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Embedded Feature

Linda Mejia edited this page Dec 5, 2019 · 14 revisions

Add a tab to embed custom feature

tab embed

  1. In the "_layouts" folder, add this file: indicator.html
  2. In the "_includes" folder, add this file: autotrack.html
  3. In the "_includes/components" folder add these files:

Embed custom feature as main content

main content embed
Head to via the “edit metadata” button under the edit tab, click on the pencil button and add feature like so: embed
To do the same through Github, go to the indicator metadata file in your data repo and add anywhere under the Front Matter --- the embedded code: github embed

Embed R-Chart/ Map

Embedded R-Chart

  1. After creating your map or chart on R, convert to HTML and copy the code
  2. Create an HTML file in the site repo under "_layouts" & paste the code

To modify the height of the chart/ map, find the div containing id="htmlwidget_container" (at the bottom of the page) and change height to desired pixels.

  1. Before you commit add the following right before the closing </body> tag (this is important or else the height of the page will not adjust to the embedded map/ chart):
    <script src=""></script> <script>new pym.Child();</script>
  2. Create a new markdown file in the site repo under "_pages", with the following code:
    layout: name-of-html-file
    title: Title
    permalink: /name-of-html-file/
  3. Get the link of the page you just created, should be something like:
  4. This is the link you can use in the meta data for the embedded_feature_url. Read more on how to do this here, the code in the meta folder of the indicator should look something like this: embedded feature code