FIONA stands for Fortran IO Netcdf Assembly, which encapsulates netCDF library for easy use.
You need to install netCDF by yourself and by any means (e.g. STARMAN)
It can be added to your project as another submodule.
$ git submodule add lib/container
In your CMakeLists.txt
include_directories(${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/fortran_container) # Not sure why we need this.
target_link_libraries(... fortran_container)
Add FIONA as a submodule in you git project:
$ git submodule add lib/fiona
Add the following line to your CMakeLists.txt
Then link your executable or library with fiona
target_link_libraries(... fiona)
You are good to build your project.
For input, use the following paradigm:
use fiona
call fiona_init()
call fiona_create_dataset('grids', file_path=grids_file_path, mode='r')
call fiona_get_dim('grids', 'location_nv', size=nx) ! Get dimension size in one line!
call fiona_start_input('grids')
call fiona_input('grids', 'vtx_p', x)
call fiona_end_input('grids')
For output:
use fiona
call fiona_create_dataset('mpas_mesh', file_path='mpas_mesh.' // trim(to_string(mesh%nCells)) // '.nc')
call fiona_add_att('mpas_mesh', 'on_a_sphere', 'YES')
call fiona_add_att('mpas_mesh', 'sphere_radius', 1.0d0)
call fiona_add_dim('mpas_mesh', 'nCells', size=mesh%nCells)
call fiona_add_dim('mpas_mesh', 'nEdges', size=mesh%nEdges)
call fiona_add_dim('mpas_mesh', 'nVertices', size=mesh%nVertices)
call fiona_add_var('mpas_mesh', 'latCell', long_name='Latitude of all cell centers', units='radian', dim_names=['nCells'], data_type='real(8)')
call fiona_add_var('mpas_mesh', 'lonCell', long_name='Longitude of all cell centers', units='radian', dim_names=['nCells'], data_type='real(8)')
call fiona_add_var('mpas_mesh', 'xCell', long_name='x axis position of all cell centers', units='m', dim_names=['nCells'], data_type='real(8)')
call fiona_add_var('mpas_mesh', 'yCell', long_name='y axis position of all cell centers', units='m', dim_names=['nCells'], data_type='real(8)')
call fiona_add_var('mpas_mesh', 'zCell', long_name='z axis position of all cell centers', units='m', dim_names=['nCells'], data_type='real(8)')
call fiona_start_output('mpas_mesh')
call fiona_output('mpas_mesh', 'latCell', mesh%latCell)
call fiona_output('mpas_mesh', 'lonCell', mesh%lonCell)
call fiona_output('mpas_mesh', 'xCell', mesh%xCell)
call fiona_output('mpas_mesh', 'yCell', mesh%yCell)
call fiona_output('mpas_mesh', 'zCell', mesh%zCell)
call fiona_end_output('mpas_mesh')
For parallel input:
use fiona
character(...) paths(...)
integer num_x, num_y
integer time_start_idx, time_end_idx, time_idx
real(8), allocatable :: f(:,:,:) ! with dimensions x, y, time (the variant dimension of the dataset bundle is usually time.)
! Set sorted paths.
call fiona_init()
call fiona_open_dataset('h0', file_paths=paths, mode='r', parallel=.true., mpi_com=mpi_comm)
call fiona_get_dim('h0', 'x', size=num_x)
call fiona_get_dim('h0', 'y', size=num_y)
call fiona_get_dim('h0', 'time', start_idx=time_start_idx, end_idx=time_end_idx)
! Read time series (maybe partial of the file), each process reads its assigned partition.
do time_idx = time_start_idx, time_end_idx
call fiona_start_input('h0', file_idx=time_idx)
call fiona_input('h0', 'f', f(:,:,time_idx))
call fiona_end_input('h0')
end do
! By now, each process should already get data for its partition.
! Do some calculation, and reduce the results to root process or all processes.
It is your turn to simplify your callings on netCDF!