The course on algorithmic art at Université de Montréal (IFT6251) is given in the winter 2024, Tuesday and Thursday 15.30 - 17.30; Z-337 Pav. Claire McNicoll.
Contact: [email protected]
- Éloge de l’ordinateur dans les arts visuels. Vera Molnar, 1984
- A Longer History of Generative Art. Nick Lambert, 2022.
Week 2 (Jan 16 & 18): programming languages for algorithmic art
- Work on Genuary
- sys|calls at ignite 2024
Week 4 (Jan 30 & Feb 1): Genuary
- presentations about Genuary art works
Week 5 (Feb 6 & 8): algorithms
- Generative art via grammatical evolution
- presentations art works with an algorithm
Week 6 (Feb 13 & 15): algorithms
- presentations art works with an algorithm
- on Feb 15 the class is at "carrefour des arts et des sciences" (Pavillon Lionel-Groulx)
Week 7 (Feb 20 & 22): data art
- Ryoji Ikeda: The aesthetics of data flow
- A Concise Taxonomy for Describing Data as an Art Material
- presentations of data artworks
- on Feb 22 the class is at the pavillon de la faculté d'aménagement, in room 0033
Week 8 (Feb 27 & 29): data art
- presentations of data artworks
- on Feb 29 we go to campus MIL, in room A-3541
- Prepare a presentation about a research topic in algorithmic art
- Vera Molnar. Weaving Variations
- Software art
- Can Digital and Physical Art Live Together?
- The Power of the Plotter
- Machines as Collaborators forArt and Rituals
- on March 19 we go in room C-8132 pavillon Lionel Groux (8th floor), 3150 rue jean-brillant
- on March 21 we are in the regular room
Week 12 (Mar 26 & 28): Exhibition
- March 26: Presentations and discussions before vernissage
- March 28: vernissage for the Algorithmic art course. Salle C-2081, Carrefour des arts et des sciences, Pavillon Lionel-Groulx.
- 9.00 - 17.00: setup the vernissage
- 17.00 - 20.00: vernissage
Week 13 (Apr 2 & 4):research in algorithmic art
- presentations about research in algorithmic art