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Stefano Balietti edited this page Oct 21, 2021 · 2 revisions

How to Enable the Push Manager

The push manager "pushes" clients that are lagging behind in the game sequence to go to the next step.

To enable, in the logic client type, add the property pushClients to the steps and stages that require this feature, like in the example below:

// In logic.js

// Enable pushClients with default settings.
stager.extendStep('step_with_default_push', {
    pushClients: true,

// Or with custom settings.
stager.extendStep('step_with_custom_push', {
    pushClients: {
        offset: 20000, // Default: 5000
        reply:   5000, // Default: 2000
        check:   2000  // Default: 2000

Note: Make sure that the steps with pushClient enabled have a timer set either in the TIMER object in game.settings.js or directly as a step property.

How does it work

  1. When the step timer expires, if there are still clients that have not yet finished the current step (stageLevel equals to DONE), then the push manager will start a timer of duration offset.

  2. At the end of this timer, clients that are not yet DONE (or that have not stepped forward) will be pinged.

  3. Upon receiving the ping, the client will try to call the step timeup function, and then try to step forward.

  4. The reply to the ping must arrive to the logic before reply milliseconds, otherwise the client will be disconnected.

  5. If a reply is received in time, then another timer is started of duration checkPush, after which it will be checked if the client has successfully stepped forward. If not, the client will be disconnected.



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