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Data Summary

Linda Mejia edited this page Dec 10, 2019 · 11 revisions

Changing progress bar to have “Not Applicable”

Progress Bars

  1. In the "_layouts" folder of the site repo add this file: reporting-status.html
  2. In the "/assets/css/custom.scss" file add:
    .notapplicable {
    background-color: #B7B7B7;
  3. In the "_prose.yml" file in the data repo under:
    ######### Data Info #########
    - name: "reporting_status"
    - name: 'notapplicable'
    value: 'notapplicable'
    Refer to this for proper format (indentation is important)

Rounding on Reporting Status Page (overflowing progress bar)
When adding the above feature you may encounter a problem where the status bar is overflowing. To fix:

  1. In the open-sdg-site-starter create the item "percentage_precise" in the the reportingstatus.html for both the overall status bar and for status by goal bar
  2. Override CSS to get rid of inherent span tag space goal-stats