Actually this is not really JIT since you compile before you run.
- HowTo using setuptools | 1
- HowTo using setuptools | 2
- Set compiler via
python.exe setup.py build_ext --inplace --compiler=msvc
(Windows example with MSVC)
top -p PID
-> However only live results (no history)
Windows performance toolkit and analyser: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows-hardware/test/wpt/
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Code (snippets) are licensed under a MIT License *.
* Unless stated otherwise