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Implementation of rule 3.5 - indentation (#75)
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* Implementation of rule 3.5 - indentation

### What's done:
* Implemented rule
* Added tests
* Updated rules-config.json
* Updated
  • Loading branch information
petertrr authored Jul 27, 2020
1 parent 930eda4 commit 7d913ed
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Showing 17 changed files with 907 additions and 8 deletions.
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -8,7 +8,6 @@ import org.slf4j.Logger
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory
import java.lang.IllegalArgumentException

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Expand Up @@ -68,7 +68,8 @@ enum class Warnings(private val id: Int, private val canBeAutoCorrected: Boolean
NO_BRACES_IN_CONDITIONALS_AND_LOOPS(48, true, "in if, else, when, for, do, and while statements braces should be used. Exception: single line if statement."),
WRONG_ORDER_IN_CLASS_LIKE_STRUCTURES(49, true, "the declaration part of a class-like code structures (class/interface/etc.) should be in the proper order"),
BLANK_LINE_BETWEEN_PROPERTIES(50, true, "there should be no blank lines between properties without comments; comment or KDoc on property should have blank line before"),
BRACES_BLOCK_STRUCTURE_ERROR(51, true, "braces should follow 1TBS style")
BRACES_BLOCK_STRUCTURE_ERROR(51, true, "braces should follow 1TBS style"),
WRONG_INDENTATION(52, true, "only spaces are allowed for indentation and each indentation should equal to 4 spaces (tabs are not allowed)"),

override fun ruleName(): String =
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Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ import org.cqfn.diktat.common.config.rules.RulesConfigReader
import org.cqfn.diktat.ruleset.rules.comments.CommentsRule
import org.cqfn.diktat.ruleset.rules.files.FileSize
import org.cqfn.diktat.ruleset.rules.files.FileStructureRule
import org.cqfn.diktat.ruleset.rules.files.IndentationRule
import org.cqfn.diktat.ruleset.rules.kdoc.KdocComments
import org.cqfn.diktat.ruleset.rules.kdoc.KdocFormatting
import org.cqfn.diktat.ruleset.rules.kdoc.KdocMethods
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -39,7 +40,8 @@ class DiktatRuleSetProvider(private val jsonRulesConfig: String = "rules-config.
FileStructureRule() // this rule should be the last because it should operate on already valid code
FileStructureRule(), // this rule should be right before indentation because it should operate on already valid code
IndentationRule() // indentation rule should be the last because it fixes formatting after all the changes done by previous rules

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@@ -0,0 +1,206 @@
package org.cqfn.diktat.ruleset.rules.files

import com.pinterest.ktlint.core.KtLint
import com.pinterest.ktlint.core.Rule
import com.pinterest.ktlint.core.ast.ElementType.DOT_QUALIFIED_EXPRESSION
import com.pinterest.ktlint.core.ast.ElementType.FILE
import com.pinterest.ktlint.core.ast.ElementType.LBRACE
import com.pinterest.ktlint.core.ast.ElementType.LBRACKET
import com.pinterest.ktlint.core.ast.ElementType.LPAR
import com.pinterest.ktlint.core.ast.ElementType.RBRACE
import com.pinterest.ktlint.core.ast.ElementType.RBRACKET
import com.pinterest.ktlint.core.ast.ElementType.RPAR
import com.pinterest.ktlint.core.ast.ElementType.WHITE_SPACE
import com.pinterest.ktlint.core.ast.visit
import org.cqfn.diktat.common.config.rules.RulesConfig
import org.cqfn.diktat.common.config.rules.getRuleConfig
import org.cqfn.diktat.ruleset.constants.Warnings.WRONG_INDENTATION
import org.cqfn.diktat.ruleset.rules.getDiktatConfigRules
import org.cqfn.diktat.ruleset.utils.findAllNodesWithSpecificType
import org.cqfn.diktat.ruleset.utils.getAllLeafsWithSpecificType
import org.cqfn.diktat.ruleset.utils.indentBy
import org.cqfn.diktat.ruleset.utils.indentation.AssignmentOperatorChecker
import org.cqfn.diktat.ruleset.utils.indentation.CustomIndentationChecker
import org.cqfn.diktat.ruleset.utils.indentation.DotCallChecker
import org.cqfn.diktat.ruleset.utils.indentation.ExpressionIndentationChecker
import org.cqfn.diktat.ruleset.utils.indentation.IndentationConfig
import org.cqfn.diktat.ruleset.utils.indentation.KDocIndentationChecker
import org.cqfn.diktat.ruleset.utils.indentation.SuperTypeListChecker
import org.cqfn.diktat.ruleset.utils.indentation.ValueParameterListChecker
import org.cqfn.diktat.ruleset.utils.leaveOnlyOneNewLine
import org.cqfn.diktat.ruleset.utils.log
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.psi.psiUtil.parents
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.psi.psiUtil.startOffset
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.utils.addToStdlib.firstNotNullResult

* Rule that checks indentation. The following general rules are checked:
* 1. Only spaces should be used each indentation is equal to 4 spaces
* 2. File should end with new line
* Additionally, a set of CustomIndentationChecker objects checks all WHITE_SPACE node if they are exceptions from general rules.
* @see CustomIndentationChecker
class IndentationRule : Rule("indentation") {
companion object {
const val INDENT_SIZE = 4
private val increasingTokens = listOf(LPAR, LBRACE, LBRACKET)
private val decreasingTokens = listOf(RPAR, RBRACE, RBRACKET)

private lateinit var configuration: IndentationConfig
private lateinit var customIndentationCheckers: List<CustomIndentationChecker>

private lateinit var configRules: List<RulesConfig>
private lateinit var emitWarn: ((offset: Int, errorMessage: String, canBeAutoCorrected: Boolean) -> Unit)
private var isFixMode: Boolean = false
private var fileName: String = ""

override fun visit(node: ASTNode, autoCorrect: Boolean, params: KtLint.Params, emit: (offset: Int, errorMessage: String, canBeAutoCorrected: Boolean) -> Unit) {
configRules = params.getDiktatConfigRules()
isFixMode = autoCorrect
emitWarn = emit
fileName = params.fileName!!

configuration = IndentationConfig(configRules.getRuleConfig(WRONG_INDENTATION)?.configuration
?: mapOf())
customIndentationCheckers = listOf(

if (node.elementType == FILE) {
if (checkIsIndentedWithSpaces(node)) {
} else {
log.warn("Not going to check indentation because there are tabs")

* This method warns if tabs are used in WHITE_SPACE nodes and substitutes them with spaces in fix mode
* @return true if there are no tabs or all of them have been fixed, false otherwise
private fun checkIsIndentedWithSpaces(node: ASTNode): Boolean {
val whiteSpaceNodes = mutableListOf<ASTNode>()
node.getAllLeafsWithSpecificType(WHITE_SPACE, whiteSpaceNodes)
.filter { it.textContains('\t') }
.apply { if (isEmpty()) return true }
.forEach {
WRONG_INDENTATION.warnAndFix(configRules, emitWarn, isFixMode, "tabs are not allowed for indentation", it.startOffset + it.text.indexOf('\t')) {
(it as LeafPsiElement).replaceWithText(it.text.replace("\t", " ".repeat(INDENT_SIZE)))
return isFixMode // true if we changed all tabs to spaces

* Checks that file ends with exactly one empty line
private fun checkNewlineAtEnd(node: ASTNode) {
if (configuration.newlineAtEnd) {
val lastChild = node.lastChildNode
if (lastChild.elementType != WHITE_SPACE || lastChild.text.count { it == '\n' } != 1) {
WRONG_INDENTATION.warnAndFix(configRules, emitWarn, isFixMode, "no newline at the end of file $fileName", node.startOffset + node.textLength) {
if (lastChild.elementType != WHITE_SPACE) {
node.addChild(PsiWhiteSpaceImpl("\n"), null)
} else {

* Traverses the tree, keeping track of regular and exceptional indentations
private fun checkIndentation(node: ASTNode) {
val context = IndentContext()
node.visit { astNode ->
if (astNode.elementType in increasingTokens) {
} else if (astNode.elementType in decreasingTokens && !astNode.treePrev.let { it.elementType == WHITE_SPACE && it.textContains('\n') }) {
// if decreasing token is after WHITE_SPACE with \n, indents are corrected in visitWhiteSpace method
} else if (astNode.elementType == WHITE_SPACE && astNode.textContains('\n') && astNode.treeNext != null) {
// we check only WHITE_SPACE nodes with newlines, other than the last line in file; correctness of newlines should be checked elsewhere
visitWhiteSpace(astNode, context)

private fun visitWhiteSpace(astNode: ASTNode, context: IndentContext) {
val whiteSpace = astNode.psi as PsiWhiteSpace
if (astNode.treeNext.elementType in decreasingTokens) {
// if newline is followed by closing token, it should already be indented less

val indentError = IndentationError(context.indent(), astNode.text.lastIndent())

val checkResult = customIndentationCheckers.firstNotNullResult {
it.checkNode(whiteSpace, indentError)

val expectedIndent = checkResult?.expectedIndent ?: indentError.expected
if (checkResult?.adjustNext == true) {
val exceptionInitiatorNode = astNode.treeParent.let { parent ->
// fixme: a hack to keep extended indent for the whole chain of dot call expressions
if (parent.elementType != DOT_QUALIFIED_EXPRESSION) parent else astNode.parents().takeWhile { it.elementType == DOT_QUALIFIED_EXPRESSION }.last()
context.addException(exceptionInitiatorNode, expectedIndent - indentError.expected)
if (checkResult?.isCorrect != true && expectedIndent != indentError.actual) {
WRONG_INDENTATION.warnAndFix(configRules, emitWarn, isFixMode, "expected $expectedIndent but was ${indentError.actual}",
whiteSpace.startOffset + whiteSpace.text.lastIndexOf('\n') + 1) {

* Class that contains state needed to calculate indent and keep track of exceptional indents
private class IndentContext {
private var regularIndent = 0
private val exceptionalIndents = mutableListOf<ExceptionalIndent>()

fun inc() {
regularIndent += INDENT_SIZE

fun dec() {
regularIndent -= INDENT_SIZE

fun indent() = regularIndent + exceptionalIndents.sumBy { it.indent }

fun addException(initiator: ASTNode, indent: Int) = exceptionalIndents.add(ExceptionalIndent(initiator, indent))
fun checkAndReset(astNode: ASTNode) = exceptionalIndents.retainAll { it.isActive(astNode) }

private data class ExceptionalIndent(val initiator: ASTNode, val indent: Int) {
* Checks whether this exceptional indent is still active. This is a hypotheses that exceptional indentation will end
* outside of node where it appeared, e.g. when an expression after assignment operator is over.
fun isActive(currentNode: ASTNode): Boolean = initiator.findAllNodesWithSpecificType(currentNode.elementType).contains(currentNode)

internal data class IndentationError(val expected: Int, val actual: Int)

internal fun String.lastIndent() = substringAfterLast('\n').count { it == ' ' }
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -243,15 +243,23 @@ fun ASTNode?.isAccessibleOutside(): Boolean =
fun ASTNode.leaveOnlyOneNewLine() = leaveExactlyNumNewLines(1)

* removing all newlines in WHITE_SPACE node and replacing it to specified number of newlines saving the initial indenting format
* removing all newlines in WHITE_SPACE node and replacing it to [num] newlines saving the initial indenting format
fun ASTNode.leaveExactlyNumNewLines(num: Int) {
require(this.elementType == WHITE_SPACE)
(this as LeafPsiElement).replaceWithText("${"\n".repeat(num)}${this.text.replace("\n", "")}")

* @param beforeThisNode node before which childToMove will be placed. If null, childToMove will be apeended after last child of this node.
* Transforms last line of this WHITE_SPACE to exactly [indent] spaces
fun ASTNode.indentBy(indent: Int) {
require(this.elementType == WHITE_SPACE)
(this as LeafPsiElement).rawReplaceWithText(text.substringBeforeLast('\n') + "\n" + " ".repeat(indent))

* @param beforeThisNode node before which childToMove will be placed. If null, childToMove will be appended after last child of this node.
* @param withNextNode whether next node after childToMove should be moved too. In most cases it corresponds to moving
* the node with newline.
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