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shakty edited this page May 24, 2023 · 11 revisions
  • status: complete
  • version: 7.x


The Window API is nodeGame's cross-browser interface to the browser's window.

The API is accessible through the Window object, namely node.window or its shortcut W. It is available only in the browser environment and it allows the game developer to load and cache pages, to manipulate the DOM (Document Object Model), and to setup the user interface. For example, it can do things like: disabling HTML inputs, disabling the right click of the mouse, locking the browser's window completely, and much more.

This guide will briefly review the main features of the API:

For a full description and other features refer to the inline documentation.

Loading and manipulating header and frame.

Frames are HTML pages containing the interface of a game step. Unless a widget is used, frames must be generally implemented by the game developer in one ore more separate files: as static resources (in public/), or as dynamic templates (in views/). Frames are loaded into a dedicated iframe which is separate from the rest of the page.

The header is another special region of the page that can be appositely created to contain elements that need to persist throughout the whole game, e.g. a timer, or a counter with the accumulated earnings. The position of the header relative to the frame can be easily manipulated via API.

API methods

  • W.generateFrame():
    generates the frame where all new pages are loaded.

  • W.generateHeader():
    generates the header, which is not reloaded with a frame change.

  • W.generateInfoPanel():
    generates the Info Panel.

  • W.setHeaderPosition(position):
    Moves the header in one of the four cardinal positions: 'top', 'bottom', 'left', 'right.'

  • W.loadFrame(uri, cb, options):
    loads a page from the given uri, and then executes the callback cb. This function is automatically called whenever the frame property of a step is set. The options argument can be used to alter how frames are loaded and cached the displayed frames. Available options: 'loadMode' and 'storeMode'.

    • loadMode: specifies whether the frame should be reloaded regardless of caching (loadMode: 'reload') or whether the frame should be looked up in the cache (loadMode: 'cache', default). If the frame is not in the cache, it is always loaded from the server.
    • storeMode: specifies when a loaded frame should be stored for caching. By default the cache isn't updated (storeMode: 'off'). The other options are to cache the frame right after it has been loaded (storeMode: 'onLoad') and to cache it when it is closed, that is (storeMode: 'onClose'). This last mode preserves all the changes done while the frame was open.
  • W.setUriPrefix(prefix):
    adds a prefix to the uris loaded with W.loadFrame.

  • W.adjustFrameHeight(minHeight, delay):
    Resets the min-height style of the iframe to fit its content properly. Normally, this method does not need to be called by the user, unless the length of the iframe is changed significantly after it has been loaded.

  • W.adjustHeaderOffset(force):
    Slides frame and/or infoPanel so that the header does not overlap. Normally, this method does not need to be called by the user.

Searching and Manipulating the DOM

Elements of the frame might not be immediately accessible from the parent page. Therefore, the W object offers a number of methods to access and manipulates them easily.

API methods

  • W.getElementById(id):
    Looks up an element with the specified id in the frame of the page.

  • W.gid(id):
    Alias of W.getElementById.

  • W.setInnerHTML(search, replace, mod):
    Sets the HTML content of the element/s with id or class name equal to search to the value of replace; optional parameter mod specifies if search is "id" (default), "className", or "g" (global replace) for both "id" and "className".

  • W.html(search, htmlContent, mod):
    Alias for W.setInnerHTML.

  • W.searchReplace(elements, mod, prefix):
    It iterates through each element in elements and it passes them to GameWindow.setInnerHTML.

    By default, it adds the prefix "ng_replace_" to each search parameter.

    If elements is array, each item in the array must be of the type:

     { search: 'key', replace: 'value' }
      // or
     { search: 'key', replace: 'value', mod: 'id' }

    If elements is object, it must be of the type:

         search1: value1, search2: value 2 // etc.
    It accepts a variable number of input parameters. The first is always
    `elements`. If there are 2 input parameters, the second one is `prefix`,
    while if there are 3 input parameters, the second is `mod` and the third
    is `prefix`.
  • W.write/writeln(text, root):
    Appends a text to the root element.

  • W.sprintf(string, args, root):
    Appends a formatted string to the root element.

  • W.hide/show(idOrObj):
    Hides/shows an HTML element; this method calls W.adjustHeaderOffset to make sure things are displayed correctly on page, therefore it should be preferred to manually edit the display style property of an element.

  • W.cssRule:
    Adds a quick CSS rule to the current frame. Example:

        var clear = true;
        W.cssRule('.choicetable-maintext { padding-bottom: 20px; }', clear);

    This method adds a link tag to the frame or window and stores a reference into W.styleElement. Multiple calls will adds rules, unless the clear parameter is set to true (default FALSE). The tag is removed and all rules are cleared whenever the frame is changed, but it will stay valid if the frame is shared across steps or stages.

Manipulating the User Interface

The W object also exposes methods to directly restrict or control some types of user action, such as: disabling the back button, detecting when a user switches tab, displaying an animation in the tab's header, etc.

API methods

  • W.disableRightClick():
    Disables the right click menu.

  • W.enableRightClick():
    Enables the right click menu.

  • W.lockScreen(text):
    Disables all inputs, overlays a gray layer above the elements of the page and optionally writes a text on top of it.

  • W.unlockScreen():
    Undoes W.lockScreen.

  • W.promptOnleave(text):
    Displays a message if the user attempt to close the tab of the experiment.

  • W.restoreOnleave():
    Undoes W.promptOnleave.

  • W.noEscape():
    Disables Esc terminating the connection in some browsers.

  • W.restoreEscape():
    Undoes W.noEscape.

  • W.disableBackButton(disable):
    Disables the back button if parameter disable is true, re-enables it if false.

  • W.onFocusIn(cb):
    Executes a callback each time the players switches tab.

  • W.onFocusOut(cb):
    Executes a callback each time the players returns to the experiment's tab.

  • W.blinkTitle():
    Displays a rotating text on the current tab.

  • W.playSound(sound):
    Plays a sound, if supported by browser.

Configuration options

Some methods can be executed via a configuration option:

  • promptOnleave:
    (true/false) see method.

  • noEscape:
    (true/false) see method.

  • disableRightClick:
    (true/false) see method.

  • disableBackButton:
    (true/false) see method.

In addition, the following options are available:

  • uriPrefix:
    (string) sets a prefix that will be appended to all loaded frames (useful for multilanguage support).

  • waitScreen:
    (true/false) enables/disables the grey waiting screen.

  • adjustFrameHeight:
    (true/false) enables/disables the automatic adjusting of the frame's height; if false, it will be set to '100vh'.

  • defaultHeaderPosition:
    ('top'/'bottom'/'left'/'right') sets the default header position.

All configuration options can be specified before the game starts in the setup file (see the Ultimatum game example), or directly invoking the init method any time during the game, for instance:

W.init({ adjustFrameHeight: false });

Caching frames and other static resources

Frames and other static resources can be explicitly cached at any time during an experiment. Caching provides a twofold advantage. Firstly, it decreases the load on the server (specially stages are repeated for many rounds). Secondly, it guarantees a smoother game experience, by bringing down the transition-time between two subsequent steps. However, caching might not be available in older browser (e.g. IE8), therefore a pre-caching test is performed automatically upon loading nodeGame, and the results are saved in a global variable.

API methods

  • W.preCache([res1, res2, ...], cb):
    Caches the requested resources, and executes the callback cb when finished.

  • W.cacheSupported:
    Flags the support for caching resources.

Caching can be enabled also via the optional options argument of loadFrame method. Here it can be chosen whether a page should be loaded from the cache if it is found there and how to cache the page after it has been loaded. By default, the cache is read but not updated.


// Pre-load some pages.
W.preCache(['page1.html', 'page2.html'], function() {

// Add a new page to the cache.
W.loadFrame('page3.html', undefined, {
    storeMode: 'onLoad'

// Force the download of a cached page from the server.
W.loadFrame('page1.html', undefined, {
    loadMode: 'reload'


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