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kecerit edited this page Nov 15, 2021 · 3 revisions
  • status : complete
  • version : 7.x


Illustration of the Chat widget in the monitor interface
Chat widget in Monitor interface.

Illustration of the Chat widget from a player's perspective
BoxSelector widget from a player's perspective.


It creates a configurable chat between participants or participants and monitor. If the chat is minimized or closed a notification is sent to other participants.

Main Options

  • receiverOnly: If TRUE, no message can be sent, only received.

  • chatEvent: The event to fire when sending/receiving a message. Default: 'CHAT'

  • useSubmitButton: If TRUE, a submit button is added, otherwise messages are sent by pressing ENTER. Default: TRUE on mobile devices.

  • useSubmitEnter: If TRUE, pressing ENTER sends a msg. Default: TRUE.

  • storeMsgs: If TRUE, a copy of every message is stored in a local db.

  • participants: An array containing the ids of participants (cannot be empty); alternatively, the array may contain objects specifying incoming, outgoing, and display id for messages (see usecase below).

  • initialMsg: An object containing the initial message to be displayed as soon as the chat is opened (see usecase below).

  • uncollapseOnMsg: If TRUE, a minimized chat will automatically open when receiving a msg. Default: FALSE.

  • printStartTime: If TRUE, the initial time of the chat is printed at the beginning of the chat. Default: FALSE.

  • printNames: If TRUE, the names of the participants of the chat is printed at the beginning of the chat. Default: FALSE.

  • showIsTyping: If TRUE, a notification will appear when another
    participant is typing. Default: TRUE.


// Creates and appends a new Chat widget.
var root = document.body;
var chat = node.widgets.append('Chat', root, {
    participants: [ 'id1', 'id2', 'id3' ],
    initialMsg: { id: 'id1', msg: 'This is the first msg' },
    printStartTime: true,
    // Extra options available to all widgets.
    docked: true,
    collapsible: true,
    closable: true

// Creates and appends a new Chat widget that replaces the id of chat participant with a pseudonym.
var chat2 = node.widgets.append('Chat', root, {
    participants: [
            // The id of the recipient of chat messages (
            recipient: '987654321',
            // Optional. The id of recipient of the sender of chat messages,
            // if different from the recipient id. Default: equal to recipient.
            sender: '123456789',
            // Optional. The display name for incoming messages from sender.
            // Default: the recipient id.
            name: 'Alf'
            recipient: '12312312312',
            name: 'Malf'
            recipient: '456456456456',
            name: 'Ralf'
    title: 'Mistery Chat',
    collapsible: true,
    closable: true,
    docked: true,
    printStartTime: true


  • outgoing: Formats outgoing messages.
  • incoming: Formats incoming messages.
  • quit: Communicates that a participant has left the chat.
  • noMoreParticipants: Communicates that there are no participants left.
  • collapse: Communicates that a participant has collapsed or uncollapsed the chat.
  • textareaPlaceholder: The placeholder on the textarea.
  • submitButton: The text on the submit button.
  • isTyping: 'The text notifying that another participant "is typing...".


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