Releases: broadinstitute/gatk-sv
Releases · broadinstitute/gatk-sv
Changes include:
- remove bgzip for already-gzipped file in XfBatchEffect.GetFreqTable in #270
- Add subset ped step at start of CleanVcf in #250
Full Changelog: v0.19.2-beta...v0.19.3-beta
Updates include:
- Drop variants with NA scores in FilterBatchSites
- Efficiency fix for getting male-only variants on chrX in GenerateBatchMetrics
- Docker build updates
Full Changelog: v0.19.1-beta...v0.19.2-beta
Just #258: fix typo in runtime attributes in AnnotateVcf.wdl
Updates include:
- Clean up file headers
- Bug fix for handling male-only events on chrX in GenerateBatchMetrics (again)
- Expose runtime attributes in AnnotateVcf.wdl
Full Changelog: v0.18.5-beta...v0.19-beta
Updates include:
- Set MELT JVM memory based on machine memory available at runtime, so that out-of-memory issues can be resolved by increasing VM memory
Updates include:
- Add WDL for GangSTR
- Remove subprocesses in MakeRdTestBed in ClusterBatch for error propagation
Updates include:
- Expose runtime attributes for metrics workflows
- Replace nested scatter in TinyResolve with subworkflow
- Fix bug in GenerateBatchMetrics that may cause chrX events appearing only in males without read depth support to be filtered out
Hotfix to CleanVcf1_23 in MakeCohortVcf affecting cohorts with sex designations other than 1 or 2 in the ped file
Updates include:
- hotfix to handle empty EVIDENCE field in MakeCohortVcf
- add Terra pipeline diagram to Terra dashboard
Updates include:
- Super-scaling updates and fixes to MakeCohortVcf
- MiniWDL compatibility fixes
- Dynamic memory allocation for EvidenceQC.MedianCov
- Unique output filenames in a couple of workflows
- Documentation updates