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ChoiceTable Widget v7

shakty edited this page Jul 11, 2023 · 9 revisions
  • status : complete
  • version : 7.x


Illustration of the ChoiceTable widget
The ChoiceTable widget can keep one or multiple options selected at the same.


ChoiceTable creates a configurable table where each cell is a selectable choice.

Main Options

  • orientation: orientation of the table: "vertical" (alias "V") or "horizontal" (alias "H").

  • choices: the array of available choices. It may contain elements of type: string, number, HTML element, array, or object. If array, the first element is the value (string or number), and the second one is the display (string, number or HTML element). However, if a custom renderer function is defined there are no restriction on the format of choices. Example:

        // Equivalent string/number representations.
        '1', 1,
        // Equivalent object/array representations.
        { value: 'other', display: 'Do not know / other' },
        [ 'other', 'Do not know / other' ]
  • requiredChoice: how many choices must selected (TRUE=1); this is a lower bound, an higher number of select choices is allowed, as specified by selectMultiple (you need to specify a value for selectMultiple for any value of requiredChoice > 1).

  • selectMultiple: how many choices can be selected at the same time (TRUE=unlimited); set it equal to requiredChoice to have an exact number of choices to be selected.

  • correctChoice: the array|number|string of correct choice/s.

  • shuffleChoices: if TRUE, choices are shuffled before being added to the table.

  • choicesSetSize: The number of choices per row (default: unlimited).

  • left: If set, an additional non-clickable cell is added before all clickable cells (to the left, or on top, depending on orientation) with the content of this option.

  • right: If set, an additional non-clickable cell is added after all clickable cells (to the left, or on top, depending on orientation) with the content of this option.

  • mainText: a text to be displayed above the table.

  • freeText: if TRUE, a textarea will be added under the table, if 'string', the text will be added inside the textarea.

  • timeFrom: The timestamp as recorded by node.timer.setTimestamp or FALSE, to measure absolute time for current choice. Default: from the beginning of current step.

  • onclick: a custom onclick listener function. Receives 3 input parameters: the value of the clicked choice, whether it was a remove action, and the reference to the corresponding TD object; context is this instance.

  • separator: a string used to delimit id and choice number inside the DOM. Default: "::".

Additional Options

  • group: the name of the group (number or string), if any.

  • groupOrder: the order of the table in the group, if any.

  • renderer: A callback function that fills in the content of each table cell. It receives three input parameters:

    • A td HTML element,
    • A choice string/object
    • The index of the choice element within the choices array

    If may optionally return the value for the choice (otherwise the order in the choices array is used as value).

  • className: the className of the table (string, array), or false to have none.

  • listener: the main onclick listener, handling all the update operations and finally calling the custom onclick listener.

  • oneTimeClick: If TRUE, a selected choice is immediately deselected; useful to create a buttons group. Default: FALSE.

Main methods

  • verifyChoice(markAttempt): compares the current choice/s with the correct one/s, or simply if a required choice was made. Each call to this method is added to the attempts array, unless parameter markAttempt is FALSE. Returns: TRUE/FALSE.

  • setCurrentChoice(choice): programmatically sets current choice/s. Notice: it does not update the display.

  • unsetCurrentChoice(choice): programmatically unsets current choice/s. Notice: it does not update the display.

  • isChoiceCurrent(choice): TRUE is a choice is selected.

  • getChoiceAtPosition(position): returns the choice which is at a given position (useful when choices are displayed randomly).

  • getValues(opts): returns the values for current selection and other paradata. Parameter opts optionally configures the return value:

    • markAttempt: if TRUE, getting the value counts as an attempt to find the correct answer. Default: TRUE.
    • highlight: If TRUE, if current value is not the correct value, widget will be highlighted. Default: FALSE.
    • reset: If TRUE and a correct choice is selected (or not specified), then it resets the state of the widgets before returning. If object, it is passed directly to the reset method. Default: FALSE.
    • processChoice: a function that receives in input a choice and returns its updated value.
    • addValue: if FALSE, it does not add a .value property. Default TRUE.
    • sortValue: If TRUE and multiple choices are allowed, the values in the .value property are sorted alphabetically. Note! The choices array is not sorted. Default: TRUE.
  • setValues(opts): sets values in the choice table as specified by the options: - correct: If TRUE, it selects the correct answer. If FALSE or undefined a random selection is made. Default: FALSE.

  • reset(opts): resets current selection and collected paradata. Parameter opts is an object that may contain: - shuffleChoices: If TRUE, choices are shuffled. Default: FALSE.

  • shuffle(): shuffles the order of the choices.

Return Value

The return value is an object containing the following properties:

  • id: The id of the widget.
  • attempts: If a correct value is specified, all attempts to guess it are saved in this array.
  • choice: The current choice/s, that is the position/s in the original choices array.
  • value: The current value/s, that is the display text or the value specified in the choices array.
  • isCorrect: if a correct choice is specified, or simply any choice is required, this variable is TRUE if the requirement is satisfied.
  • nClicks: the total number of clicks across all choices
  • time: the time passed in milliseconds from the event specified in property timeFrom.


var root = W.getElementById('root');

var ageForm = node.widgets.append('ChoiceTable', root, {
    id: 'age',
    mainText: 'What is your age group?',
    choices: [
        '18-20', '21-30', '31-40', '41-50',
        '51-7.', '7.-70', '71+', 'Do not want to say'
    title: false,
    requiredChoice: true

// After user made his or her selection, get current values.
// Object {
//     id: "age",
//     attempts: [],
//     choice: "4"
//     isCorrect: true,
//     value:  "51-7.",
//     nClicks: 2,
//     time: 2555
// };

Example with custom value different from display.

var root = W.getElementById('root');

var socialMediaForm = node.widgets.append('ChoiceTable', root, {
    id: 'socialmedia',
    mainText: 'How much time do you spend on social media?',
    choices: [
        [ 'very', 'I am a very active user' ],
        [ 'somewhat', 'I am a somewhat active user' ],
        [ 'rarely', 'I rarely use them' ],
        [ 'never', 'I never use them' ]

// Object {
//     id: "socialmedia",
//     attempts: [],
//     choice: "1"
//     isCorrect: true,
//     value:  "somewhat",
//     nClicks: 1,
//     time: 1000
// };

Example with onclick listener

var root = W.getElementById('root');

var militaryForm = node.widgets.append('ChoiceTable', root, {
    id: 'military',
    mainText: 'Have you served in the military?',
    choices: [ 'Yes', 'No' ],
    onclick: function(value, removed, td) {
        // Inputs:
        // value: integer position of the choice in the choices array.
        // removed: TRUE, if user has clicked on a selected cell, so selection is removed.
        // td: The HTML <td> element clicked.

        // Shows the additional form if the user clicks "Yes"
        // and the click has not removed a previous selection.
        if (value === 0 && !removed) {
        else {
        // Make sure the height of the mainframe is right.

var militaryBranch = node.widgets.append('ChoiceTable', root, {
    id: 'militarybranch',
    mainText: 'In which military branch were/are you?',
    choices: [ 'Army', 'Air Force', 'Navy', 'Marine Corps', 'Coast Guard' ],
    requiredChoice: false,
    hidden: true


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