Apr 8, 2019
A big thanks to the 24 contributors who made this release possible!
Here are some highlights ✨:
- 🔥 Many new TypeScript & hook demos @Dudrie, @jasondashwang, @sperry94, @Adherentman, @gabrielgene and @Tevinthuku
- 🎀 6 more core components migrated from Classes to Hooks @joshwooding.
- 📐 Update the selection controls and Snackbar to better match the Material Design specification.
- And many more 🐛 bug fixes and 💄 improvements.
@material-ui/[email protected]
Breaking changes
[Switch][Radio][Checkbox] Improve specification compliance (#15097) @oliviertassinari
Refactore the implementation to make it easier to override the styles.
Rename the class names to match the specification wording:-icon -bar +thumb +track
[Snackbar] Match the new specification (#15122) @oliviertassinari
- Change the dimensions
- Change the default transition to from
[TextField] Fix height inconsistency (#15217) @gautam-relayr
Remove the
class fromInputBase
- [Box] Add remaining props to type declaration (#15101) @iamsoorena
- [theme] Prepare the deprecation of theme.mixins.gutters (#15124) @oliviertassinari
- [Switch] Add demo for labels on both sides (#14900) @s7dhansh
- [Zoom] Convert to function component (#15133) @joshwooding
- [Tab] Remove internal indicator prop types (#15143) @sperry94
- [Grid] Add root class (#15163) @eps1lon
- [Grow] Convert to function component (#15134) @joshwooding
- [CardMedia] Move object-fit to the core (#15166) @gebigoma
- [core] Forward ref in Collapse, Popper and SwipeableDrawer (#15170) @eps1lon
- [Popover] Fix the warning when anchorReference="anchorPosition" (#15182) @xaviergonz
- [styles] Fix getLuminance for hsl (#14391) @strayiker
- [Select] Trigger the open callbacks even when uncontrolled (#15176) @rreznichenko
- [Popover] Add warning when non-ref-holding component is used in Paper (#15181) @eps1lon
- [TablePaginationActions] Convert to function component (#15189) @joshwooding
- [TextField] Add links to Input and Select (#15148) @MrHen
- [CardMedia] Allow generic component in TypeScript (#15098) @Domino987
- [Button] Improve types with regard to react-router (#15193) @eps1lon
- [NoSsr] Convert to function component (#15167) @joshwooding
- [ClickAwayListener] Remove findDOMNode usage (#15179) @eps1lon
- [FormControl] Convert to function component (#15208) @joshwooding
- [SwitchBase] Convert to function component (#15188) @joshwooding
@material-ui/[email protected]
- [styles] Fix types of ServerStyleSheets.collect (#15156) @evenchange4
- [styles] Add injectFirst to StylesOptions interface (#15192) @stefanorie
- [styles] Memoize theme to prevent re-rendering (#15201) @jhrdina
- [docs] SimplePortal example using Hooks (#15125) @ralvs
- [example] Simplify ssr examples (#15127) @oliviertassinari
- [docs] Add Grid List TypeScript demos (#15118) @Dudrie
- [docs] Polish Snackbar demos (#15129) @eps1lon
- [docs] More Table TypeScript demos (#15086) @jasondashwang
- [docs] Add most Progress TypeScript demos (#15104) @sperry94
- [docs] Flatten /layout/layout (#15120) @oliviertassinari
- [docs] Migrate docs' App Bar page to hooks (#15121) @gabrielgene
- [docs] Migrate docs' Tooltips page to hooks (#15137) @gabrielgene
- [docs] Use Date type instead of any for MUI pickers demo (#15144) @gabrielgene
- [docs] Add virtualized List example (#15149) @joshwooding
- [docs] Update Style Library Interoperability + Container forwardRef (#15147) @oliviertassinari
- [docs] Run the TypeScript demos (#15159) @oliviertassinari
- [docs] Add Breadcrumbs TypeScript demos (#15139) @Adherentman
- [docs] Fix anchor link (#15174) @eps1lon
- [docs] Convert customized select component to use hooks (#15177) @Tevinthuku
- [docs] Add ExpansionPanels TypeScript Demo (#15162) @Adherentman
- [docs] Add ref forwarding to API docs (#15135) @eps1lon
- [docs] Add ImgMediaCard TypeScript demo (#15130) @jasondashwang
- [docs] Link 'React Material-UI Cookbook' (#15211) @oliviertassinari
- [docs] Fix the docs in dev mode for IE 11 (#15230) @oliviertassinari
- [docs] New translations (#15235) @mbrookes
- [examples] Update all the examples + page layout examples (#15219) @nareshbhatia
- [docs] Tidy up moved / deleted translations and update the Crowdin config (#15247) @mbrookes