Project to use a deep learning algorithm for object detection and implement a tracking algorithm to track the object
Note: Only single object detection is performed as a PoC
Combinations of two object detection alogirithms and two tracking algorithms have been used to compare the results
Object Detection : MobileNetSSD vs YOLOv3
Tracking : dlib correlation tracker vs kalman filter
- MobileNetSSD + dlib correlation tracker
- YOLOv3 + dlib correlation tracker
- YOLOv3 + dlib correlation tracker vs kalman filter
Object Detection : Used single detection with the largest confidence
- Object detection is performed once in every 60 frames
- Object detections (except initial) use additional criteria of checking if the new detection is close to previous bounding box (from tracking)
- mobilenet_ssd fails in some detection steps (for refresh_rate = 30 frames) due to occlusion
- Unsuccessful detection steps are skipped and tracking is used as before
- Tracking is re-initiated but with the last successful bounding box
- Object detection is performed once in every 60 frames
- Object detections (except initial) use additional criteria of checking if the new detection is close to previous bounding box (from tracking)
- Unsuccessful detection steps are skipped and tracking is used as before
- Tracking is re-initiated but with the last successful bounding box
- yolov3 fails in some detection steps (for refresh_rate = 30 frames) possibly due to occlusion
Results are saved in "output" folder.