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holzkohlengrill edited this page Dec 15, 2023 · 10 revisions

WSL (Windows Subsystem for Linux)

On this page we are targeting the Ubuntu WSL. Most of this page should work for others too.


Installation has to be done on a per user level.

  1. Run Enable-WindowsOptionalFeature -Online -FeatureName Microsoft-Windows-Subsystem-Linux in PowerShell as admin
  2. Install your distribution from the Windows Store. Currently, available distros are:
    • Ubuntu
    • OpenSUSE
    • SLES
    • Kali Linux
    • Debian GNU/Linux

Distribution Update

$sudo do-release-upgrade

The default is a LTS release cycle. If you do not want to wait for the releases appear in LTS you can change to the normal release cycle by modifying: /etc/update-manager/release-upgrades.

Network shares in WSL

Mounted network shares are not automatically accessible in WSL.

Edit /etc/fstab:

# <file system>           <mount point>      <type>   <options>   <dump>  <pass>
LABEL=cloudimg-rootfs     /                  ext4     defaults    0       0
//network/share/unc/path  /mnt/mount-point   drvfs    metadata    0       0

Make sure the mount points are existing (= folders created => mkdir /mnt/...)

DrvFs is a file system plugin for WSL to interoperate between the WSL and the Windows file system.

Finally reload fstab: sudo mount -av.

Read an ext4 partition in Windows via wsl

See here:

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