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Help decoding Hitachi PC-LH3B #1060

MinePlugins opened this issue Mar 10, 2020 · 28 comments

Help decoding Hitachi PC-LH3B #1060

MinePlugins opened this issue Mar 10, 2020 · 28 comments
enhancement more info Pending Confirmation Waiting for confirmation from user


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Hello, I attemp to decode the IR of my remote for the A/C with PC-LH3B remote,
I created a Google Sheet like recommended and user
`Found 275 timing entries.
Potential Mark Candidates:
[3396, 516]
Potential Space Candidates:
[1660, 1268, 428]

Guessing encoding type:
Looks like it uses space encoding. Yay!

Guessing key value:
kHdrMark = 3396
kHdrSpace = 1660
kBitMark = 476
kOneSpace = 1236
kZeroSpace = 395

Decoding protocol based on analysis so far:

Bits: 136`

Can I have some help or explaination for this protocole

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Looking at your spreadsheet, it looks like the bit order needs to be switched. I worked that out from your temperature range data. i.e.

For starters, lets get the basic(simple) sending/decoding of a message working.
So can you please collect the rawData output from IRrecvDumpV2.ino for this protocol and put it here.
i.e. Let's follow the steps here:

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Here is the rawData for POWER OFF uint16_t rawData[371] = {3422, 1660, 464, 1264, 438, 426, 438, 402, 486, 426, 440, 402, 462, 402, 488, 428, 438, 402, 460, 404, 488, 426, 440, 424, 436, 428, 462, 1240, 466, 398, 462, 404, 486, 426, 438, 402, 464, 400, 490, 400, 464, 426, 438, 402, 488, 428, 436, 428, 462, 376, 486, 404, 474, 416, 438, 400, 488, 402, 462, 426, 438, 426, 458, 1246, 464, 426, 436, 1244, 488, 1266, 434, 1268, 436, 1242, 486, 1242, 462, 1240, 464, 426, 462, 1266, 438, 1242, 462, 1240, 514, 1214, 466, 1236, 462, 1266, 464, 1264, 438, 1266, 438, 1240, 488, 400, 466, 424, 440, 402, 486, 404, 462, 402, 464, 402, 488, 426, 438, 402, 462, 402, 488, 1264, 438, 1242, 460, 428, 462, 428, 436, 1264, 440, 1240, 488, 1240, 464, 1240, 460, 402, 490, 424, 440, 1264, 438, 1242, 512, 402, 438, 426, 466, 398, 464, 1266, 440, 400, 462, 402, 488, 1264, 438, 402, 462, 402, 482, 432, 438, 1264, 436, 404, 488, 1240, 462, 1264, 438, 402, 486, 1246, 456, 1266, 438, 1238, 488, 402, 462, 1240, 462, 402, 512, 402, 438, 428, 438, 426, 462, 430, 434, 428, 438, 402, 512, 376, 462, 1240, 464, 1264, 458, 1270, 436, 1242, 462, 1240, 486, 1242, 460, 1242, 462, 1242, 486, 1240, 464, 1240, 464, 1238, 492, 1264, 436, 1266, 440, 400, 488, 426, 436, 430, 434, 430, 460, 404, 462, 426, 438, 402, 488, 426, 436, 1264, 466, 1238, 462, 1242, 462, 1266, 438, 1238, 490, 1264, 438, 426, 438, 1240, 486, 406, 462, 402, 462, 400, 488, 428, 436, 426, 438, 402, 484, 1268, 438, 426, 436, 1242, 488, 1266, 436, 402, 462, 402, 502, 386, 464, 1240, 464, 1240, 488, 426, 438, 426, 438, 402, 488, 1240, 462, 1266, 438, 1242, 486, 428, 440, 424, 438, 1266, 460, 1268, 438, 1264, 438, 404, 486, 428, 438, 426, 438, 402, 490, 400, 462, 426, 436, 402, 490, 426, 438, 1240, 462, 1268, 460, 1268, 434, 1266, 436, 1240, 514, 1238, 438, 1240, 488, 1240, 460, 406, 464, 426, 436, 402, 488, 402, 462, 402, 462, 1264, 462, 404, 462, 1266, 434, 1268, 464, 1264, 438, 1242, 464, 1238, 488, 1266, 438, 402, 462, 1268, 458, 430, 410};

AND here for POWER ON 30C LOUVER 1 MODE HEAT uint16_t rawData[371] = {3400, 1682, 436, 1242, 462, 402, 488, 430, 428, 434, 434, 430, 434, 428, 460, 404, 486, 378, 488, 430, 434, 432, 434, 426, 438, 454, 432, 1270, 438, 402, 462, 450, 440, 428, 436, 402, 488, 428, 432, 406, 460, 404, 462, 454, 434, 428, 438, 430, 456, 430, 434, 404, 464, 400, 482, 434, 432, 408, 460, 428, 440, 426, 462, 1240, 486, 402, 436, 1292, 436, 1242, 466, 1238, 488, 1266, 436, 1242, 486, 1242, 464, 426, 462, 1216, 486, 1216, 488, 1240, 462, 1242, 488, 1238, 440, 1290, 436, 1242, 488, 1214, 516, 1214, 460, 404, 488, 376, 488, 426, 436, 404, 488, 374, 490, 428, 436, 426, 462, 402, 438, 446, 444, 1242, 488, 1238, 438, 454, 434, 430, 464, 1240, 462, 1266, 466, 1212, 490, 1238, 462, 404, 460, 428, 464, 1238, 464, 1240, 486, 402, 464, 402, 460, 406, 484, 1242, 466, 374, 492, 400, 486, 1216, 488, 400, 464, 404, 458, 430, 466, 1238, 464, 426, 438, 1240, 490, 1212, 490, 402, 486, 1242, 464, 1238, 464, 1240, 490, 374, 490, 1212, 492, 400, 484, 404, 464, 398, 466, 402, 484, 382, 488, 374, 520, 396, 434, 406, 490, 1236, 466, 1238, 486, 1216, 490, 1214, 488, 1240, 486, 1218, 488, 1214, 490, 1264, 434, 1268, 466, 1236, 466, 1264, 434, 1244, 488, 1214, 490, 400, 490, 376, 488, 376, 488, 424, 434, 432, 464, 376, 488, 426, 460, 406, 464, 1212, 516, 1238, 462, 1216, 490, 1238, 464, 1240, 486, 1244, 466, 398, 462, 1266, 436, 426, 466, 400, 462, 404, 460, 404, 490, 374, 490, 400, 484, 1218, 490, 372, 488, 1240, 490, 1214, 490, 372, 488, 402, 488, 378, 490, 1236, 466, 1266, 432, 406, 490, 398, 494, 374, 458, 1270, 464, 1236, 466, 1268, 432, 430, 464, 374, 490, 1238, 486, 1216, 490, 1214, 492, 398, 484, 380, 490, 398, 466, 400, 484, 380, 488, 400, 464, 402, 488, 398, 466, 1236, 466, 1240, 484, 1244, 462, 1238, 464, 1240, 486, 1216, 490, 1214, 516, 1238, 462, 400, 466, 400, 466, 400, 460, 404, 488, 1238, 466, 400, 484, 404, 466, 1238, 466, 1238, 486, 1242, 466, 1214, 492, 1238, 486, 378, 490, 1238, 466, 1262, 466, 374, 462}; //0x874AB821 (186 Bits)

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Thanks. I'll knock up something to handle the basic part of the protocol in a few.

crankyoldgit added a commit that referenced this issue Mar 11, 2020
* Supports Hitachi PC-LH3B
* Add send & decode routines.
* Update ancillary support routines.
* Add synthetic and real unit test cases.

For #1060
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@MinePlugins Can you please download & test this branch:

It should decode your remote and covert it to a 23-byte array/hex code, Hopefully with the bits in the correct order (LSB). e.g. The byte containing the temp should noticeably increase linearly.

If it does, you can update your spreadsheet to use that data. It might some things easier to decode etc.

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Thank's I'll try soon !!

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MinePlugins commented Mar 11, 2020

This is when I use the new protocol
Protocol : HITACHI_AC184 Code : 0x01100040BFFF00E619897601FE3FC02FD018E700FF906F (184 Bits) uint16_t rawData[371] = {3424, 1662, 438, 1266, 462, 404, 490, 400, 436, 428, 456, 408, 486, 404, 462, 378, 512, 402, 436, 402, 488, 404, 460, 428, 440, 400, 486, 1216, 484, 406, 460, 430, 464, 376, 486, 404, 488, 402, 436, 428, 460, 404, 488, 378, 488, 376, 488, 428, 438, 428, 436, 428, 462, 410, 454, 428, 436, 402, 488, 402, 464, 424, 438, 1292, 464, 376, 486, 1216, 486, 1242, 462, 1266, 438, 1266, 436, 1294, 434, 1244, 486, 378, 514, 1238, 432, 1272, 440, 1262, 436, 1244, 488, 1266, 466, 1234, 440, 1290, 436, 1268, 438, 1240, 488, 376, 512, 404, 436, 430, 460, 428, 434, 430, 438, 400, 490, 374, 514, 400, 436, 428, 436, 1296, 430, 1270, 460, 402, 440, 400, 486, 1268, 436, 1240, 490, 1214, 486, 1268, 462, 400, 438, 428, 460, 1268, 436, 1266, 460, 380, 512, 378, 488, 376, 460, 1268, 460, 428, 436, 428, 436, 1242, 486, 428, 436, 404, 488, 428, 438, 1240, 488, 376, 488, 1216, 486, 1242, 488, 402, 438, 1266, 458, 1246, 488, 1214, 514, 402, 436, 1242, 488, 402, 436, 404, 486, 428, 436, 428, 436, 428, 462, 428, 462, 402, 436, 402, 486, 1242, 486, 1216, 462, 1292, 434, 1244, 488, 1216, 476, 1252, 464, 1264, 440, 1240, 462, 1292, 434, 1268, 438, 1240, 464, 1240, 482, 1272, 434, 430, 460, 378, 488, 402, 486, 402, 440, 452, 436, 428, 436, 402, 464, 402, 488, 1240, 488, 1216, 488, 1266, 434, 1244, 490, 1214, 488, 1216, 488, 402, 486, 1216, 464, 426, 490, 376, 486, 402, 462, 378, 486, 430, 462, 376, 486, 1242, 458, 432, 438, 1264, 488, 1242, 436, 404, 486, 378, 488, 376, 488, 1266, 436, 1268, 438, 454, 430, 408, 488, 402, 460, 1216, 486, 1268, 464, 1214, 486, 430, 436, 428, 436, 1266, 440, 1240, 514, 1240, 436, 404, 486, 404, 460, 428, 464, 400, 438, 402, 486, 428, 436, 428, 488, 350, 486, 1268, 462, 1240, 436, 1290, 434, 1270, 436, 1242, 488, 1214, 488, 1242, 488, 1216, 488, 402, 458, 406, 486, 376, 488, 376, 510, 1244, 446, 420, 436, 428, 464, 1240, 462, 1240, 490, 1214, 486, 1268, 436, 1266, 462, 428, 434, 1270, 452, 1226, 514, 350, 488}; // HITACHI_AC184 uint8_t state[23] = {0x01, 0x10, 0x00, 0x40, 0xBF, 0xFF, 0x00, 0xE6, 0x19, 0x89, 0x76, 0x01, 0xFE, 0x3F, 0xC0, 0x2F, 0xD0, 0x18, 0xE7, 0x00, 0xFF, 0x90, 0x6F};

but when I change temp on remote rawData protocol is not found:
Protocol : UNKNOWN Code : 0x9DC3E686 (138 Bits) uint16_t rawData[275] = {3422, 1636, 490, 1242, 484, 380, 488, 400, 466, 426, 432, 406, 490, 400, 464, 426, 462, 398, 466, 376, 492, 400, 458, 404, 490, 400, 466, 1262, 434, 430, 464, 400, 490, 400, 458, 380, 490, 374, 490, 426, 432, 430, 464, 400, 464, 426, 460, 402, 468, 372, 490, 400, 460, 404, 490, 374, 490, 400, 484, 378, 490, 398, 464, 1240, 490, 398, 466, 1238, 464, 1266, 434, 1268, 466, 1238, 466, 1240, 484, 1218, 490, 400, 460, 1246, 484, 1242, 466, 1214, 488, 1240, 486, 1218, 490, 1214, 488, 1266, 434, 1242, 490, 1214, 490, 424, 460, 404, 464, 374, 492, 424, 434, 430, 466, 400, 464, 426, 464, 376, 492, 1236, 464, 1240, 488, 402, 466, 374, 490, 400, 458, 1244, 490, 1238, 496, 1234, 436, 404, 488, 400, 464, 1240, 484, 1244, 464, 1238, 466, 426, 434, 430, 466, 400, 464, 1264, 434, 406, 490, 374, 490, 1264, 458, 404, 466, 400, 466, 424, 466, 1238, 464, 400, 466, 1238, 486, 1216, 490, 400, 464, 1240, 486, 1240, 466, 1238, 460, 432, 432, 430, 468, 374, 488, 426, 462, 1242, 464, 400, 466, 426, 434, 404, 490, 374, 490, 1240, 484, 1244, 466, 1240, 462, 428, 436, 1242, 490, 1212, 490, 1264, 466, 1236, 466, 1214, 490, 1240, 488, 1240, 466, 1236, 466, 1264, 434, 1268, 464, 400, 494, 400, 430, 406, 488, 376, 488, 428, 432, 432, 462, 402, 462, 426, 458, 1220, 488, 1214, 490, 1240, 484, 406, 466, 1212, 490, 426, 462, 1216, 488, 400, 464, 402, 488, 402, 462, 374, 492, 1262, 460, 380, 488, 1240, 464, 428, 462, 1214, 492, 1236, 462, 1216, 490};

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Interesting. The "UNKNOWN" one is significantly shorter. I'll try to work out how best to handle it.

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I've updated that branch to hopefully handle the shorter (136 bit / 17 byte) version.
Let me know how it goes please.

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MinePlugins commented Mar 12, 2020

I updated the google sheet, now temp grow with constant and temp is temp on remote - 7
WHen I change from 17C to 18CProtocol : HITACHI_AC184 Code : 0x01100040BFFF00E31C897609F63FC017E8 (136 Bits) uint16_t rawData[275] = {3396, 1662, 464, 1240, 462, 402, 490, 400, 440, 426, 460, 404, 488, 402, 460, 378, 514, 376, 486, 378, 490, 400, 460, 404, 488, 402, 460, 1216, 488, 402, 490, 376, 514, 350, 486, 428, 438, 402, 462, 452, 434, 404, 488, 400, 440, 400, 512, 378, 486, 376, 488, 426, 434, 430, 464, 402, 438, 400, 488, 404, 486, 402, 440, 1266, 488, 376, 488, 1214, 488, 1216, 486, 1242, 490, 1214, 490, 1240, 458, 1268, 438, 428, 488, 1238, 436, 1242, 486, 1216, 490, 1214, 488, 1240, 488, 1220, 458, 1292, 434, 1268, 438, 1266, 438, 402, 486, 404, 490, 374, 490, 426, 432, 430, 464, 400, 464, 376, 514, 400, 464, 1214, 490, 1264, 434, 432, 462, 376, 488, 376, 484, 1268, 456, 1224, 514, 1188, 486, 432, 436, 428, 432, 1268, 460, 1242, 490, 1238, 464, 376, 484, 406, 488, 400, 464, 1268, 430, 434, 436, 428, 460, 1216, 484, 432, 462, 400, 464, 404, 486, 1214, 488, 376, 490, 1238, 460, 1268, 464, 400, 466, 1240, 460, 1242, 490, 1238, 490, 376, 462, 1242, 490, 400, 462, 378, 484, 1244, 488, 400, 462, 404, 460, 404, 490, 374, 488, 376, 486, 1268, 438, 1240, 490, 400, 460, 1268, 464, 1238, 464, 1240, 492, 1236, 462, 1240, 462, 1242, 486, 1216, 490, 1212, 488, 1216, 486, 1266, 466, 374, 516, 348, 510, 378, 490, 374, 488, 404, 484, 404, 464, 400, 464, 378, 508, 1242, 464, 1240, 464, 1264, 436, 1266, 464, 1214, 488, 376, 512, 1244, 436, 402, 486, 404, 488, 376, 490, 398, 464, 376, 486, 428, 464, 1238, 466, 426, 436, 1266, 466, 1238, 492, 1210, 464}; // HITACHI_AC184 uint8_t state[17] = {0x01, 0x10, 0x00, 0x40, 0xBF, 0xFF, 0x00, 0xE3, 0x1C, 0x89, 0x76, 0x09, 0xF6, 0x3F, 0xC0, 0x17, 0xE8};

When I change Mode 👍 Protocol : UNKNOWN Code : 0xD9CB9712 (170 Bits) uint16_t rawData[339] = {3424, 1658, 496, 1212, 490, 398, 468, 374, 520, 396, 464, 400, 466, 400, 494, 372, 488, 402, 464, 400, 490, 374, 490, 400, 464, 400, 494, 1236, 462, 402, 464, 376, 510, 380, 492, 398, 464, 376, 518, 398, 464, 376, 488, 380, 512, 398, 466, 374, 490, 374, 516, 400, 462, 376, 488, 376, 520, 398, 460, 404, 460, 378, 516, 1238, 466, 398, 466, 1240, 490, 1238, 464, 1240, 464, 1214, 516, 1238, 466, 1214, 490, 374, 512, 1216, 492, 1240, 462, 1240, 490, 1238, 464, 1238, 466, 1214, 518, 1240, 462, 1214, 488, 1214, 520, 402, 460, 376, 490, 400, 490, 374, 488, 376, 490, 400, 494, 398, 434, 430, 462, 1240, 494, 400, 460, 1242, 462, 376, 518, 398, 462, 1240, 464, 1240, 486, 1242, 464, 400, 464, 1216, 516, 400, 464, 1212, 490, 1238, 492, 400, 462, 400, 464, 400, 490, 1240, 464, 374, 490, 374, 520, 1236, 460, 404, 462, 376, 516, 398, 466, 1212, 490, 402, 490, 1240, 462, 1240, 464, 398, 492, 1238, 464, 1240, 466, 1238, 486, 402, 464, 376, 488, 400, 494, 1236, 462, 376, 490, 374, 516, 400, 462, 402, 464, 374, 518, 1238, 464, 1240, 464, 400, 490, 1238, 464, 1214, 492, 1238, 492, 1236, 466, 1212, 488, 1240, 494, 1212, 490, 1214, 490, 1214, 518, 1236, 466, 1214, 490, 400, 486, 378, 488, 376, 490, 374, 516, 398, 464, 402, 464, 374, 520, 400, 462, 1214, 516, 1212, 492, 1212, 490, 1238, 464, 376, 518, 1236, 464, 1214, 492, 398, 494, 372, 490, 398, 464, 402, 492, 396, 464, 1214, 488, 398, 494, 400, 464, 1238, 466, 1236, 490, 1244, 460, 402, 464, 374, 520, 1210, 490, 400, 464, 1240, 492, 400, 464, 374, 488, 378, 518, 1236, 464, 1214, 488, 400, 492, 1236, 464, 404, 462, 1214, 518, 1238, 462, 1214, 490, 376, 518, 398, 466, 374, 488, 376, 520, 396, 464, 400, 462, 376, 486, 430, 466, 1214, 490, 1212, 516, 1214, 488, 1242, 466, 1236, 496, 1208, 488, 1216, 518, 1210, 462}; // UNKNOWN D9CB9712

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Wow. This is going to get very messy at this rate. This is yet another size/length. Can you please test/capture different operations on the remote and report (Inc raw data) for any different bit lengths you find. Rather than me adding them one by one. I may need to rethink how we try to manage this protocol. This is certainly in bizarre territory now.

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MinePlugins commented Mar 13, 2020

IRrecvDumpV2 is now running and waiting for IR input on Pin 14
Timestamp : 000005.746
Library   : v2.7.4
Protocol  : UNKNOWN
Code      : 0x2CF317C6 (122 Bits)
uint16_t rawData[243] = {3368, 1688,  460, 1244,  456, 434,  458, 406,  456, 408,  480, 410,  458, 406,  458, 406,  484, 406,  458, 406,  458, 432,  428, 464,  456, 380,  458, 1242,  458, 432,  456, 406,  486, 378,  430, 458,  456, 408,  458, 406,  456, 434,  456, 410,  454, 408,  454, 434,  460, 404,  458, 406,  454, 436,  456, 408,  458, 406,  458, 432,  456, 434,  430, 1246,  484, 404,  484, 1218,  458, 1244,  484, 1244,  460, 1244,  456, 1270,  430, 1274,  460, 404,  484, 1218,  486, 1244,  456, 1244,  456, 1248,  454, 1272,  460, 1268,  432, 1246,  484, 1244,  458, 1244,  462, 404,  456, 434,  458, 432,  432, 408,  456, 434,  460, 404,  460, 404,  484, 406,  432, 432,  458, 1298,  402, 432,  460, 404,  460, 404,  482, 1244,  460, 1270,  462, 1214,  456, 1272,  460, 404,  456, 1246,  486, 1244,  458, 1244,  458, 406,  454, 460,  434, 404,  460, 1268,  430, 460,  432, 406,  458, 1244,  456, 434,  458, 406,  456, 432,  460, 1268,  432, 406,  458, 1244,  484, 1272,  432, 430,  432, 1298,  378, 1298,  458, 1244,  484, 406,  460, 1242,  458, 406,  458, 1246,  456, 1272,  458, 406,  458, 432,  458, 404,  460, 404,  456, 408,  484, 1272,  432, 432,  432, 406,  454, 1272,  458, 1246,  458, 1244,  484, 1268,  436, 1242,  458, 1298,  402, 1274,  456, 1244,  458, 1244,  486, 1242,  458, 408,  486, 378,  454, 460,  434, 406,  458, 406,  484, 406,  458, 406,  458, 408,  452, 1302,  434, 1244,  430};

Protocol  : UNKNOWN
Code      : 0xD3A5A0BA (218 Bits)
uint16_t rawData[435] = {3364, 1668,  486, 1244,  458, 406,  456, 436,  430, 434,  430, 434,  456, 408,  484, 432,  428, 432,  414, 450,  458, 432,  432, 432,  430, 436,  458, 1270,  430, 408,  456, 408,  454, 462,  404, 460,  428, 408,  486, 404,  456, 408,  458, 406,  484, 406,  456, 434,  432, 408,  484, 406,  454, 436,  404, 432,  486, 430,  430, 408,  456, 432,  458, 1270,  406, 434,  456, 1246,  484, 1244,  456, 1274,  432, 1244,  486, 1268,  432, 1244,  454, 412,  454, 1272,  430, 1272,  456, 1274,  456, 1246,  456, 1244,  458, 1270,  458, 1246,  456, 1254,  450, 1246,  484, 408,  456, 434,  430, 408,  486, 430,  404, 460,  430, 408,  486, 404,  458, 406,  458, 406,  486, 404,  458, 432,  430, 1272,  456, 408,  458, 1244,  458, 1244,  456, 1274,  456, 1246,  456, 1270,  460, 1250,  426, 460,  404, 1270,  484, 432,  404, 462,  402, 460,  458, 1244,  456, 386,  452, 460,  458, 1244,  458, 406,  458, 406,  486, 430,  416, 1260,  458, 406,  484, 1270,  406, 1296,  430, 410,  482, 1246,  456, 1246,  456, 1246,  456, 434,  458, 1244,  456, 1272,  458, 408,  458, 1244,  456, 410,  484, 404,  454, 410,  456, 408,  484, 406,  458, 432,  430, 1246,  484, 406,  454, 1248,  458, 1244,  486, 1248,  428, 1270,  456, 1266,  464, 1244,  458, 1246,  456, 1246,  484, 1270,  430, 1246,  456, 434,  430, 460,  406, 432,  430, 432,  484, 432,  406, 432,  458, 406,  484, 432,  432, 1266,  434, 1274,  430, 1298,  428, 408,  456, 1246,  486, 430,  432, 1270,  404, 434,  484, 432,  430, 408,  456, 406,  460, 1268,  458, 408,  456, 1246,  486, 406,  456, 1244,  456, 1248,  456, 1300,  430, 408,  456, 408,  484, 432,  430, 434,  428, 434,  460, 430,  404, 434,  458, 406,  486, 1242,  458, 1270,  430, 1246,  484, 1244,  456, 1270,  432, 1248,  484, 1244,  456, 1246,  456, 408,  486, 404,  456, 408,  456, 432,  462, 430,  406, 458,  432, 432,  428, 436,  456, 1246,  456, 1246,  484, 1244,  454, 1268,  438, 1244,  488, 1266,  430, 1246,  458, 1244,  486, 1244,  430, 1298,  430, 434,  460, 1242,  458, 430,  430, 408,  486, 1242,  456, 434,  404, 462,  456, 430,  432, 1246,  456, 408,  486, 1270,  430, 1246,  460, 404,  482, 1246,  458, 406,  456, 408,  484, 404,  458, 1270,  430, 1274,  458, 432,  430, 408,  456, 406,  486, 1244,  458, 1242,  458, 1246,  484, 406,  458, 432,  430, 1246,  486, 1242,  456, 1272,  430, 434,  458, 406,  458, 406,  458, 406,  486, 404,  458, 406,  458, 430,  430, 460,  430, 1270,  430, 1248,  484, 1244,  456, 1244,  458, 1246,  484, 1244,  456, 1246,  460, 1244,  458};  // UNKNOWN D3A5A0BA

Protocol  : UNKNOWN
Code      : 0xC1EA1036 (170 Bits)
uint16_t rawData[339] = {3364, 1666,  488, 1268,  404, 434,  454, 434,  460, 404,  458, 406,  458, 406,  484, 432,  432, 430,  432, 408,  484, 406,  458, 432,  432, 406,  486, 1242,  458, 430,  430, 408,  454, 436,  456, 408,  458, 406,  484, 432,  428, 434,  430, 408,  484, 406,  458, 430,  432, 408,  484, 430,  430, 432,  432, 408,  482, 408,  456, 408,  458, 432,  458, 1246,  458, 430,  430, 1246,  486, 1242,  458, 1270,  432, 1246,  486, 1242,  458, 1268,  432, 434,  430, 1272,  456, 1246,  458, 1270,  460, 1244,  458, 1246,  456, 1272,  460, 1242,  456, 1270,  434, 1246,  486, 430,  430, 434,  432, 406,  484, 430,  432, 432,  430, 408,  484, 432,  432, 432,  430, 1246,  484, 406,  458, 1246,  456, 408,  486, 404,  458, 1268,  434, 1270,  430, 1274,  456, 408,  458, 1270,  460, 404,  458, 1244,  458, 1246,  486, 430,  430, 432,  460, 378,  488, 1240,  460, 404,  458, 408,  486, 1242,  458, 432,  430, 434,  460, 430,  432, 1246,  458, 406,  488, 1240,  430, 1272,  458, 406,  486, 1242,  430, 1298,  430, 1274,  428, 432,  430, 436,  456, 408,  482, 1248,  458, 406,  430, 462,  456, 404,  458, 432,  430, 408,  486, 1266,  436, 1242,  458, 406,  486, 1242,  456, 1246,  458, 1244,  488, 1240,  458, 1244,  458, 1272,  460, 1242,  456, 1246,  458, 1246,  486, 1242,  458, 1270,  432, 406,  458, 458,  434, 430,  432, 406,  486, 406,  456, 408,  458, 432,  484, 406,  430, 1272,  460, 1216,  486, 1242,  456, 1246,  458, 406,  486, 1268,  432, 1244,  458, 406,  486, 404,  460, 432,  430, 406,  488, 402,  458, 1272,  428, 434,  460, 404,  460, 1242,  458, 1246,  480, 1244,  462, 428,  432, 432,  460, 1244,  458, 432,  430, 1246,  488, 402,  456, 408,  458, 406,  486, 1268,  432, 1246,  460, 430,  460, 1244,  458, 406,  458, 1244,  486, 1242,  458, 1244,  458, 432,  462, 1242,  456, 408,  456, 406,  486, 428,  434, 406,  458, 406,  456, 434,  458, 1244,  460, 430,  462, 1240,  458, 1244,  460, 1244,  486, 1244,  458, 1242,  488, 1214,  460};  // UNKNOWN C1EA1036

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Thanks for that. I think that's a record. I've never come across an A/C remote which produces 5 distinct different length codes.

I'll try to work something out soon. I think I'm going to have to rename the protocol, removing "184" from it as it clearly doesn't use that bit length all the time.

Do you know what buttons/actions those three raw data entries correspond to per chance?

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1 = cancel timer
2 = set timer / change timer
3 = change mode

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Thanks. I'll try to get to it soon.

crankyoldgit added a commit that referenced this issue Mar 17, 2020
* Rename the protocol as bit size isn't constant.
* Support all known state/bit sizes thus captured.
* Add unit test cases

For #1060
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@MinePlugins Can you please download and test the latest version in that branch?

I think I've covered all the different sizes of messages you've reported.

Also, I think I've worked out the checksum alg. for this protocol.
After about byte 6, every second byte of the state is followed by that same byte, but bit-inverted.
e.g. 0x12 (0b00010010) is followed by 0xEC (0b11101101).

Can you confirm that in your findings?

@crankyoldgit crankyoldgit added more info Pending Confirmation Waiting for confirmation from user labels Mar 17, 2020
crankyoldgit added a commit that referenced this issue Mar 17, 2020
* very basic IRHitachiAc3 class added.
* Enough code to verify the checksum/integry check for the protocol.
* Add integrity check to `decodeHitachiAc3()`
* Fix up some incorrect comments.

For #1060
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Branch updated to add the integrity checks.

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Hello due to the Corona virus a don't have the remote so I have only the data in sheet to work with, thanks you a lot

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And yes it's what I'm finding

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Understood. Be safe. Update us when you can.

crankyoldgit added a commit that referenced this issue Mar 24, 2020
* Supports Hitachi PC-LH3B
* Add send & decode routines.
  - Support all known state/bit sizes captured so far.
* Update ancillary support routines.
* Add synthetic and real unit test cases.
* very basic IRHitachiAc3 class added.
  - Enough code to verify the checksum/integrity check for the protocol.
  - Add integrity check to `decodeHitachiAc3()`

For #1060
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Just a friendly ping to see if you've been able to get access to the remote yet.

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No, no for the moment the remote is in a local that been closed until coronavirus end...

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As the PR to add support has been merged, I'm going to mark this closed for now. The virus will be with us for many months it seems. When you eventually get around to it, please give it a test and let me know. You can still update this issue and I'll see it. Or create a new one.

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No problem sir

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Good luck with Covid-19 in your corner of the world

crankyoldgit added a commit that referenced this issue Apr 9, 2020
_v2.7.5 (20200409)_

- Detailed support for `HITACHI_AC1` protocol. (#1056, #1061, #1072)
- update sharp to match Sharp AH-A5SAY (#1074)
- Experimental support for AIRWELL protocol. (#1069, #1070)
- SamsungAC: Add Breeze (Aka WindFree) control (#1062, #1071)
- Support for Daikin FFN-C A/C (#1064, #1065)
- Add basic support for HITACHI_AC3 protocol. (#1060, #1063)
- Add support for `SYMPHONY` 11 bit protocol. (#1057, #1058)
- IRMQTTServer: Improve Home-Assistant discovery by sending a 'device' with the discovery packet (#1055)

- Clean up support status of various protocols.
- Add `decodeToState()` unit tests to all supported protocols (#1067, #1068)
- Add Gree AC example code. (#1066)
crankyoldgit added a commit that referenced this issue Apr 9, 2020
_v2.7.5 (20200409)_

- Detailed support for `HITACHI_AC1` protocol. (#1056, #1061, #1072)
- update sharp to match Sharp AH-A5SAY (#1074)
- Experimental support for AIRWELL protocol. (#1069, #1070)
- SamsungAC: Add Breeze (Aka WindFree) control (#1062, #1071)
- Support for Daikin FFN-C A/C (#1064, #1065)
- Add basic support for HITACHI_AC3 protocol. (#1060, #1063)
- Add support for `SYMPHONY` 11 bit protocol. (#1057, #1058)
- IRMQTTServer: Improve Home-Assistant discovery by sending a 'device' with the discovery packet (#1055)

- Clean up support status of various protocols.
- Add `decodeToState()` unit tests to all supported protocols (#1067, #1068)
- Add Gree AC example code. (#1066)
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FYI, This has been included in the new v2.7.5 release of the library.

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Hi, I'm back, I have the remote !

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Congrats. Try the latest version of the library. It should send & decode the hex values.
Follow the steps here:

When you've worked out how the functions map to the codes and collected the data etc, you can create a new issue and we can work on adding detailed support for it, together.

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Thank's I will do that the next week.

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