- schemahero/schemahero: A Kubernetes operator for declarative database schema management (gitops for database schemas)
- n8n-io/n8n: Free and open fair-code licensed node based Workflow Automation Tool. Easily automate tasks across different services.
- spacecloud-io/space-cloud: Open source Firebase + Heroku to develop, scale and secure serverless apps on Kubernetes
- Kubernetes Dashboards: Octant | Loft Blog
- GitHub - vorteil/vorteil: turn your applications and containers into micro virtual machines
- GitHub - kubenav/kubenav: kubenav is the navigator for your Kubernetes clusters right in your pocket.
- A visual guide on troubleshooting Kubernetes deployments
- Takes an input directory containing wave files and splices them together into a morphagene reel
- Allows you to use Ableton projects and exports as reels for the Make Noise Morphagene eurorack module.
- morphagene_audacity.py
- rtyler/zap: A simple cross-platform configuration management and orchestration tool
- Turn Photos into Cartoons Using Python | by Tazki Anida | Jan, 2021 | Towards Data Science
- A Vim Guide for Intermediate Users
- upptime/upptime: ⬆️ Uptime monitor and status page powered by GitHub
- external-secrets/kubernetes-external-secrets: Integrate external secret management systems with Kubernetes
- Do you care about the quality of your infrastructure code? | last9
- jaredallard/localizer: ⛵ A no-frills local development tool for service developers working in Kubernetes
- dog
- inovex/illuminatio: The kubernetes network policy validator.
- Tailwind CSS v2.0 – Tailwind CSS
- Tailwind CSS - Rapidly build modern websites without ever leaving your HTML.
- alyssaxuu/screenity: The most powerful screen recorder & annotation tool for Chrome 🎥
- psql command line tutorial and cheat sheet | postgres
- TwinProduction/gatus: ⛑ Gatus - Automated service health dashboard
- c9fe/22120: 22120 - Self-host the Internet with an Offline Archive. Like binaries? https://github.com/dosyago/22120/releases Similar to ArchiveBox, SingleFile and WebMemex, but gooderer.
- kitabisa/teler: Real-time HTTP Intrusion Detection
- uber/kraken: P2P Docker registry capable of distributing TBs of data in seconds
- Schedule jobs with systemd timers, a cron alternative - DEV
- dankilman/multiplex: View output of multiple processes, in parallel, in the console, with an interactive TUI
- crowdsecurity/crowdsec: Crowdsec - An open-source, lightweight agent to detect and respond to bad behaviours. It also automatically benefits from our global community-wide IP reputation database.
- camptocamp/puppetca-issuer: Cert-manager issuer for the Puppet Certificate Authority
- exelban/stats: macOS system monitor in your menu bar
- sassman/t-rec-rs: Blazingly fast terminal recorder that generates animated gif images for the web written in rust
- erjadi/kubecraftadmin
- diracdeltas/spleeter4max: separate audio in ableton into stems using Spleeter
- deezer/spleeter: Deezer source separation library including pretrained models.
- GitHub - matejak/argbash: Bash argument parsing code generator
- GitHub - nidhaloff/igel: a machine learning tool that allows to train, test and use models without writing code
- GitHub - storax/kubedoom: Kill Kubernetes pods by playing Id's DOOM!
- jetstack/version-checker: Kubernetes utility for exposing image versions in use, compared to latest available upstream, as metrics.
- Portus
- muesli/duf: Disk Usage/Free Utility
- AkihiroSuda/sshocker: ssh + reverse sshfs + port forwarder, in Docker-like CLI
- gnebbia/kb: A minimalist knowledge base manager
- sdushantha/tmpmail: ✉️ A temporary email right from your terminal
- skeeto/endlessh: SSH tarpit that slowly sends an endless banner
- davesnx/query-json: Faster and simpler implementation of jq in Reason Native
- Relativty an Open-source VR headset for $200
- Building Pastebin for text using NGINX and Lua – Usama Ejaz
- n8n.io - Free and Open Workflow Automation Tool
- Your Media, Your Way - Emby
- Raspberry Pi as a local server for self hosting applications - News from Chris
- CloudOps - Kubernetes Operators 101
- Kubernetes YAML Generator
- Kubernetes YAML Generator
- Twitch - Scaleable Multiplayer Game Design with OpenShift
- Introducing GitHub Container Registry - The GitHub Blog
- Consuming Upstream Content in Your Software or Service – Steve Lasker
- Kubernetes 101 - Blog | luminousmen
- Using sysctls in a Kubernetes Cluster | Kubernetes
- The Kubernetes Handbook
- How a Kubernetes Pod Gets an IP Address | Ronak Nathani
- beefsack/webify: Turn shell commands into web services
- almarklein/mypaas: Run your own PaaS using Docker, Traefik, and great analytics
- aquasecurity/trivy: A Simple and Comprehensive Vulnerability Scanner for Containers, Suitable for CI
- Under the hood of Linkerd's state-of-the-art Rust proxy, Linkerd2-proxy | Linkerd
- Create a wifi hotspot with Raspberry Pi 3 and Fedora - Fedora Magazine
- Uzay-G/archivy: Archivy is a self-hosted knowledge repository that allows you to safely preserve useful content that contributes to your knowledge bank.
- TimeToogo/tunshell: Remote shell into ephemeral environments 🐚 🦀
- mikecao/umami: Umami is a simple, fast, website analytics alternative to Google Analytics.
- k14s/ytt: YAML templating tool that works on YAML structure instead of text
- NGINX Config | DigitalOcean
- Tutorial: Set up a Secure and Highly Available etcd Cluster – The New Stack
- christian-korneck/docker-pushrm: "Docker Push Readme" - a Docker CLI plugin to update container repo docs
- cortexproject/cortex: A horizontally scalable, highly available, multi-tenant, long term Prometheus.
- cyberark/kubeletctl: A client for kubelet
- Baekalfen/PyBoy: Game Boy emulator written in Python
- An Introduction to ZFS A Place to Start | ServeTheHome
- bloomberg/goldpinger: Debugging tool for Kubernetes which tests and displays connectivity between nodes in the cluster.
- Anstack.com - The easiest and fastest way to deploy an OKD 4.5 cluster in a Libvirt/KVM host
- Why Should You Learn Vim in 2020 | Pragmatic Pineapple 🍍
- Kubernetes: Automatic Let’s Encrypt Certificates for Services | by Sebastian | Aug, 2020 | Medium
- tsugliani/packer-vsphere-debian-appliances: My VMware vSphere Debian Appliances
- Clarity Theme for Hugo Released | Neon Mirrors
- Kubernetes production best practices
- daitangio/misterio: Docker-compose based Ansible alternative. It hates spiders
- How To Set up SSH Keys on a Linux / Unix System - nixCraft
- SSH Agent Forwarding: How to use SSH properly and what is SSH Agent Forwarding - DEV
- DevSecCon24 - 2020 - YouTube
- ventoy/Ventoy: A new bootable USB solution.
- Stupid Bash tricks: History, reusing arguments, files and directories, functions, and more | Enable Sysadmin
- Doing Stupid Stuff with GitHub Actions | DevOps Directive
- Monitoring your own infrastructure using Grafana, InfluxDB, and CollectD — SerHack blog
- How to list all the targets on a Makefile
- josemzr/netshoot-ova
- Accelerated Feedback Loops when Developing for Kubernetes with Conftest // Plex Engineering
- Helm Is Not Enough, You Also Need Kustomize | by Arun Ramakani | ITNEXT
- Golang basics - grab JSON from an API
- Creating a kubeconfig file for a self-hosted Kubernetes cluster
- A bit of a Vector –
- Porter: An Open Source Cloud Native Load Balancer in CNCF Landscape | by KubeSphere | Jul, 2020 | ITNEXT
- appvia/krane: Kubernetes RBAC static Analysis & visualisation tool
- goodwithtech/dockle: Container Image Linter for Security, Helping build the Best-Practice Docker Image, Easy to start
- B-Software/Ward: Simple and minimalistic server dashboard
- Stono/kconmon: A Kubernetes node connectivity monitoring tool
- timberio/vector: A lightweight and ultra-fast tool for building observability pipelines
- Oha — command-line utility in Rust // Lib.rs
- Automate Server Configuration with Ansible Playbooks | Linode
- Using kubectl via an SSH Tunnel - Scott's Weblog - The weblog of an IT pro focusing on cloud computing, Kubernetes, Linux, containers, and networking
- Overview | BeeMesh
- maxgoedjen/secretive: Store SSH keys in the Secure Enclave
- Zettlr/Zettlr: A Markdown Editor for the 21st century.
- Mastering JQ: Part 1 - CodeFaster
- Deploying a static website with Ansible | Enable Sysadmin
- How to use FIDO2 USB authenticators with SSH - Stavros' Stuff
- 5 modern alternatives to essential Linux command-line tools | Opensource.com
- Use Unix Pipes to Improve Chromecast Playback - Alex DeLorenzo
- Calico for Kubernetes networking: the basics & examples
- kudobuilder/kuttl: KUbernetes Test TooL (kuttl)
- schenkd/nginx-ui: Nginx UI allows you to access and modify the nginx configurations files without cli.
- Put your bash code in functions - rand[om]
- foambubble/foam: A personal knowledge management and sharing system for VSCode
- Thread by @danielepolencic: THREAD: How to quarantine a Pod in Kubernetes. This technique helps you with debugging running Pods in production. The Pod is detached from…
- sethvargo/go-envconfig: A Go library for parsing struct tags from environment variables.
- sickcodes/Docker-OSX: Mac in Docker! Run near native OSX-KVM in Docker! X11 Forwarding!
- Welcome! | practical-python
- resgateio/resgate: A Realtime API Gateway used with NATS to build REST, real time, and RPC APIs, where all your clients are synchronized seamlessly.
- gitrows/gitrows: A lightweight module for using git as a database
- practical-python/Contents.md at main · dabeaz-course/practical-python
- neutrinolabs/xrdp: xrdp: an open source RDP server
- cloudflare/utahfs: UtahFS is an encrypted storage system that provides a user-friendly FUSE drive backed by cloud storage.
- VSCodium/vscodium: binary releases of VS Code without MS branding/telemetry/licensing
- Linux / Unix logtop: Realtime Log Line Rate Analyser - nixCraft
- theryangeary/choose: A human-friendly and fast alternative to cut and (sometimes) awk
- subspacecommunity/subspace: A fork of the simple WireGuard VPN server GUI community maintained
- Composing in the Caddyfile - Wiki - Caddy Community
- Composing in the Caddyfile - Wiki - Caddy Community
- 10 most common mistakes using kubernetes – pipetail Blog
- distroless/README.md at master · GoogleContainerTools/distroless · GitHub
- portainer-k8s/README.md at master · portainer/portainer-k8s · GitHub
- How to Quickly Launch Ubuntu Virtual Machine with Multipass
- cdk8s
- awslabs/cdk8s: Define Kubernetes native apps and abstractions using object-oriented programming
- hediet/vscode-drawio: This extension integrates Draw.io into VS Code.
- FiloSottile/yubikey-agent: yubikey-agent is a seamless ssh-agent for YubiKeys.
- WSL2+K3d: an HA Arkade game :: ~/wsl.dev — Get your Linux On
- WSL2+ZFS: High 5 from the Kernel :: ~/wsl.dev — Get your Linux On
- Product for Internal Platforms - Camille Fournier - Medium
- Logging w/ journald: Why use it & how it performs vs syslog - Sematext
- Open Sourcing Tinkerbell - Packet Bare Metal Blog
- Tinkerbell :: Tinkerbell
- eerkunt/terraform-compliance: a lightweight, security focused, BDD test framework against terraform.
- ramitsurana/awesome-kubernetes: A curated list for awesome kubernetes sources
- Regular Expressions for Regular Folk | Regular Expressions for Regular Folk (REFRF)
- WireGuard on K8s (road-warrior-style VPN server)
- Tmux for mere mortals
- Encrypting and storing Kubernetes secrets in Git
- Check disk space usage on linux with Ncdu – BinaryTides
- Clean up Linux Server Using These Simple Tips
- Balthazar – Shell productivity tips and tricks
- Deploying a highly-available K3s with K3sup
- A batch script to monitor a kubernetes pod status, it shows windows toast notification when the pod status changes. Change the NAME to your pod name. · GitHub
- GitHub - alexellis/derek: Derek reduces fatigue by automating GitHub
- Linux check the physical health of a USB stick [ Flash drive ] - nixCraft
- Git Explorer
- GitHub - trodemaster/packer-windows-10-insider: Packer template for windows 10 insider builds on VMware
- GitHub - sl1pm4t/k2tf: Kubernetes YAML to Terraform HCL converter
- SSH Tips & Tricks
- 15 Tips To Ace the CKAD and CKA Exam - BB Tutorials & Thoughts - Medium
- Ramblings from Jessie: The Art of Automation
- Seeking the Productive Life: Some Details of My Personal Infrastructure—Stephen Wolfram Writings
- Ramblings from Jessie: Home Lab is the Dopest Lab
- richstokes/cheekymonkey: Literally a Chaos Monkey for your Kubernetes clusters
- AATHITH/kubesort: repo for kubesort
- aristocratos/bashtop: Linux resource monitor
- openfaas/faasd: faasd - serverless with containerd and CNI 🐳
- vladaionescu/earthly: Build automation for the container era
- Fedora Silverblue is an amazing immutable desktop | Just another Linux geek
- GitHub - alexellis/awesome-baremetal: Bare-metal is awesome. Let's share our favourite tools.
- GitHub - aaronjanse/3mux: Terminal multiplexer inspired by i3
- Troubleshoot using the proc filesystem on Linux | Opensource.com
- Wireguard VPN: Typical Setup - The poetry of (in)security
- Controlling outbound traffic from Kubernetes
- Percona XtraBackup: Backup and Restore of a Single Table or Database - Percona Database Performance Blog
- ManagedKube/kubernetes-common-services: These services help make it easier to manage your applications environment in Kubernetes
- braidchat/braid: Braid is a team-chat app with a novel UI that leads to better conversations.
- GoogleContainerTools/kpt
- rancher/fleet: Manage large fleets of Kubernetes clusters
- kubevious/kubevious: Kubevious project, application centric Kubernetes UI
- TimeToogo/ff-proxy: A UDP to TCP proxy server for sending HTTP requests with zero latency
- Sidekick - A High Performance, Sidecar Load Balancer from MinIO
- tanrax/maza-ad-blocking: Local ad blocker. Like Pi-hole but local and using your operating system.
- OpenTTD | Home
- How to SSH Properly
- paulczar/helmfile-starter-kit: Starter kit showing an opinionated helmfile workflow
- 14 Kubernetes interview questions: For hiring managers and job seekers | The Enterprisers Project
- darkbitio/mkit: MKIT is a Managed Kubernetes Inspection Tool that validates several common security-related configuration settings of managed Kubernetes cluster objects and the workloads/resources running inside the cluster.
- Darling | macOS translation layer for Linux
- sorcia
- curl write-out JSON | daniel.haxx.se
- iSH
- zectl ZFS Boot Environment Manager for Linux | John Ramsden
- Jitsi.org - develop and deploy full-featured video conferencing
- bigbluebutton/bigbluebutton: Complete open source web conferencing system.
- OpenVidu
- hostctl/README.md at master · guumaster/hostctl
- andris9/imap-api: Self hosted application to access IMAP accounts over REST
- https://mosermichael.github.io/jq-illustrated/dir/content.html
- Balthazar – Text processing in the shell
- Make Videochat available - installation of jitsi on Debian
- Managing Your k8s Cluster via DaemonSets
- GitHub - spotify/backstage: Backstage is an open platform for building developer portals https://backstage.io
- GitHub - docker/build-push-action: Build+push official Docker GitHub action
- monitoror/monitoror: Unified monitoring wallboard — Light, ergonomic and reliable monitoring for anything.
- jimsalterjrs/sanoid: Policy-driven snapshot management and replication tools. Using ZFS for underlying next-gen storage. (Btrfs support plans are shelved unless and until btrfs becomes reliable.) Primarily intended for Linux, but BSD use is supported and reasonably frequently tested.
- Welcome | Legit (Git Workflow for Humans)
- Job Control: the Bash Feature You Only Think You Don't Need | Linux Journal
- bottlerocket-os/bottlerocket: An operating system designed for hosting containers
- How To Use Visual Studio Code for Remote Development via the Remote-SSH Plugin | DigitalOcean
- replit/clui: CLUI is a collection of JavaScript libraries for building command-line interfaces with context-aware autocomplete.
- Inside the GitHub Load Balancer - HAProxy Technologies
- A batch script to monitor a kubernetes pod status, it shows windows toast notification when the pod status changes. Change the NAME to your pod name. · GitHub
- GitHub - aforensics/HiddenVM: HiddenVM — Use any desktop OS without leaving a trace.
- GitHub - vmware/tern: Open Source compliance for containers
- My First Kubernetes Clusters with Rancher | Blog Linoproject.net
- Andrea Piseri / icons · GitLab
- GitHub - alexellis/derek: Derek - reduce fatigue by automating GitHub
- Linux check the physical health of a USB stick [ Flash drive ] - nixCraft
- 15 Tips To Ace the CKAD and CKA Exam - BB Tutorials & Thoughts - Medium
- Printful: On-Demand Print & Embroidery Fulfillment and Warehousing Services
- Joplin - an open source note taking and to-do application with synchronisation capabilities
- Preparing for the CKA exam: Tips & Resources
- How to monitor Kubernetes audit logs | Datadog
- google/gops: A tool to list and diagnose Go processes currently running on your system
- wallabag/wallabag: wallabag is a self hostable application for saving web pages: Save and classify articles. Read them later. Freely.
- Create and use OpenStack snapshots | OVHcloud Blog
- Git Explorer
- moolen/harbor-sync: Sync harbor robot accounts with Kubernetes
- How to Monitor Kubernetes API Server | Sysdig
- rancher/kine
- Quick Post: Visual Studio Code is now my Default SSH Client and Linux file Editor! - VIRTUALIZATION IS LIFE!
- Refactoring Terraform, The Right Way. - DoiT International
- Terraform Poka-Yokes — Writing Effective, Scalable, Dynamic, and Error-Resistant Terraform
- My Hugo and Visual Studio Workflow · vNinja.net
- Entangle Welcome
- 35 Advanced Tutorials to Learn Kubernetes — Faun - Faun - Medium
- GitHub - metmuseum/openaccess: The Metropolitan Museum of Art's Open Access Initiative
- Understanding Kubernetes limits and requests by example | Sysdig
- GitHub - kayrus/kuttle: Kubernetes wrapper for sshuttle
- Examples of how to test the impact of the v1.16 API deprecations · GitHub
- Golang basics - writing unit tests
- GitHub - kyma-incubator/terraform-provider-kind: Terraform Provider for kind (Kubernetes IN Docker)
- cfgmgmtcamp 2020 - Slides - jen20.dev
- k14s - Kubernetes Tools that follow Unix philosophy to be simple, and composable
- Preparing for the CKA exam: Tips & Resources
- Konveyor | Konveyor Project
- i Hate Regex - The Regex Cheat Sheet
- zhaojh329/rtty: Access your device's terminal from anywhere via the web.
- KubeOperator/webkubectl: Run kubectl command in Web Browser.
- Behringer Neutron Patches
- ibuildthecloud/klum: Kubernetes Lazy User Manager
- fabiolb/fabio: Consul Load-Balancing made simple
- shellhub-io/shellhub: ShellHub enables teams to easily access any Linux device behind firewall and NAT.
- whalebrew/whalebrew: Homebrew, but with Docker images
- Building a simple VPN with WireGuard with a Raspberry Pi as Server // Andreas Happe
- Building containers without Docker
- GitHub - ovh/celery-director: Simple and rapid framework to build workflows using Celery
- GitHub - ovh/celery-dyrygent: Celery extension which allows to orchestrate 100/1000/10000 tasks combined into a complex workflow
- Introducing Trackman. Execute commands as a workflow.
- brendandburns/configula: Experimental configuration generator inspired by JSX
- mimecast/dtail: DTail is a distributed DevOps tool for tailing, grepping, catting logs and other text files on many remote machines at once.
- sighupio/permission-manager: Permission Manager is a project that brings sanity to Kubernetes RBAC and Users management, Web UI FTW
- bregman-arie/devops-exercises: Linux, Jenkins, AWS, SRE, Prometheus, Docker, Python, Ansible, Git, Kubernetes, Terraform, OpenStack, SQL, NoSQL, Azure, GCP, DNS, Elastic, Network, Virtualization
- drwetter/testssl.sh: Testing TLS/SSL encryption anywhere on any port
- https://people.redhat.com/~rjones/goals/README
- TLDR pages
- Big list of http static server one-liners
- Scaling Uber’s Hadoop Distributed File System for Growth
- Pi-hole and OpenVPN Server
- pulsar-express, a web interface for Apache Pulsar - DEV Community 👩💻👨💻
- (76) Serverless Functions with Alex Ellis of OpenFaaS: DevOps and Docker Live Show (Ep 68) - YouTube
- Build a 10 USD Raspberry Pi Tunnel Gateway
- How to write a Cluster API provider for running Kubernetes cluster on baremetal
- netblue30/firejail: Linux namespaces and seccomp-bpf sandbox
- PrivateBin/PrivateBin: A minimalist, open source online pastebin where the server has zero knowledge of pasted data. Data is encrypted/decrypted in the browser using 256 bits AES.
- KubeVault v0.3.0 - Tools for running HashiCorp Vault on Kubernetes
- jnoller/kubernaughty: IO, resource contention notes, docs and tools
- How Useful Is Ansible in a Cloud-Native Kubernetes Environment?
- ibuildthecloud/k3c: Lightweight local container engine for container development
- Auto-restart a crashed service in systemd
- How to Run Commands on Multiple Linux Hosts Using PSSH
- rqlite/rqlite: The lightweight, distributed relational database built on SQLite.
- heroku/terrier: Terrier is a Image and Container analysis tool that can be used to scan Images and Containers to identify and verify the presence of specific files according to their hashes.
- A visual guide on troubleshooting Kubernetes deployments
- Kubetools - Curated List of Kubernetes Tools | dockerlabs
- GitHub - terraform-providers/terraform-provider-ovh: Terraform OVH provider
- GitHub - ovh/terraform-ovh-commons: This repo contains commons resources to interact with OVH Public Cloud using Terraform.
- Work Is Work | codahale.com
- The SQL Murder Mystery
- GitHub - trodemaster/packer-windows-10-insider: Packer template for windows 10 insider builds on VMware
- Yocto Project – It's not an embedded Linux distribution – it creates a custom one for you
- Git Cheat Sheet for Beginners and Intermediates
- kubectl tree: Visualize Kubernetes object ownership
- rakyll/govalidate: Validates your Go installation and dependencies.
- What exactly is being sent to Ubuntu in the MOTD?
- Broot
- cube2222/jql: Easy JSON Query Processor with a Lispy syntax in Go
- Home - Rhasspy (pronounced RAH-SPEE) is an open source, fully offline voice assistant toolkit for many languages that works well with Home Assistant, Hass.io, and Node-RED.
- tchiotludo/kafkahq: Kafka GUI for Apache Kafka to manage topics, topics data, consumers group, schema registry, connect and more...
- satwikkansal/wtfpython: Exploring Python through counter-intuitive snippets. If you think you know Python, think once more!
- beenje/pi_openvpn: Ansible playbook to install OpenVPN on a Raspberry Pi
- GitHub - synthesio/infra-ovh-ansible-module: An Ansible module that communicates with OVH API.
- media.ccc.de - The Great Escape of ESXi
- alexellis/go-execute: Automate commands with Go
- alexellis/faasd: faasd - serverless with containerd 🐳
- cormachogan/vtopology: vtopology runs a combination of bash and Powershell/PowerCLI for displaying vSphere topology
- Pretty git log in one line
- Getting Started with the Rust Programming Language - NetworkStatic | Brent Salisbury's Blog
- Debug Services - Kubernetes
- Get TLS for OpenFaaS the easy way with k3sup
- Get TLS for OpenFaaS the easy way with k3sup
- sheetfu/README.rst at master · socialpoint-labs/sheetfu
- The power of interfaces in OpenFaaS
- tmux - YouTube
- sugarkube/sugarkube: Ephemeral Kubernetes clusters
- Dapr - portable, event-driven, serverless runtime.
- Inlets
- google/kf: Feels like Cloud Foundry. Runs on Kubernetes. Powered by Knative and Istio.
- chubaofs/chubaofs: A distributed storage system for cloud native applications to separate storage from compute.
- Bringing On-prem Kubernetes to Cloud Parity
- GitHub - packet-labs/iot
- TinyGo 0.11 released with @Adafruit #PyBadge support #Go #TinyGo #Programming « Adafruit Industries – Makers, hackers, artists, designers and engineers!
- Free for developers
- Provision k3s on the fly with k3sup
- stacker/README.md at master · anuvu/stacker · GitHub
- Guide to Build a CRUD API with Postgresql and Node.js With OpenFaaS - Civo.com
- Multipass orchestrates virtual Ubuntu instances
- (76) The Path Less Traveled: Abusing Kubernetes Defaults - YouTube
- Ansible for Kubernetes - a book by Jeff Geerling
- Learning Python from Scratch - DEV Community
- jellyfin/README.md at master · jellyfin/jellyfin · GitHub
- GitHub - jellyfin/jellyfin: The Free Software Media System
- GitHub - sl1pm4t/k2tf: Kubernetes YAML to Terraform HCL converter
- “Kubernetes in a Nutshell” — blog series - ITNEXT
- Kubernetes 1.14.1 Installation using kubeadm on vSphere with CentOS7 · GitHub
- VEBA | Patrick Kremer
- Cleafy/sxkdvm: SXKDVM - OSX Docker KVM / Run an OSX KVM virtual machine inside a Docker container.
- kholia/OSX-KVM: Run macOS on QEMU/KVM. No support is provided at the moment.
- ananace/flexvolume-git-live: Live git checkouts as a flexvolume driver for Kubernetes
- Jan-Piet Mens :: On building an Ansible training environment on FreeBSD
- docker-slim/docker-slim: DockerSlim (docker-slim): Don't change anything in your Docker container image and minify it by up to 30x (and for compiled languages even more) making it secure too! (free and open source)
- Atarity/deploy-your-own-saas: List of "only yours" cloud services for everyday needs
- Using Makefile(s) for Go
- Installing system packages in Docker with minimal bloat
- Announcing ctr.run: on-demand Docker builds - Scope - Medium
- Docker File From Image | Reverse-engineer a Dockerfile from a Docker image.
- No Docker Required_ Tools to Build Container Images
- AI Weirdness • Play AI Dungeon 2. Become a dragon. Eat the moon.
- GitHub - cloudyuga/kubecon19-NA: Videos and slides on Kubecon'19 San Diego
- Infrastructure as Code, 2nd Edition - O'Reilly Media
- AWS DeepComposer
- Lucid Index
- Leanote
- GitHub - zadam/trilium: Build your personal knowledge base with Trilium Notes
- sysadvent: Day 5 - Break up your Terraform project before it breaks you
- SSH to remote hosts though a proxy or bastion with ProxyJump | Enable Sysadmin
- Structuring Your Project — The Hitchhiker's Guide to Python
- Metaflow
- Google - Site Reliability Engineering
- Automated Testing for Terraform, Docker, Packer, Kubernetes, and More
- GitHub - localstack/localstack: 💻 A fully functional local AWS cloud stack. Develop and test your cloud & Serverless apps offline!
- GitHub - laurent22/joplin: Joplin - an open source note taking and to-do application with synchronization capabilities for Windows, macOS, Linux, Android and iOS. Forum: https://discourse.joplinapp.org/
- The beginners guide to creating Kubernetes manifests -- Prefetch Technologies
- Audit VM configuration changes using the vCenter Event Broker - Opvizor | Opvizor
- Vitess | A database clustering system for horizontal scaling of MySQL
- Xpenology: The Definitive Guide (2019 Update)
- xpenology-docker/README.md at master · segator/xpenology-docker · GitHub
- Setting up a vSphere lab with CoreDNS in Docker – The Fluffy Admin
- GitHub - BBVA/kvm: Simple Docker KVM container
- Know Kubernetes — Pictorially - Tarka Labs Blog - Medium
- Continuous Improvements in Ansible and Kubernetes Automation
- Facebook Teams With Microsoft On Visual Studio Code's Remote Extensions - Slashdot
- To run or not to run a database on Kubernetes: What to consider | Google Cloud Blog
- How to set up a serious Kubernetes terminal - freeCodeCamp.org - Medium
- lamw/photonos-appliance
- Running Nested ESXi, NSX-V or NSX-T on top of NSX-T
- Debug Services - Kubernetes
- rumblesan/slowradio: A slow radio station
- junegunn/fzf: A command-line fuzzy finder
- The Language Agnostic, All-Purpose, Incredible, Makefile | Mindlessness
- Muzzle - silence embarrassing notifications
- Kubernetes production best practices
- ishantanu/awesome-kubectl-plugins: Curated list of kubectl plugins
- Kubernetes for Full-Stack Developers, a self-guided course. | DigitalOcean
- OpenShift 4.2 vSphere Install with Static IPs – Red Hat OpenShift Blog
- Shell script to set up an LXD (Linux Containers) VM lab for testing purpose – nixCraft
- 70 Best Kubernetes Tutorials
- Naïve Bayes for Machine Learning – From Zero to Hero
- Kubernetes production best practices
- Test-Driven Development (TDD) for Infrastructure - Speaker Deck
- Stop Bashing Bash | Conjur
- sampointer/dy: Construct YAML from a directory tree
- Tikam02/DevOps-Guide: DevOps Guide from basic to advanced with Interview Questions and Notes 🔥
- gobuffalo/packr: The simple and easy way to embed static files into Go binaries.
- Building Container Images with Img - Giant Swarm
- (76) Automating "Network Ready for Use" Testing - YouTube
- Getting started with Knative | Hubert Ströbitzer - YouTube
- ynqa/ktop: top for k8s
- Intermediate Python Tutorials – Real Python
- bayard-search/bayard: Bayard is a full-text search and indexing server written in Rust.
- ngs-lang/ngs: Next Generation Shell (NGS)
- KubeSail Blog | Storage on Kubernetes
- KubeCon + CloudNativeCon Europe 2019: Building Images Efficiently and Securely...
- mxssl/sre-interview-prep-guide: Site Reliability Engineer Interview Preparation Guide
- jlesquembre/kubeprompt: Kubernetes prompt
- Deploy Traefik as Ingress Controller - Phrenetic Coding
- OCIBuilder: An Easy Button for Building OCI Container Images | BlackRock Engineering
- ocibuilder/ocibuilder: A tool to build OCI compliant images
- corkscrew/README.md at master · bryanpkc/corkscrew · GitHub
- Invoking the Kubernetes API in Node.js | Enda Phelan
- Storage on Kubernetes: OpenEBS vs Rook (Ceph) vs Rancher Longhorn vs StorageOS vs Robin vs Portworx vs Linstor | has_many :codes
- GitHub - 3scale/kourier: 3scale Kourier is an Ingress for Knative Serving
- Programmatically Creating Kubernetes Manifests - Scott's Weblog - The weblog of an IT pro focusing on cloud computing, Kubernetes, Linux, containers, and networking
- How to prepare and pass Certified Kubernetes Administrator(CKA) exam
- Linstor storage with Kubernetes | has_many :codes
- Comparing Ingress controllers for Kubernetes - Flant - Medium
- dapr/README.md at master · dapr/dapr · GitHub
- ClusterAPI — A Guide on How to Get Started - Product Development at Condé Nast International - Medium
- GitHub - mrlesmithjr/vagrant-box-templates
- GitHub - mrlesmithjr/packer-templates
- GitHub - knrt10/kubernetes-basicLearning: Understand kubernetes step by step. A simple repo for beginners
- GitHub - kubernetes-sigs/kustomize: Customization of kubernetes YAML configurations
- Migrating from Docker to Podman :: QuLogic
- Argo: Workflow Engine for Kubernetes - ITNEXT
- GitHub - itaysk/kubectl-neat: Clean up Kuberntes yaml and json output to make it readable
- See A Satellite Tonight
- GitHub - mrlesmithjr/packer-builder: Packer Builder - Making Packer Building More Consumable
- Using Kustomize with Kubeadm Configuration Files - Scott's Weblog - The weblog of an IT pro focusing on cloud computing, Kubernetes, Linux, containers, and networking
- Kubernetes Web UIs in 2019 | SRCco.de
- Deep Learning with PyTorch: A 60 Minute Blitz — PyTorch Tutorials 1.3.0 documentation
- 20+ basic Algorithms Problems from Coding Interviews - DEV Community 👩💻👨💻
- salesforce/sloop: Kubernetes History Visualization
- karydia/karydia: Kubernetes Security Walnut
- digitalocean/clusterlint: A best practices checker for Kubernetes clusters. 🤠
- Adventures in the Terraform DSL, Part VIII: The Puppet provisioner | Alex Harvey
- Firekube - Fast and Secure Kubernetes Clusters Using Weave Ignite
- weaveworks/wks-quickstart-firekube: Example configuration to create Kubernetes clusters powered by ignite and gitops
- GitHub - kubernetes-sigs/kubebuilder: Kubebuilder - SDK for building Kubernetes APIs using CRDs
- ClusterAPI for vSphere, now with CNS support - Blah, Cloud.
- GitHub - vmware/pyvmomi-community-samples: A place for community contributed samples for the pyVmomi library.
- Announcing the Terraform Plugin SDK
- kpack/README.md at master · pivotal/kpack · GitHub
- Install LXD pure-container hypervisor on Ubuntu 18.04 LTS - nixCraft
- Running rootless Podman as a non-root user | Enable Sysadmin
- GitHub - instrumenta/conftest: Write tests against structured configuration data using the Open Policy Agent Rego query language
- GitHub - chuckha/kubeyaml: Validate kubernetes yaml documents against the swagger definitions
- 12 Kubernetes configuration best practices | StackRox
- A Gentle Introduction to Bayes Theorem for Machine Learning
- Building containers in Jenkins with Kaniko
- GitHub - weaveworks/wksctl: Open Source Weaveworks Kubernetes System
- WKSctl - A New OSS Kubernetes Manager using GitOps
- GitHub - alexellis/inlets-operator: Get a public Kubernetes LoadBalancer for your local cluster
- Get a LoadBalancer for your private Kubernetes cluster
- GitHub - alexellis/inlets: Expose your local endpoints to the Internet
- cedrickring/kbuild: CLI for Kaniko to build container images in a Kubernetes Cluster
- Webinar Series: Building Blocks for Doing CI/CD with Kubernetes | DigitalOcean
- GitHub - AliyunContainerService/kube-eventer: kube-eventer emit kubernetes events to sinks
- Blog @ Codonomics: Essential Tmux for CKAD or CKA Exam
- The Kubernetes Learning Resources List
- Writing a Kubernetes Operator in Python without frameworks and SDK
- cinc · GitLab
- A beginner's guide to network troubleshooting in Linux | Enable Sysadmin
- Blog @ Codonomics: Essential Vim For CKAD Or CKA Exam
- 30 Linux Permissions Exercises for Sysadmins – devconnected
- Study guide for the Certified Kubernetes Administrator (CKA) exam
- GitHub - Mirantis/k8s-netchecker-server: Basic network checker service to check DNS and connectivity in kubernetes cluster
- mimic/README.md at master · bwplotka/mimic · GitHub
- Terraform Puppet Provisioner – Green Reed Technology
- Exploring Cluster API v1alpha2 Manifests - Scott's Weblog - The weblog of an IT pro focusing on cloud computing, Kubernetes, Linux, containers, and networking
- PokéAPI
- terraform-provider-pokemon/README.md at master · salaxander/terraform-provider-pokemon · GitHub
- vmware_deploy_ovf – Deploys a VMware virtual machine from an OVF or OVA file — Ansible Documentation
- If you’re not using SSH certificates you’re doing SSH wrong - smallstep
- Kubernetes and Python | SRCco.de
- Input Output Redirection on Linux Explained – devconnected
- kubesphere/kubesphere: Easy-to-use Production Ready Container Management Platform
- ameerthehacker/kubelive: Kubernetes command line tool to provide live data about the cluster and it's resources
- Creating a PostgreSQL Cluster with Kubernetes CRDs
- Announcing Maesh, a Lightweight and Simpler Service Mesh Made by the Traefik Team
- Dqlite - High-Availability SQLite
- Curl Cookbook
- Introduction - The Cluster API Book
- timberio/vector: A High-Performance, Logs, Metrics, & Events Router
- superbrothers/ksort: Sort manfest files in a proper order by Kind
- Mutual Auto-Unseal Two Vault clusters in Kubernetes
- kubernetes-sigs/cluster-api-provider-openstack
- kubernetes-sigs/cluster-api: Home for the Cluster Management API work, a subproject of sig-cluster-lifecycle
- Bootstrapping a Kubernetes Cluster on AWS with Cluster API - Scott's Weblog - The weblog of an IT pro focusing on cloud computing, Kubernetes, Linux, containers, and networking
- fcsonline/drill: Drill is a HTTP load testing application written in Rust inspired by Ansible syntax
- An Introduction to Kubernetes Cluster API - Scott's Weblog - The weblog of an IT pro focusing on cloud computing, Kubernetes, Linux, containers, and networking
- abonas/kubeclient: A Ruby client for Kubernetes REST API
- Golden Ratio: everything you need to know • Melted
- Introducing DepC: the OVH platform for computing QoS | OVHcloud Blog
- Sugar Labs
- aquasecurity/trivy: A Simple and Comprehensive Vulnerability Scanner for Containers, Suitable for CI
- Courses - Kubernetes Academy
- postgresql cheatsheet.md
- NDP Software :: Git Cheatsheet
- Learn Kubernetes during your Coffee Break - Kubernetes Camp
- A journey from containerization to orchestration and beyond
- google/kf: Feels like Cloud Foundry. Runs on Kubernetes. Powered by Knative and Istio.
- walmartlabs/kubeman: The Hero that Kubernetes deserves
- Introducing nushell
- stellarproject/atlas: Simple DNS Service
- pivotal/kpack: Build Service resource controllers
- Introducing kpack, a Kubernetes Native Container Build Service
- Kubernetes Journey — Up and running out of the cloud — Master and Worker
- GitHub - GoogleContainerTools/kaniko: Build Container Images In Kubernetes
- schemahero/schemahero: A Kubernetes operator for declarative database schema management (gitops for database schemas)
- vmware/tern: Open Source compliance for containers
- Curlie | curlie
- alexellis/k3sup: k3sup: from zero to KUBECONFIG in < 1 min
- Garden –
- Running end-to-end tests on your Kubernetes cluster with Kind and Brigade
- sampler/README.md at master · sqshq/sampler
- Writing a Kubernetes Operator in Python without frameworks and SDK
- octant/README.md at master · vmware/octant
- Syslog : The Complete System Administrator Guide – devconnected
- zalando-incubator/kopf: A Python framework to write Kubernetes operators in just few lines of code.
- lsix/README.md at master · hackerb9/lsix
- Verifying Service Mesh TLS in Kubernetes, Using ksniff and Wireshark
- GTFOBins
- $ docker build -f Mockerfile.yaml .
- Health Checks like a Pro - AppsFlyer - Medium
- Brigade | Event-driven scripting for Kubernetes.
- Fast and flexible observability with canonical log lines
- Writing Your First Kubernetes Operator - Faun - Medium
- kinvolk/inspektor-gadget: Collection of gadgets for developers of Kubernetes applications
- Learn a little jq, awk and sed – Letters To A New Developer
- TailorDev/Watson: A wonderful CLI to track your time!
- deadpixi/mtm: Perhaps the smallest useful terminal multiplexer in the world.
- Auth0 Blog - Kubernetes Tutorial - Step by Step Introduction to Basic Concepts
- Goodbye Print Hello Debugger at Pycon Australia 2019 - Nina Zakharenko
- Setting up reverse proxies with NGINX | Enable SysAdmin
- Decoding a Kubernetes Service Account Token - Scott's Weblog - The weblog of an IT pro focusing on cloud computing, Kubernetes, Linux, containers, and networking
- jedisct1/dsvpn: A Dead Simple VPN.
- Regex For Noobs (like me!) - an illustrated guide - Janmeppe.com
- artichoke/artichoke: 💎 Artichoke is a Ruby made with Rust
- First steps with Govmomi
- Enforcing a resource tagging strategy on AWS with Pulumi D2SI Blog
- How to write idempotent Bash scripts · Fatih Arslan
- Goodbye Docker: Purging is Such Sweet Sorrow – zwischenzugs
- Automate vSphere Virtual Machine and OVA Appliance Deployments Using Ansible – SimplyGeek.co.uk
- [jbeda/kinecraft: Start to a Minecraft k8s operator](https://github.com/jbeda/kinecraft
- reneschoonrok/Kubernetes-3d-visualizer: Interact with your kubernetes cluster rendered in 3d using threejs and css3d
- kubernetes-sigs/k8s-container-image-promoter: A tool to promote Docker images from one registry to another, based on a declarative YAML manifest
- brotandgames/ciao: HTTP checks & tests (private & public) monitoring - check the status of your URL
- yamamoto-febc/terraform-provider-rke: Terraform provider plugin for deploy kubernetes cluster by RKE(Rancher Kubernetes Engine)
- mcapuccini/terraform-openstack-rke: Terraform module to deploy Rancher Kubernetes Engine on OpenStack.
- History and effective use of Vim
- How To Flush Contents Of a Memcached Server Using Command Line - nixCraft
- Metrology/README.md at master · usnistgov/Metrology
- Go In 5 Minutes - Short, helpful screencasts for professional Go developers
- hashicorp/hands-on-with-vault-on-kubernetes: Hands-on with Vault on Kubernetes Tutorial
- Kubernetes Deployments: The Ultimate Guide - Semaphore
- Automate vSphere Virtual Machine and OVA Appliance Deployments Using Ansible – SimplyGeek.co.uk
- Syncthing
- JHero23/ruby-sinatra-starter-app: A starter project for Ruby On Sinatra web app projects to introduce programmers to Ruby programming
- knadh/listmonk: High performance, self-hosted newsletter and mailing list manager with a modern dashboard. Go + React.
- go-resty/resty: Simple HTTP and REST client library for Go
- Docsy
- Olive - Professional Open-Source Video Editor
- ibuildthecloud/k3v: Virtual Kubernetes
- Starting local Kubernetes using kind and Docker - ITNEXT
- typhoon/README.md at master · poseidon/typhoon
- Debian 10 Set Up OpenVPN Server In 5 Minutes - nixCraft
- OKD - The Origin Community Distribution of Kubernetes that powers Red Hat OpenShift.
- Installing OpenShift 4.1 Using Libvirt and KVM – Red Hat Services Speak
- JSMpeg – Decode it like it's 1999
- infracloudio/botkube: App that helps you monitor your Kubernetes cluster, debug critical deployments & gives recommendations for standard practices
- Loki, the tail and grep for Kubernetes · Banzai Cloud
- kinvolk/lokomotive-kubernetes: Lokomotive is a 100% open-source Kubernetes distribution from the folks at Kinvolk
- Installation (Linux, Containerized, or Kubernetes)
- 101 Tips For Being A Great Programmer (& Human) - DEV Community 👩💻👨💻
- olsonpm/sqlite-to-rest
- terraform-ovh-commons/README.md at master · ovh/terraform-ovh-commons
- Plugin Development Basics - Plugins - Vagrant by HashiCorp
- Custom Providers - Plugin Development - Vagrant by HashiCorp
- Fire Up Your VMs with Weave Ignite
- nvibert/packervmc: My HashiCorp Packer standard file for VMware Cloud on AWS
- Infrastructure-As-Code with HashiCorp Packer, VMware and VMware Cloud on AWS – #RUNVMC
- Why We Switched to Cilium | Cluster Networking | MobiLab Blog
- trailofbits/algo: Set up a personal IPSEC VPN in the cloud
- openfaas-incubator/workshop-vscode: Run a Kubernetes workshop with VSCode in the browser
- timberio/vector: A High-Performance, Logs, Metrics, & Events Router
- Linux dd Command Show Progress Copy Bar With Status - nixCraft
- kubeone/README.md at master · kubermatic/kubeone
- sshremotekeys/README.md at master · FernandoMiguel/sshremotekeys
- Kubernetes ingress-nginx troubleshooting made easy with kubectl plugins
- DirectXMan12/kubebuilder-workshops: KubeBuilder Workshops
- balenaEtcher - Home
- zalando-incubator/kopf: A Python framework to write Kubernetes operators in just few lines of code.
- toolnetes/README.md at master · Aracki/toolnetes
- jesseduffield/lazydocker: The lazier way to manage everything docker
- Kubernetes Controllers Part One
- Client Libraries - Kubernetes
- cluster-api-provider-vsphere/getting_started.md at master · kubernetes-sigs/cluster-api-provider-vsphere
- Sonic Pi - Advanced programming - ecotronics Blog
- First-look: Automated K8s lifecycle with ClusterAPI - Blah, Cloud.
- The Toyota Way - Wikipedia - The 14 Principles
- Step by Step – Istio up and running – Virtual Thoughts
- URL Shortener +Tracking solution using Nexmo Messaging and AWS Serverless - Medium
- vietnam-devs/coolstore-microservices: A Kubernetes-based polyglot microservices application with Istio service mesh
- plajjan/vrnetlab: Run virtual routers with docker
- Multi-Vendor Network Simulations at Scale with meshnet-cni and vrnetlab | networkop
- Introduction to Infrastructure Patterns
- google/ko: Build and deploy Go applications on Kubernetes
- Live walkthrough - Raspberry Pi 4 with Kubernetes (k3s) - YouTube
- Creative programming workshop with Sonic Pi
- containerenv/containerenv: shippable linux user environments
- bashfulrobot/bashfulrobot-ansible: Ansible Repo that utilizes an ansible-pull command to configure my workstations.
- Getting wildcard SSL certificate in Kubernetes with cert-manager
- Follow logs from multiple K8s Pods in a Deployment, ReplicaSet, etc. | Jeff Geerling
- Understanding Public Key Infrastructure and X.509 Certificates | Linux Journal
- Automate Kubernetes with GitOps
- Using cloud-init for VM templating on vSphere - Blah, Cloud.
- How to prepare for CKA and CKAD – Sanjay Singh – Medium
- How To Install and Use Istio With Kubernetes | DigitalOcean
- Shopify/toxiproxy: A TCP proxy to simulate network and system conditions for chaos and resiliency testing
- Introducing: Terraform Provider for Ansible
- nbering/terraform-provider-ansible: "Logical" provider for integrating with an Ansible Dynamic Inventory script.
- nbering/terraform-inventory: An Ansible dynamic inventory script to pair with nbering/terraform-provider-ansible.
- adammck/terraform-inventory: Terraform State → Ansible Dynamic Inventory
- scarolan/ptfe-preflight-check: Pre-install tests for Private Terraform Enterprise. Checks network and OS settings to make sure prerequisites are met.
- scarolan/ansible-terraform: Ansible and Terraform: Better Together
- ddclient/ddclient: Fork of the original ddclient code
- Minimal Dynamic DNS configuration for No-IP.com with ddclient
- How to set up a serious Kubernetes terminal – freeCodeCamp.org – Medium
- Certified Kubernetes Administrator Exam Study Guide | dev.net(stack)
- Automating Highly Available Kubernetes and external ETCD cluster setup with terraform and kubeadm on AWS. – Ifrit LTD
- (28) Deploy OpenFaaS on Kubernetes with KinD - YouTube
- Create 3D games with friends, no experience required
- (28) TGI Kubernetes 078: Pod Security Policies - YouTube
- Best Practices — Ansible Documentation
- Kubernetes by kubeadm config yamls – Kosta Klevensky – Medium
- Install and configure a multi-master Kubernetes cluster with kubeadm
- rancher/k3os: Purpose built OS for Kubernetes, fully managed by Kubernetes.
- ovh/terraform-ovh-publiccloud-k8s
- Stateful Kubernetes | all thingz stateful apps and tooling in and for Kubernetes
- Decoupling Ansible Handlers
- lorin/ansible-quickref: Quick reference for Ansible variables
- Using cloud-init for VM templating on vSphere - Blah, Cloud.
- Freekers/automated-pihole: Automated Self-Updating (Public) Pi-hole Stack using unbound as recursive DNS server with Ansible
- How to Use Ansible: An Ansible Cheat Sheet Guide | DigitalOcean
- 8 free tools that teach kids how to code | CIO
- Kubernetes basics: Learn how to drive first | Opensource.com
- bitfield/script: Making it easy to write shell-like scripts in Go
- CoolerVoid/HiddenWall: Tool to generate a Linux kernel module for custom rules with Netfilter hooking. (block ports, Hidden mode, rootkit functions etc)
- wash: the wide-area shell | home
- Typhoon
- alexellis/inlets: Expose your local endpoints to the Internet
- How To Automatically Manage DNS Records From DigitalOcean Kubernetes Using ExternalDNS | DigitalOcean
- Kubernetes Tutorial - Step by Step Guide to Basic Kubernetes Concepts
- mhausenblas/kboom: The Kubernetes scale & soak load tester
- How To Build Your Own DDoS Protection With Linux & IPtables in 2019
- Siege Home
- kubernetes/sample-controller: Repository for sample controller. Complements sample-apiserver
- Metacontroller
- zalando-incubator/kopf: A Python framework to write Kubernetes operators in just few lines of code.
- Releasing Comfygure 1.0
- Ephemeral Kubernetes Clusters With Kind and Make · garethr.dev
- IBM/kui: A hybrid command-line/UI development experience for cloud-native development
- Command-line tools for Kubernetes: kubectl, stern, kubectx, kubens - Red Hat Developer Blog
- The Definitive Guide To Prometheus in 2019 – devconnected
- Installing Kubernetes Dashboard per Namespace
- danicat/pacgo: A Pac Man clone written in Go (with emojis!)
- Overview of kubeadm - Kubernetes
- How do you visualise dependencies in your Kubernetes YAML files?
- Will it cluster? k3s on your Raspberry Pi
- Brigade | Event-driven scripting for Kubernetes.
- rothgar/mastering-zsh: Advanced topics to take advantage of zsh
- shyiko/kubesec: Secure Secret management for Kubernetes (with gpg, Google Cloud KMS and AWS KMS backends)
- Automating My Todo with GitHub and Twilio – Alice Goldfuss
- How to remove duplicate lines from files keeping the original order
- The Secret to Kubernetes Secrets - chrisshort.net
- Stack Labs - Blog | Kustomize - The right way to do templating in Kubernetes
- Providing chaos hooks to applications through Litmus Operator
- A Practical kubernetes Operator using Ansible — an example
- 3 simple tricks for smaller Docker images ♦︎ Learnk8s
- presentations/README.md at master · cncf/presentations
- Home | Holepunch.io
- Kicking the Tires on OpenEBS for Cluster Storage - VADOSWARE
- cloudnativelabs/kube-router: Kube-router, a turnkey solution for Kubernetes networking.
- Deploying a FaaS platform on OVH Managed Kubernetes using OpenFaaS - OVH Blog
- Mangle by VMware®
- vmware/mangle: Git Repository for the Mangle tool
- Upgrading to Terraform 0.12 - Terraform by HashiCorp
- herbrandson/k8dash: Simple Kubernetes realtime dashboard and management
- Announcing Terraform 0.12
- Using HashiCorp Sentinel to validate Terraform configuration/plan · Adrian Todorov
- Hardware bootstrapping with Ansible | Opensource.com
- gardener/gardener: Kubernetes API server extension and controller managing the full lifecycle of conformant Kubernetes clusters as a service on Alicloud, AWS, Azure, GCP, and OpenStack with minimal TCO.
- felipellrocha/pensieve
- sysdiglabs/kubectl-dig: Deep kubernetes visibility from the kubectl
- instrumenta/conftest: Write tests against structured configuration data using the Rego query language
- k14s/ytt: YAML templating tool that works on YAML structure instead of text
- conprof/conprof: Continuous profiling in for pprof compatible profiles.
- Kubernetes Operating Systems - kubedex.com
- containership/konstellate: Free and Open Source GUI to Visualize Kubernetes Applications.
- Aracki/gobernetes: Collection of miscellaneous Kubernetes resources.
- reactiveops/polaris: Validation of best practices in your Kubernetes clusters
- kontena/akrobateo: Akrobateo is a simple Kubernetes operator to expose in-cluster LoadBalancer services as node hostPorts using DaemonSets.
- muesli/service-tools: A growing collection of convenient little tools to work with systemd services
- eBPF Superpowers - Speaker Deck
- kedacore/keda: KEDA is a Kubernetes-based Event Driven Autoscaling component. It provides event driven scale for any container running in Kubernetes
- Practical Metrics with Graphite and Terraform (Part 2) | Mixmax Engineering Blog
- healthchecks/healthchecks: A Cron Monitoring Tool written in Python & Django
- DragonRuby - itch.io
- DragonRuby Game Toolkit Tutorial | WNDX School
- DragonRuby Game Toolkit - Game Jam Edition community - itch.io
- Plans for RubyMotion
- Flipt Documentation
- ynqa/kubernetes-rust: Rust client for Kubernetes
- netdata/netdata: Real-time performance monitoring, done right! https://my-netdata.io/
- k14s
- machinelearningmindset/machine-learning-course: Machine Learning Course with Python
- How Pulumi Compares to Terraform for Infrastructure as Code - Kyle Galbraith
- Kubernetes Universal Declarative Operator (KUDO) | KUDO
- muesli/beehive: A flexible event/agent & automation system with lots of bees 🐝
- GoogleCloudPlatform/terraformer: CLI tool to generate terraform files from existing infrastructure (reverse Terraform). Infrastructure to Code
- siggy/itermkube: Kubernetes Context in iTerm2's Status Bar
- Roadmap Preview: What’s Next for Consul Service Mesh
- Pulumi GitHub Actions - Pulumi
- poseidon/matchbox: Network boot and provision Container Linux clusters (e.g. etcd3, Kubernetes, more)
- poseidon/terraform-provider-matchbox: Terraform provider for on-premise / bare-metal via Matchbox
- puppetlabs/razor-server: Razor is next generation provisioning software that handles bare metal hardware and virtual server provisioning
- MAAS | Metal as a Service
- wercker/stern: ⎈ Multi pod and container log tailing for Kubernetes
- Pulumi
- metal3-io/metal3-docs: Architecture documentation that describes the components being built under Metal³.
- How to get Istio up and running – freeCodeCamp.org
- Podman and Buildah for Docker users - Red Hat Developer Blog
- Pimp my Kubernetes Shell – ITNEXT
- A Sandbox for Learning Pulumi - Scott's Weblog - The weblog of an IT pro focusing on cloud computing, Kubernetes, Linux, containers, and networking
- Remote Development - Visual Studio Marketplace
- Remote Python Development in Visual Studio Code | Python
- poseidon/matchbox: Network boot and provision Container Linux clusters (e.g. etcd3, Kubernetes, more)
- Configuring Kubernetes with CUE · garethr.dev
- rancher/k3d: Little helper to run Rancher Lab's k3s in Docker
- Istio the Easy Way – solo.io – Medium
- Kubernetes Ingress Tutorial: Beginners Series
- Why Script Based Deployments to Kubernetes Don't Scale
- Grafana Dashboards for Kubernetes Administrators - Povilas Versockas
- derailed/popeye: 🧭 A Kubernetes cluster resource sanitizer
- The Kubernetes OS | k3OS | k3os
- Ikonate – fully customisable & accessible vector icons
- Can you expose your services with an API gateway in Kubernetes?
- uber/cadence: Cadence is a distributed, scalable, durable, and highly available orchestration engine to execute asynchronous long-running business logic in a scalable and resilient way.
- ricardbejarano/haproxy: 🏎 Built-from-source container image of the HAProxy load balancer
- Alikhll/golang-developer-roadmap: Roadmap to becoming a Go developer in 2019
- How to run systemd in a container - Red Hat Developer Blog
- Kubernetes Tutorial - Step by Step Guide to Basic Kubernetes Concepts
- cdr/sshcode: Run VS Code on any server over SSH.
- How To Use X-Arcade Raspberry PI : Xgaming
- harbor/configure_https.md at master · goharbor/harbor
- Nested ESXi Templates - EverythingShouldBeVirtual
- talos/README.md at master · talos-systems/talos · GitHub
- Using MetalLb with Kind
- The BITSAVERS.ORG Documents Library: Computers and Automation Journal : Free Texts : Free Download, Borrow and Streaming : Internet Archive
- Lessons from 300k+ Lines of Infrastructure Code
- WireGuard: fast, modern, secure VPN tunnel
- Monitoring container vitality and availability with Podman - Red Hat Developer Blog
- CRI-O + Container Linux: How to Install | Edenmal - Sysadmin Garden of Eden
- Alikhll/golang-developer-roadmap: Roadmap to becoming a Go developer in 2019
- Logs vs Structured Events – charity.wtf
- PromQL tutorial for beginners – Aliaksandr Valialkin – Medium
- Structure and Layout in System Dashboard Design
- chaosblade-io/chaosblade: An easy to use and powerful chaos engineering experiment toolkit.(一款简单易用、功能强大的混沌实验注入工具)
- Cloud provisioning with Terraform and Bolt | Puppet
- An Overview of Go's Tooling - Alex Edwards
- Simple Serverless with Golang Functions and Microservices | OpenFaaS - Serverless Functions Made Simple
- GitHub - alicebob/miniredis: Pure Go Redis server for Go unittests
- Understanding pointers in Go with examples - golangbot.com
- How to write a microservice in Go with Go kit - DEV Community 👩💻👨💻
- GitHub - SteveLTN/https-portal: A fully automated HTTPS server powered by Nginx, Let's Encrypt and Docker.
- VSCodium - The advanced editor
- Adventures in Docker: Coding on a Remote Browser with VS Code & ngrok | Elton Stoneman
- An Intro to Threading in Python – Real Python
- Docker SDK for Python — Docker SDK for Python 3.7.0 documentation
- How to use Knative on Kubernetes to deploy a Serverless Application
- what-happens-when-k8s/README.md at master · jamiehannaford/what-happens-when-k8s
- Helm – The Better Way to Deploy on Kubernetes - Speaker Deck
- Bash scripting cheatsheet
- Linux Observability with BPF [Book]
- Bash Scripting Tutorial - Variables
- GitHub - aquasecurity/kube-bench: The Kubernetes Bench for Security is a Go application that checks whether Kubernetes is deployed according to security best practices
- GitHub - aquasecurity/kube-hunter: Hunt for security weaknesses in Kubernetes clusters
- k3d - A fast kubernetes dev environment
- The Missing Introduction To Containerization – DevOpsLinks – Medium
- Bruno Luiz Blog | Kubernetes devops productivity hacks
- Elegantly activating a virtualenv in a Dockerfile
- The Missing Introduction To Containerization – DevOpsLinks – Medium
- antonmedv/countdown: Terminal countdown timer
- Blog | Kubermatic Container Engine
- Introduction to YAML: Creating a Kubernetes deployment | Mirantis
- Write your own kubectl subcommands
- Blog | Kubermatic Container Engine
- Kubernetes Setup Using Ansible and Vagrant - Kubernetes
- Kubernetes cheatsheets in english and french – ITNEXT
- itwars/k3s-ansible: Ansible playbook to deploy k3s kubernetes cluster
- ricardbejarano/nginx: ⚙️ Built-from-source container image of the NGINX HTTP server
- coredns/README.md at master · coredns/coredns
- Understanding the anatomy of GPUs using Pokémon - OVH Blog
- gRPC Load Balancing inside Kubernetes · Fabrice Aneche
- metalkube/metalkube-docs: Architecture documentation that describes the components being built under MetalKube.
- Use less YAML – The Ops Side of DevOps
- cloudius-systems/osv: OSv, a new operating system for the cloud.
- kubernetes/node-problem-detector: This is a place for various problem detectors running on the Kubernetes nodes.
- Tweag I/O - Configuring and testing Kubernetes clusters with KubeNix and kind
- kubernetes-sigs/kind: Kubernetes IN Docker - local clusters for testing Kubernetes
- kind
- 5 Node Raspberry Pi 3 CoM Carrier Board – miniNodes ARM Servers
- Will it cluster? k3s on your Raspberry Pi
- boot2podman/boot2podman: Lightweight Linux for Podman
- Linux Kernel Observability through eBPF - Sematext
- Using Titanoboa as an alternative to Ansible
- go-micro/README.md at master · micro/go-micro
- How Accenture retrofitted for site reliability engineering | TechBeacon
- autonomy/talos: A modern Linux distribution for Kubernetes.
- keptn
- uber/kraken: P2P Docker registry capable of distributing TBs of data in seconds
- How to measure every API call in your Go app (in fewer than 30 lines of code)
- Julia’s cheat sheet for curl | daniel.haxx.se
- Load Balancing and Reverse Proxying for Kubernetes Services
- Microsoft/frontend-bootcamp: Frontend Workshop from HTML/CSS/JS to TypeScript/React/Redux
- Murder On The Kubernetes Express: The Life And Death Of A Docker Container
- kubricksllc/Kubricks: Visualizer/troubleshooting tool for single Kubernetes clusters
- eldadru/ksniff: Kubectl plugin to ease sniffing on kubernetes pods using tcpdump and wireshark
- A first look at Heptio Velero (previously known as Ark) - CormacHogan.com
- Microsoft Word - Nest Lab Tech Doc 2.6.docx
- Utilizing and monitoring kubernetes cluster resources more effectively using this tool
- docs/what-is-kubevault.md at master · kubevault/docs
- inters/vita: Vita: simple and fast VPN gateway
- Configuring ESXi prerequisites for Packer | blog.ukotic.net
- Kubernetes: access the API inside a Pod – Antoine Martin – Medium
- Learning to Learn | CSS-Tricks
- codercom/code-server: Run VS Code on a remote server.
- What you need to know about Ansible modules | Opensource.com
- sharkdp/fd: A simple, fast and user-friendly alternative to 'find'
- BurntSushi/ripgrep: ripgrep recursively searches directories for a regex pattern
- kubernetes/README.md at master · linuxkit/kubernetes
- lalamove/konfig: Composable, observable and performant config handling for Go for the distributed processing era
- How rootless Buildah works: Building containers in unprivileged environments | Opensource.com
- TomasTomecek/ansible-bender: ansible-playbook + buildah = a sweet container image
- OperatorHub.io | The registry for Kubernetes Operators
- jonmosco/kube-ps1: Kubernetes prompt info for bash and zsh
- pghoard/README.rst at master · aiven/pghoard
- mateothegreat (Matthew Davis) / Repositories - k8-examples
- heptio/sonobuoy: Sonobuoy is a diagnostic tool that makes it easier to understand the state of a Kubernetes cluster by running a set of Kubernetes conformance tests in an accessible and non-destructive manner.
- k9s/README.md at master · derailed/k9s
- Automated Testing for Kubernetes and Helm Charts using Terratest
- k3s/README.md at master · rancher/k3s
- Use Vim as a Ruby IDE | SpaceVim
- GitHub - alisnic/nyny: a (ridiculously) small and powerful web framework.
- vmware/simple-k8s-test-env: For developers building and testing Kubernetes and core Kubernetes components
- sk8s – Simple Kubernetes (k8s) Virtual Appliance
- Building Python Serverless Slack Apps on OpenFaas - Ruan Bekker's Blog
- footloose/README.md at master · dlespiau/footloose
- How to explain Kubernetes Operators in plain English | The Enterprisers Project
- Build a Node.js and React app with npm
- Buildah: Build containers fast and easy without Docker - JAXenter
- Building your own Virtual Appliances using OVF properties Part 2
- the-book-of-secret-knowledge/README.md at master · trimstray/the-book-of-secret-knowledge
- dylanaraps/pure-bash-bible: 📖 A collection of pure bash alternatives to external processes.
- FreeIPA — Linux Guide and Hints
- Build Your Own EC2 Machine Images with Packer & Ansible on AWS for Immutable AWS Deployments
- GitHub - inspec/inspec-vmware: InSpec VMware Resource Pack (Incubation)
- imthenachoman/How-To-Secure-A-Linux-Server: An evolving how-to guide for securing a Linux server.
- Kubernetes on bare-metal in 10 minutes
- Blog.CentOS.org - News, views and reports on CentOS
- A Mature Role for Automation: Part I – Kitchen Soap
- Running Kubernetes without nodes
- Using Vim to take time-stamped notes | CodeSections
- Running your own DBaaS based on your preferred DBs, Kubernetes operators and containerized storage
- Deep Learning explained to my 8-year-old daughter - OVH Blog
- Pimp my Kubernetes Shell – ITNEXT
- Mastering the KUBECONFIG file – Ahmet Alp Balkan – Medium
- sharkdp/bat: A cat(1) clone with wings.
- Cilium
- Running Static Pods in Kubernetes – DevOpsLinks Community Publication – Medium
- 20 VS Code Extensions You'll Actually Use - DEV Community 👩💻👨💻
- Automation - Just do it! – Ben Dowen – Quality Manager at Intercept IP Services (Control F1).
- ibuildthecloud/k3s: 5 less then k8s. Lightweight Kubernetes.
- Setting up a Kubernetes cluster with Kubespray – Leonardo Souza Mario Bueno – Medium
- shawnxlw/infra-dev-env: A docker image that contains the necessary tools for doing Infrastructure Development.
- virtio-fs - shared file system for virtual machines
- GitHub - heptiolabs/ktx: manage kubernetes cluster configs
- pomerium/README.md at master · pomerium/pomerium
- Kubinception and etcd - OVH Blog
- A guide to automating HashiCorp Vault #1: Auto-unsealing
- usb-to-sddc/rc.local at master · lamw/usb-to-sddc
- Building your own Virtual Appliances using OVF properties Part 1
- weaveworks/flux: The GitOps Kubernetes operator
- cncf-ci-dashboard
- Automating Kubernetes Deployments - YouTube
- Kubinception: using Kubernetes to run Kubernetes - OVH Blog
- Setting up K8s and the vSphere Cloud Provider using kubeadm - Blah, Cloud.
- 7.5 tips to help you ace the Certified Kubernetes Administrator (CKA) exam - kubedex.com
- The Ultimate Guide to Passing the CKA Exam – Contino – Medium
- 101 More Security Best Practices for Kubernetes
- 101 More Security Best Practices for Kubernetes
- Breaking the Terraform Monolith - Silos of Infrastructure · Avi Zurel - @KensoDev
- A Crash Course For Running Istio – Namely Labs – Medium
- Get started with WTF, a dashboard for the terminal | Opensource.com
- GitHub - micro/micro: A microservice toolkit
- GitHub - syntaqx/serve: a static http server anywhere you need one.
- Keep your infrastructure keys safe with Vault | OCTO Talks !
- GitHub - nektos/act: Run your GitHub Actions locally
- GitHub - facebookincubator/dhcplb: dhcplb is Facebook's implementation of a load balancer for DHCP.
- Canary analysis: Lessons learned and best practices from Google and Waze | Google Cloud Blog
- GitHub - cloudposse/tfenv: Transform environment variables for use with Terraform (e.g.
) - GitHub - cloudposse/geodesic: 🚀 Geodesic is the fastest way to get up and running with a rock solid, production grade cloud platform built on top of strictly Open Source tools. ★ this repo! https://slack.cloudposse.com/
- mumoshu/variant: Task runner for the container era. Containerize bash scripting workflows with dataflows and dependency injection, JSON Schema for inputs validation
- progrium/bashstyle: Let's do Bash right!
- ralish/bash-script-template: A best practices Bash script template with several useful functions
- GitHub - windmilleng/tilt: Local Kubernetes development with no stress
- GitHub - gruntwork-io/terratest: Terratest is a Go library that makes it easier to write automated tests for your infrastructure code.
- GitHub - gruntwork-io/bash-commons: A collection of reusable Bash functions for handling common tasks such as logging, assertions, string manipulation, and more
- GitHub - GitSquared/edex-ui: A science fiction terminal emulator designed for large touchscreens that runs on all major OSs.
- Kube watcher | Watch Kubernetes pods from anywhere
- Hashicorp at Home - Mockingbird Consulting
- skydive-project/skydive: An open source real-time network topology and protocols analyzer
- The Firecracker virtual machine monitor [LWN.net]
- lorin/resilience-engineering: Resilience Engineering Notes
- zalandoresearch/flair: A very simple framework for state-of-the-art Natural Language Processing (NLP)
- Text Classification with State of the Art NLP Library — Flair
- Infrastructure as code — the good, the bad and the ugly
- Kubernetes In a Nutshell | Enqueue Zero
- Creating Highly Available Clusters with kubeadm - Kubernetes
- vCenter Simulator Docker Container
- Effective Mental Models for Code and Systems – Cindy Sridharan – Medium
- On Thinking About Infrastructure as Code - Scott's Weblog - The weblog of an IT pro focusing on cloud computing, Kubernetes, Linux, containers, and networking
- neglectos/ConPan: ConPan: Analyze your Docker container in peace
- rpatrick00/terraform-provider-environment: Terraform utility provider for reading local environment variables
- rothgar/ansible-workstation: ansible playbook for setting up a Fedora desktop or laptop
- media.ccc.de - The Ghost in the Machine
- The Kubernetes Scheduler – Dominik Tornow – Medium
- 22 SSH Examples, Practical Tips & Tunnels | HackerTarget.com
- GitHub - cloudyuga/kubecon18-NA
- Understanding How Envoy Sidecar Intercept and Route Traffic in Istio Service Mesh - 宋净超的博客|Cloud Native|云原生布道师
- GitHub - mrlesmithjr/ansible-kata-containers
- Pritunl - Open Source Enterprise Distributed OpenVPN and IPsec Server
- How Pinterest runs Kafka at scale – Pinterest Engineering – Medium
- 15 Useful Helm Charts Tools | Caylent
- Maximize your Ansible skills with these 7 how-tos | Opensource.com
- screwdriver-cd/screwdriver: An open source build platform designed for continuous delivery.
- Run production-grade databases easily on Kubernetes
- josegonzalez/sshd-config: A tool for manipulating an sshd_config file
- Linux Fu: Share Terminal in Browser | Hackaday
- kryo.se: iodine (IP-over-DNS, IPv4 over DNS tunnel)
- jdumars/agileops: The Agile Operations methodology
- Build your own bare-metal ARM cluster
- Foxpass - More Features
- Terraform CLI Cheat Sheet - DZone DevOps
- Inspec-VMware with JJ Asghar (@jjasghar) - YouTube
- GitHub - jjasghar/inspec-vmware-example: An example InSpec profile to run a control to validate TSM-SSH against ESXi
- My small vim and tmux flow cheatsheet | {“title”: “Who let the dogs out”}
- GitHub - bloomberg/goldpinger: Debugging tool for Kubernetes which tests and displays connectivity between nodes in the cluster.
- GitHub - cheynewallace/tabby: A tiny library for super simple Golang tables
- GitHub - goharbor/harbor-helm: The helm chart to deploy Harbor
- Command-line-text-processing/ruby_one_liners.md at master · learnbyexample/Command-line-text-processing · GitHub
- Host on GitHub | Hugo
- An Intro To Prometheus - SFlanders
- SQL is No Excuse to Avoid DevOps - ACM Queue
- Combining PowerShell, Bolt and Puppet Tasks - Part 2 | Puppet
- Cortex: a multi-tenant, horizontally scalable Prometheus-as-a-Service - Cloud Native Computing Foundation
- Rock Stars, Builders, and Janitors: You're doing it wrong - YouTube
- Up and Running with templates in Terraform - DEV Community 👩💻👨💻
- GitHub - bookingcom/shipper: Kubernetes native multi-cluster canary or blue-green rollouts using Helm
- User Guide: Installation - Lita.io
- virtlet/README.md at master · Mirantis/virtlet · GitHub
- Seattle '18: KubeCon + CloudNativeCon - YouTube
- Loki: Prometheus-inspired, open source logging for cloud natives | Grafana Labs Blog
- GitHub - grafana/loki: Like Prometheus, but for logs.
- Kubernetes & Traefik 101— When Simplicity Matters – Gérald Croës – Medium
- Kubernetes - Traefik
- 0.08 layer height on Monoprice Maker Select : 3Dprinting
- Traefik - The Cloud Native Edge Router
- Building a Service Mesh with HAProxy and Consul - HAProxy Technologies
- On-Prem k8s | Part 6
- GitHub - boxcutter/windows: Virtual machine templates for Windows
- Scaling SSL certificates with Kubernetes and Let’s Encrypt
- A Guide to the Kubernetes Networking Model - Kevin Sookocheff
- GitHub - GoogleContainerTools/kaniko: Build Container Images In Kubernetes
- GitHub - nathanaelkane/vim-indent-guides: A Vim plugin for visually displaying indent levels in code
- GitHub - josegonzalez/awesome-consul: A list of awesome consul projects, libraries
- GitHub - gites/awesome-vault-tools: Awesome tools around HashiCorp Vault
- crossplaneio/crossplane: An Open Source Multicloud Control Plane
- (77) AWS re:Invent 2018: Container Power Hour with Jess, Clare, and Abby (CON362) - YouTube
- Expert to Expert: Rich Hickey and Brian Beckman - Inside Clojure - YouTube
- Clojure Made Simple - YouTube
- Spec-ulation Keynote - Rich Hickey - YouTube
- clojure.spec - David Nolen - YouTube
- Yelp/dumb-init: A minimal init system for Linux containers
- GitHub - y0ssar1an/q: Quick and dirty debugging output for tired Go programmers
- GitHub - loadimpact/k6: A modern load testing tool, using Go and JavaScript - https://k6.io
- GitHub - Microsoft/Ethr: Ethr is a Network Performance Measurement Tool for TCP, UDP & HTTP.
- Creating a Simple Slack Bot | Drifting Ruby
- bitnami-labs/kubewatch: Watch k8s events and trigger Handlers
- logzio/apollo: Apollo - The logz.io continuous deployment solution over kubernetes
- Consul DNS - Kubernetes - Consul by HashiCorp
- 5 Lessons Learned From Writing Over 300,000 Lines of Infrastructure Code
- Announcing the Firecracker Open Source Technology: Secure and Fast microVM for Serverless Computing | AWS Open Source Blog
- Puppet device - Puppet (PE and open source) 6.0 | Puppet
- GitHub - sanity-io/litter: Litter is a pretty printer library for Go data structures to aid in debugging and testing.
- GitHub - uflare/smtp2http: a tiny software that receive a smtp request (email) and send it to the specified webhook as a http post request
- JWT auth in Go – Monstar Lab Bangladesh Engineering – Medium
- Introducing Watermill - Go event-driven applications library
- Creating A Terraform Provider - Part 1 – spaceapetech – Medium
- 5 things to do after setting up a Kubrenetes Cluster
- Infrastructure as Code, Part Two: A Closer Look at Terraform - CrateDB
- hjacobs/kube-ops-view: Kubernetes Operational View - read-only system dashboard for multiple K8s clusters
- Running Gitea on Kubernetes – Joseph D. Marhee – Medium
- solo-io/supergloo: The Service Mesh Orchestration Platform
- uber/makisu: Fast and flexible Docker image building tool, works on OSX and in containerized environments like Kubernetes.
- unixorn/sysadmin-reading-list: A reading/viewing list for larval stage sysadmins and SREs
- How to configure Docker DNS on Ubuntu in a corporate environment? - ECT
- gopherworks/bawt: A modular slack chatops bot framework written in Go
- A Hacky Hacker’s Guide To Hacking Together Jenkins Scripted Pipelines and Getting Them To Do Things
- A Hacky Hacker’s Guide To Hacking Together Jenkins Scripted Pipelines, Part 2
- A Hacky Hacker’s Guide To Hacking Together Jenkins Scripted Pipelines, Part 3
- A Hacky Hacker’s Guide To Jenkins Scripted Pipelines, Part 4
- Jenkins Pipeline - Global Shared Library Best Practices
- New Best Practices for Jenkins Pipeline Global Shared Libraries
- BerryLan
- Cloud Computing without Containers
- CI/CD with Gitlab & Kubernetes – DevOpsTricks – Medium
- AGWA/git-crypt: Transparent file encryption in git
- Building Builds - TeamCity Pipelines as Code using Terraform
- gusztavvargadr/packer: Packer helpers and templates of Visual Studio, Docker, IIS and SQL Server
- google/kasane: A simple kubernetes deployment manager
- Kubernetes 202 — Making It Fully Operational – uptime 99 – Medium
- sr.ht, the hacker’s forge, now open for public alpha | Drew DeVault’s Blog
- Running ASP.NET Core on minikube – ITNEXT
- Kubernetes TCP load balancer service on premise (non-cloud)
- Nick Busey / HomelabOS · GitLab
- (70) The Container Operator's Manual - Velocity NY 2018 - YouTube
- candid82/joker: Small Clojure interpreter and linter
- Configuring Jenkins Kubernetes Plug-in With Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Container Engine for Kubernetes
- GitHub - knrt10/asciiConvert: Get ascii art for images from your terminal
- Helm: User "system:serviceaccount:kube-system:default" cannot get namespaces in the namespace "default · Issue #21 · fnproject/fn-helm · GitHub
- Kubernetes, Swap and the VMware Balloon Driver - frankdenneman.nl
- NFS Persistent Volumes with Kubernetes — A Case Study
- NFS in Kubernetes - Mike Lambert - Confluence
- Kubernetes Volumes Guide – Examples for NFS and Persistent Volume
- Kamshak/jenkins-kubernetes: Kubernetes Deployment for Jenkins 2
- wagoodman/dive: A tool for exploring each layer in a docker image
- Tutorial: Deploy the Kubernetes Web UI (Dashboard) - Amazon EKS
- Use vSphere Storage as Kubernetes persistent volumes
- How I passed Certified Kubernetes Administrator exam on first attempt
- Kubernetes High Availability – Dominik Tornow – Medium
- CLI Love Inside ❤️ - DEV Community 👩💻👨💻
- Deploying the Kubernetes Dashboard
- Linux kernel: Facebook open-sources new components - Facebook Code
- Kubernetes: Getting Started
- rsync to EXFAT drive - SciVision, Inc.
- Container-based server platform for Linux device management goes open source
- Introduction to kubeadm - VMware Open Source Blog
- How to Install Istio with Helm on a New PKS Cluster
- Ingress Controller and Kubernetes Using Minikube — a Tiny Demonstration
- The Kubernetes Networking Model | Caylent
- Sequent 3.0 | Sequent - CQRS & event sourcing framework for Ruby
- Puppet Bolt 1.0™: get your hands on lightning-fast automation | Puppet
- Introduction to Linux interfaces for virtual networking - RHD Blog
- Testing Kubernetes RBAC – YLD Engineering Blog – Medium
- ORM: We Approve – Remix
- Chaos Monkey Guide for Engineers - Tips, Tutorials, and Training
- Using Kubeless for Kubernetes Events
- README.md · master · Marius / kubehiera · GitLab
- inspec/terraform-provisioner-inspec: Terraform InSpec Provisioner Plugin
- shawnxlw/kubernetes-tools: Kubernetes Tools is a set of scripts that simplifies daily Kubernetes operations.
- Convert a controlrepo to using the Puppet Development Kit (PDK) | rnelson0
- Install and monitor Photon OS, Kubernetes on vSphere - Opvizor | Opvizor
- kubectl Cheat Sheet - Kubernetes
- zegl/kube-score: Kubernetes object static code analysis
- Etsy’s experiment with immutable documentation - Code as Craft
- Creating a Custom Cluster from Scratch - Kubernetes
- GitHub - heptio/ark: Heptio Ark is a utility for managing disaster recovery, specifically for your Kubernetes cluster resources and persistent volumes. Brought to you by Heptio.
- Capacity Planning in Four Parts: Telling the Future without a Crystal Ball
- Open-sourcing StateService: Automating recovery of third-party services after a major outage - Facebook Code
- How to Inspect and Debug Kubernetes Networking Primitives - DEV Community 👩💻👨💻
- 5 open source tools for container security | Opensource.com
- Deploying an application to AWS with Terraform and Ansible - Part 1 (Terraform) - RobertVerdam.nl
- Deploying an application to AWS with Terraform and Ansible – Part 2 (Ansible) - RobertVerdam.nl
- Kubespy, and the lifecycle of a Pod, in 4 images
- kubespy trace: a real-time view into the heart of a Kubernetes Service
- We're open-sourcing etcdadm! Here's what it means for Kubernetes in production - Platform9
- Control your data with Syncthing: An open source synchronization tool | Opensource.com
- Running Microsoft SQL Server on Red Hat OpenShift - RHD Blog
- Catching and dealing with naughty devices on my home network
- kubernetes-anywhere/README.md at master · kubernetes/kubernetes-anywhere
- cloudbase/unattended-setup-scripts: Various unattended setup scripts and configuration files. Note: the content of this repo is mostly WiP for R&D. When scripts are ready they are usually moved to a dedicated repo.
- pddenhar/esxi-linked-clone: A utility script to create linked clones of a base virtual machine in VMWare ESXi without any tools other than vSphere.
- Play with VM snapshots and linked-clones with ESXi command line tools – vUptime.io – Cloud builder(s)
- govmomi/scripts/vcsa at master · vmware/govmomi
- Writing Custom Providers - Guides - Terraform by HashiCorp
- hashicorp/go-discover: Discover nodes in cloud environments
- consul/cloud-auto-join.html.md at master · hashicorp/consul
- Let's handle the sound on Go
- Writing the pre-commit git hook for Go files. – Ignacy Radliński – Medium
- Creating a Kubernetes Cluster on DigitalOcean with Python and Fabric - TestDriven.io
- Open Sourcing HASSH – Salesforce Engineering
- StefanScherer/windows-docker-machine: Work with Windows containers and LCOW on Mac/Linux/Windows
- SSH ProxyCommand example: Going through one host to reach another server - nixCraft
- Introducing Puppet 6 Platform | Puppet
- Web Scraping using GolangThe Tara Nights
- Mage - make/rake for Go · npf.io
- Handmade mutex in 28 lines of go – Alexander Borisov – Medium
- How to debug a running Go app with VSCode – average-coder – Medium
- OVH News - Infrastructure as code: Creating a multi-regional blog with Terraform on the OVH Public Cloud – Part 1
- OVH News - Infrastructure as code: Creating a multi-regional blog with Terraform on the OVH Public Cloud – Part 2
- Jenkins: Shifting Gears
- 2 Minutes to Docker MacVLAN Networking – A Beginners Guide – Collabnix
- A Packer template for Windows Nano server weighing 300MB — Hurry Up and Wait!
- [Tutorial, Part 1] How to develop Go gRPC microservice with HTTP/REST endpoint, middleware…
- Properly Installing Python — The Hitchhiker's Guide to Python
- Ingress - kubedex.com
- Building a finance tracking REST API using Go with TDD - Part 1 - DEV Community 👩💻👨💻
- Learn Kubernetes by Doing | Hands-on
- Kubernetes: Cron Jobs
- Understand Container - Index Page
- How to access private Azure DevOps repos from a Dockerfile! – Jessica Deen
- Announcing the HashiCorp Consul Helm Chart
- GitHub - trodemaster/tfe-openstack-vsphere: Demo for using terraform to deploy simple VMs to OpenStack and vSphere
- skatiyar/pacman: Classic pacman with procedurally generated infinite vertical maze, written in Golang.
- The Odd Angry Shot: Faking vCenter alarms
- A Brief, Animated Introduction to Programming with Python
- FotD | Ned in the Cloud
- telegraf/plugins/inputs/vsphere at master · influxdata/telegraf
- Terraform templating and loops – { ovni } – Medium
- Mininet: An Instant Virtual Network on your Laptop (or other PC) - Mininet
- How to teach yourself hard things - Julia Evans
- mhausenblas/stateful-kubernetes: All Thingz Stateful Apps & Tooling in Kubernetes
- Monitoring Vault on Kubernetes using Cloud Native technologies · Banzai Cloud
- Turn your vim editor into a productivity powerhouse | Opensource.com
- Kubernetes with Cilium and Containerd using Kubeadm - Scott's Weblog - The weblog of an IT pro focusing on cloud computing, Kubernetes, Linux, containers, and networking
- WireGuard VPN review: A new type of VPN offers serious advantages | Ars Technica
- Deploy OpenFaaS and Kubernetes on DigitalOcean with Ansible | OpenFaaS - Serverless Functions Made Simple
- Some Admission Webhook Basics - Container Solutions
- Putting The Dev Into DevOps: Why Your Developers Should Write Terraform Too
- Terraform For Teams | Atlantis
- Error handling practices in Go · Banzai Cloud
- Create a Go API in 5 minutes Part 1 – Joseph Livni – Medium
- GitHub - trimstray/test-your-sysadmin-skills: A collection of *nix Sysadmin Test Questions and Answers for Interview/Exam (2018 Edition).
- localstack/localstack: 💻 A fully functional local AWS cloud stack. Develop and test your cloud apps offline!
- 9corp/9volt: A modern, distributed monitoring system written in Go
- DevSec Hardening Framework
- Home - dmarcian
- zygomys/README.md at master · glycerine/zygomys
- What they don’t tell you about event sourcing – Hugo Rocha – Medium
- aquasecurity/kube-hunter: Hunt for security weaknesses in Kubernetes clusters
- Refactoring in Go: Using reflection – Sergi Mansilla – Medium
- saylornotes | Building a Chess bot for Slack
- Build a Multiplayer Game in Go with PubNub | PubNub
- Start with Golang (part 2) - Build Go API - Hello, world! I'm Huynh Minh Tu
- Sysdig | Kubernetes Monitoring with Prometheus, the ultimate guide (part 1)
- Build a Kubernetes Cluster on Google Cloud Platform with Terraform | Composite Thrashing Code
- GitHub - trailofbits/algo: Set up a personal IPSEC VPN in the cloud
- Using Infrastructure as Code to Automate VMware Deployments
- Getting Started With Consul & Vault in Kubernetes | K&C Blog
- Introducing Code Capture - VMware PowerCLI Blog - VMware Blogs
- AWS VPC Core Concepts in an Analogy and Guide
- A deep dive into AWS S3 access controls – taking full control over your assets
- Core Python Tutorials – Real Python
- Taking the Certified Kubernetes Administrator Exam – Kevin Hoffman – Medium
- Tips to crack Certified Kubernetes Administrator (CKA) Exam
- Kubernetes Networking: How to Write Your Own CNI Plug-in with Bash | Altoros
- Markov Chains explained visually
- cattlepi/README.md at master · cattlepi/cattlepi
- boss/README.md at master · crosbymichael/boss
- Cookbook development on the VMware platform
- Devhints — TL;DR for developer documentation
- How to set up high availability storage with GlusterFS on Ubuntu 18.04 - TechRepublic
- GitHub - bvinc/go-sqlite-lite: SQLite driver for the Go programming language
- A debugger from scratch — part 1 – Liz Rice – Medium
- crawshaw - 2018-07-30
- GitHub - mb-14/gomarkov: Markov chains in golang
- GitHub - kahing/goofys: a high-performance, POSIX-ish Amazon S3 file system written in Go
- Conditional statements and loops in GoLang – Run Go – Medium
- How I structure production grade REST API’s in Golang.
- GUI on Golang: GTK + 3
- Shell script to setup an LXD (Linux Containers) VM lab for testing purpose – nixCraft
- GitHub - kholia/OSX-KVM: Run El Capitan, macOS Sierra, High Sierra and Mojave on QEMU/KVM. No support is provided at the moment.
- Introduction — Patroni 1.4.6 documentation
- Invoke-VMScriptPlus v2 - LucD notes
- Message to all users, and their reply - LucD notes
- A small utility for tainting a bunch of terraform resources in one go
terraform state list | grep launch_configuration | tf-multitaint
· GitHub
- Wait for MongoDB, Postgres or MySql to start on Docker - DEV Community 👩💻👨💻
- Build a cryptocurrency alert app using Kotlin and Go: Part 2
- Devhints — TL;DR for developer documentation
- Creating and Deploying VM Templates with Packer and Powershell | Personal Blog
- Aaron Meyer / ESXi_RootPasswordRecovery · GitLab
- Feature Preview: Output Processing and Data Passing
- docker/docker-container at master · rundeck-plugins/docker
- Use of Let's Encrypt wildcard certs in Kubernetes
- chubin/cheat.sh: the only cheat sheet you need
- Building RESTful web API service using Golang, chi, and MySQL
- Full Stack GoLang Tutorial with PostgreSQL - Ednsquare
- Setup a Go web service as a system-level service on Ubuntu
- You are going to need it — Using Interfaces and Dependency Injection to future proof your designs
- CRUD REST API in Iris (a framework for golang) – Morifeoluwa Jebutu – Medium
- gokv: Go database interface – Pierre Prinetti – Medium
- quii/learn-go-with-tests: Learn Go with test-driven development
- How to install Kubernetes using Let’s Kube script – Containerum – Medium
- snibox/snibox: Self-hosted code snippets manager
- A Tutorial Introduction to Kubernetes
- GitHub - salihciftci/liman: Web application for monitoring docker. Monitor docker inside the docker.
- GitHub - josenk/vagrant-vmware-esxi: A Vagrant plugin that adds a vmware ESXi provider support.
- LibreSprite/README.md at master · LibreSprite/LibreSprite · GitHub
- GitHub - shuaibiyy/awesome-terraform: Curated list of resources on HashiCorp's Terraform
- Blast Radius
- lamw/vghetto-nsxt-automated-lab-deployment: vGhetto NSX-T Automated Lab Deployment (VNLD) for vSphere 6.5u1 & NSX-T 2.0
- GitHub - mcuadros/go-syslog: Syslog server library for go.
- GitHub - ziutek/syslog: With this package you can create your own syslog server with your own handlers for different kind of syslog messages
- laurent22/joplin: Joplin - a note taking and to-do application with synchronization capabilities for Windows, macOS, Linux, Android and iOS. Forum: https://discourse.joplin.cozic.net/
- Joplin - an open source note taking and to-do application with synchronisation capabilities
- Download ownCloud today - customized for your needs.
- Advanced multi-stage build patterns – Tõnis Tiigi – Medium
- How to Write Dockerfiles for Python Web Apps – Hasura
- Developing CoreDNS backends with gRPC
- Don’t use Go’s default HTTP client (in production) – Nathan Smith – Medium
- Getting started with Buildah | Opensource.com
- Iterative Terraform Development with Skaffold and Kubernetes
- How to install a Kubernetes cluster on CentOS 7 - TechRepublic
- Go Language CookBook With Examples - Ednsquare
- GitHub - sgreben/jp: dead simple terminal plots from JSON data. single binary, no dependencies. linux, osx, windows.
- GitHub - maciejkula/sbr-go: Recommender systems for Go
- GitHub - anexia-it/consulacl: Go library for working with consul ACLs
- GitHub - hybridgroup/gobot: Golang framework for robotics, drones, and the Internet of Things (IoT)
- Revisiting Docker and Jenkins | Riot Games Engineering
- Idnan/like-on-git: Chrome extension - Link a repository with the extension and automatically save the links to content you like - This is where this repo all began.
- chef/bento: Packer templates for building minimal Vagrant baseboxes - Need to re-examine for ideas on how to improve our packer pipeline.
- bottkars/vmxtoolkit: vmxtoolkit is the Powershell extension to VMware Workstation
- Concourse CI - Introduction - Concourse CI seems to have a binary installer now!!!
- Home · jenkinsci/job-dsl-plugin Wiki - good examples on Jenkins Job DSL.
- mchav/with: Command prefixing for continuous workflow using a single tool.
- Automated Image Builds with Jenkins, Packer, and Kubernetes | Solutions | Google Cloud Platform
- GoogleCloudPlatform/kube-jenkins-imager
- Find the best online programming courses & tutorials - Hackr.io
- A simple Jenkis 2.0 and Docker workflow – Medium
- asciinema - Record and share your terminal sessions, the right way
- kvexpress - transporting configuration through Consul · Darron Froese
- An Improved Way to use YAML with Vagrant · Scott's Weblog · The weblog of an IT pro specializing in virtualization, networking, open source, and cloud computing
- damnever/pigar: A fantastic tool to generate requirements file for your Python project, and more than that.
- cloudson/gitql: A git query language
- Virtuous Code | "The three virtues of a programmer: laziness, impatience, and hubris" — Larry Wall
- resque/resque: Resque is a Redis-backed Ruby library for creating background jobs, placing them on multiple queues, and processing them later.
- bkeepers/dotenv: Loads environment variables from
- use consul as DNS for local services, fronted by Bind for the rest
- Consul, DNS and Dnsmasq · More than seven
- jippi/hashi-ui: A user interface for the @hashicorp Consul & Nomad
- Events - Code @ VMware
- typicode/json-server: Get a full fake REST API with zero coding in less than 30 seconds (seriously)
- KidsHackDay/minecraft: Framework to create mini-games inside Minecraft
- : Minecraft: Pi Edition - Create Massive 3D Models
- minecraft-renderObj/minecraft-renderObj.py at master · martinohanlon/minecraft-renderObj
- : Minecraft Graphics Turtle
- digitalocean/netbox: IP address management (IPAM) and data center infrastructure management (DCIM) tool.
- drbig/fx-tftp: Hackable and ACTUALLY WORKING pure-Ruby TFTP server
- theforeman/smart-proxy: RESTful proxies for DNS, DHCP, TFTP, BMC and Puppet
- keepcosmos/terjira: Terjira is a very interactive and easy to use CLI tool for Jira.
- Squib | A Ruby DSL for prototyping card games
- VividCortex/pm: Processlist manager with TCP listener
- Instrumentation: Instrumenting HTTP Services | Honeycomb.io
- The pairing test for naming things - The Pug Automatic
- Event Sourcing - a practical example using Ruby
- Deploying Jenkins with Kubernetes
- Adding Persistent Volumes to Jenkins with Kubernetes
- Auto-Scaling Jenkins with Kubernetes
- White Noise Sounds of Frozen Arctic Ocean with Polar Icebreaker Idling - Creating Delta Waves - YouTube
- Awesome Ruby
- davidgf/design-patterns-in-ruby: GoF design patterns in Ruby
- google/mtail: extract whitebox monitoring data from application logs for collection in a timeseries database
- Prometheus - Monitoring system & time series database
- Prometheus and Kubernetes: A Perfect Match - Weaveworks
- Grafana - Beautiful Metrics Dashboards, Data Visualization and Monitoring
- aelsabbahy/goss: Quick and Easy server testing/validation
- lxdock/lxdock: Build and orchestrate your development environments with LXD - a.k.a. Vagrant is Too Heavy™
- entr(1)
- | software repository management
- motemen/gore: Yet another Go REPL that works nicely. Featured with line editing, code completion, and more.
- Job Scheduler and Runbook Automation - Rundeck.org
- benhaines/open-source-management-systems: A collection of open-source management systems solutions.
- digitalocean/netbox: IP address management (IPAM) and data center infrastructure management (DCIM) tool.
- VMware Front Experience: Building a self-configuring nested ESXi host vApp
- nickelser/zhong: Reliable, distributed cron.
- The network is reliable (from dist-sys slack)
- There is No Now - ACM Queue (from dist-sys slack)
- You Cannot Have Exactly-Once Delivery – Brave New Geek (from dist-sys slack)
- You Can’t Sacrifice Partition Tolerance | codahale.com (from dist-sys slack)
- voyages-sncf-technologies/cerebro: Open alerting platform over Graphite (timeseries) and Seyren (scheduling).
- jcsalterego/historian: Command-line utility for managing shell history in a SQLite database.
- backup/backup: Easy full stack backup operations on UNIX-like systems.
- gravitational/teleport: Modern SSH server for clusters and teams.
- Command-line-text-processing/gnu_grep.md at master · learnbyexample/Command-line-text-processing
- sepulworld/deadman-check: Monitoring companion for Nomad periodic jobs
- djenriquez/vault-ui: Vault-UI — A beautiful UI to manage your Vault, written in React
- adnanh/webhook: webhook is a lightweight configurable tool written in Go, that allows you to easily create HTTP endpoints (hooks) on your server, which you can use to execute configured commands.
- nwops/puppet-debugger: A interactive live debugger for the puppet language
- Jenkins - Servers for Hackers
- Kryptonite - The new way to protect your private key on your phone.
- jenkinsci/pipeline-examples: A collection of examples, tips and tricks and snippets of scripting for the Jenkins Pipeline plugin
- dalalv/jenkinsfiles: Examples collected for Jenkins files from www
- OmniOS
- Don’t Read Your Logs – Aditya Mukerjee – Medium
- Introduction · Hipstore Workshop - Jumpstarting your Elm Skills
- VMware Tools Client | Pierrelx's LAB
- Using Lumogon to inspect your containers | Puppet
- ovh/tat: Tat Engine - Text And Tags
- About | Flow
- bobrik/collectd-docker: Collect docker container resource usage
- prometheus/collectd_exporter: A server that accepts collectd stats via HTTP POST and exports them via HTTP for Prometheus consumption
- 25 Graphite, Grafana and statsd gotchas · Dieter's blog
- Go: command with custom environment
- Docker based continuous integration (Part 1) | Rancher Labs
- Ruby on Rails Continuous Integration with Jenkins and Docker Compose
- Monitoring Consul with statsd exporter and Prometheus – werner-dijkerman.nl
- jjasghar/jenkinsfile_cookbook_pipeline: Example Jenkinsfile and Explaination for Chef Cookbook Development
- Self-paced Training - Puppet Training
- VMware NSX 6.2 Beginners Guide – From Zero to Full Deployment for Labs | Virten.net
- Managing VMware vSphere environment with Go and Lua by using Gru orchestration framework – Marin Atanasov Nikolov – A place about Open Source Software, Operating Systems and some random thoughts
- VMware Front Experience: ESXi Community Packaging Tools
- VMware Front Experience: Building a self-configuring nested ESXi host vApp
- The Odd Angry Shot: ESXi kickstart with Python
- alexanderepstein/Bash-Snippets: A collection of small bash scripts for heavy terminal users
- strizhechenko/netutils-linux: A suite of utilities simplilfying linux networking stack performance troubleshooting and tuning.
- arpruss/raspberryjammod: Raspberry Jam Mod - a Mod Forge Minecraft mod implementing most of Raspberry Juice/Pi API
- Install Docker CE on CentOS | VoyaLab
- Boot an OpenSSH server in 10 mins with LinuxKit
- Building and Running Go Apps in Docker - Nathan's Notepad
- Get started with SQL Server 2017 on Docker | Microsoft Docs
- ESX agent prototype · vmware/vic Wiki
- docker-volume-vsphere/esx_service at master · vmware/docker-volume-vsphere
- cablehead/python-consul: Python client for Consul (http://www.consul.io/)
- daniellawrence/graphitesend: Easy python bindings to write to Carbon ( Re-write of carbonclient)
- govmomi/vcsim at master · vmware/govmomi
- mmoore0011/CoreCloner: A simple ruby image to build customized CoreOS VMs from template
- kris-nova/kubicorn: Simple. Kubernetes. Infrastructure.
- lclarkmichalek/etcdhcp: A DHCP server backed by etcd
- Safely Creating And Using Temporary Files
- Containing System Services in Red Hat Enterprise Linux – Part 1 – Red Hat Enterprise Linux Blog
- Resources for new Go programmers | Dave Cheney
- groupon/ansible-silo: Ansible in a self-contained environment via Docker.
- anaibol/awesome-serverless: A curated list of awesome services, solutions and resources for serverless / nobackend applications.
- Fission: Serverless functions for Kubernetes
- Galactic Fog
- alexellis/faas: Functions as a Service - a serverless framework for Docker & Kubernetes
- Modern Jenkins Unit 3 / Part 2: Configure Jenkins URL – CI/CD Life
- Orchestrating Puppet with Serf
- A Simple Terraform on vSphere Build · Cody Bunch
- admintome/puppet-serf: ORCHESTRATING PUPPET WITH SERF
- StackExchange/dnscontrol: Synchronize your DNS to multiple providers from a simple DSL
- Join Brave and change the web together | Brave. Changing the world, one browser at a time.
- Puppet Test Driven Development: Part 0
- Puppet Test Driven Development: Part I - Create a simple class
- Puppet Test Driven Development: part II - Create a more complex class and refactor it
- Puppet Test Driven Development part III: create a custom type and provider - Camptocamp
- Puppet acceptance tests on Travis CI with docker - Camptocamp
- coreos/clair: Vulnerability Static Analysis for Containers
- arminc/clair-local-scan: Run CoreOs Clair standalone
- arminc/clair-scanner: Docker containers vulnerability scan
- jgsqware/clairctl: Tracking container vulnerabilities with Clair Control for CoreOS Clair
- edx/jenkins-configuration: A collection of utilities for configuring a Jenkins instance and plugins
- Reflecting Reality | Liz Keogh, lunivore
- guysoft/OctoPi: Scripts to build OctoPi, a Raspberry PI distro for controlling 3D printers over the web
- OctoPrint.org
- Using the vCenter 6.5 API to Deploy Virtual Machines with PowerCLI
- Automating the build of your vSphere 6.5 home lab - Virtu-Al.Net
- lamw/vghetto-vsphere-automated-lab-deployment: vGhetto vSphere Automated Lab Deployment (VVLD) for vSphere 6.0u2 & 6.5
- JSON-to-Go: Convert JSON to Go instantly
- GitHub - coredns/coredns: CoreDNS is a DNS server that chains plugins
- jetstack/tarmak: Tarmak is a toolkit for Kubernetes cluster provisioning and management
- Prometheus –
- PuppetConf 2017: Beyond rspec - Innovative Strategies for Confident CI // Speaker Deck
- kz26/mailproxy: mailproxy is a simple SMTP proxy. It receives emails through an unencrypted, unauthenticated SMTP interface and retransmits them through a remote SMTP server that requires modern features such as encryption and/or authentication. mailproxy is primarily useful for enabling email functionality in legacy software that only supports plain SMTP.
- doitlive — doitlive 3.0.0 documentation
- Cockpit: Workspace in Tmux
- ericfreese/rat: Compose shell commands to build interactive terminal applications
- puppetlabs/bolt: Execute commands remotely over SSH and WinRM
- Open Source Game Clones
- resin-io/etcher: Flash OS images to SD cards & USB drives, safely and easily.
- jasonbrooks/byo-atomic
- imsweb/centos7-atomic-custom: Steps for creating a customized CentOS 7 Atomic Host image
- GitHub - ceph/ceph-container: Docker files and images to run Ceph in containers
- Creating a Docker Jenkins Slave Running on a VMware Photon VM - bl.ocks.org
- GitHub - gogits/gogs: Gogs is a painless self-hosted Git service.
- GitHub - go-gitea/gitea: Gitea: Git with a cup of tea
- GitHub - openfaas/faas: OpenFaaS - the serverless framework for Docker & Kubernetes
- Learning Go by porting a medium-sized web backend from Python
- Profiling Go ⋆ Mark McDonnell
- GitHub - adnanh/webhook: webhook is a lightweight configurable incoming webhook server which can execute shell commands
- GitHub - zuazo/dockerspec: A small Ruby Gem to run RSpec and Serverspec, Infrataster and Capybara tests against Dockerfiles or Docker images easily.
- GitHub - appscode/voyager:
✈️ ️ Secure Ingress Controller for Kubernetes - gokrazy - a pure-Go userland for your Raspberry Pi 3 appliances
- Overview | 7” Portable Multitouch Raspberry Pi Tablet | Adafruit Learning System
- Learn to Code - Golang - GreaterCommons
- Using chef, terraform and vCenter
- Error handling in Go - Tit Petric
- Home — OSSEC - Open Source HIDS SECurity
- Find the best online programming courses & tutorials - Hackr.io
- mitmproxy - home
- Transitioning Logging and Monitoring Systems at The Economist
- GitHub - contribsys/faktory: "Takin' care of business, workin' overtime"
- GitHub - hybridgroup/gobot: Golang framework for robotics, drones, and the Internet of Things (IoT)
- GitHub - yudai/gotty: Share your terminal as a web application
- GitHub - timest/goscan: goscan is a simple and efficient IPv4 network scanner that discovers all active devices on local subnet.
- GitHub - breser/git2consul: Mirrors the contents of a git repository into Consul KVs.
- GitHub - seatgeek/hashi-helper: Disaster Recovery and Configuration Management for Consul and Vault
- briandowns/sky-island: FaaS platform for running raw Go functions.
- Vim Macro Trickz • Hillel Wayne
- sysadvent: Day 24 - On-premise Kubernetes with dynamic load balancing using rke, Helm and NGINX
- Homepage - Puppet Cookbook
- fireworq/fireworq: Fireworq is a lightweight, high-performance, language-independent job queue system.
- Understand Go pointers in less than 800 words or your money back | Dave Cheney
- My Webserver Setup - Using Caddy
- Golang Guide: A List of Top Golang Frameworks, IDEs & Tools
- labstack/echo: High performance, minimalist Go web framework
- samoshkin/docker-letsencrypt-certgen: Docker image to generate, renew, revoke RSA and/or ECDSA SSL certificates from LetsEncrypt CA using certbot and acme.sh clients in automated fashion
- crmejia/kubeadm-centos7-bare-metal: Guide covering how to create a bare metal Kubernetes cluster using kubeadm and Centos 7
- lukas2511/dehydrated: letsencrypt/acme client implemented as a shell-script – just add water
- kelseyhightower/kubernetes-the-hard-way: Bootstrap Kubernetes the hard way on Google Cloud Platform. No scripts.
- Learning to operate Kubernetes reliably
- spectre-meltdown-checker/README.md at master · speed47/spectre-meltdown-checker · GitHub
- GitHub - munnerz/kube-plex: Scalable Plex Media Server on Kubernetes -- dispatch transcode jobs as pods on your cluster!
- • Audiophile Music Player | DAP | Volumio
- Top 5 Reasons for Ruby-ists to Use Crystal - The Crystal Programming Language
- browserless/README.md at master · joelgriffith/browserless
- 1backend/README.md at master · 1backend/1backend
- lirantal/dockly: Docker console UI and Dashboard for quick managing and inspecting of Containers and Images
- Managing Vsphere From The Linux Command Line -- Prefetch Technologies
- Datasette: instantly create and publish an API for your SQLite databases
- Maxence's technical corner: Monitoring traceroute through Prometheus and Grafana
- jiangwenyuan/nuster: A web caching proxy server based on HAProxy
- How to use Vagrant for Ansible role testing and development
- What is my IP address? — ifconfig.co
- Connecting to embedded PostgreSQL on vCSA 6.5 to unlock NSX Controller settings | blog.bertello.org
- A Kubernetes quick start for people who know just enough about Docker to get by
- Deep Ecology - Take five minutes to simplify your life with Make
- Ebiten - A dead simple 2D game library in Go
- tpope/vim-db: Modern database interface for Vim
- enocom/gopher-reading-list: A curated selection of blog posts on Go
- GoogleCloudPlatform/skaffold: Easy and Repeatable Kubernetes Development
- How to automate your system administration tasks with Ansible | Opensource.com
- How to use Ansible to set up a Git server over SSH | Opensource.com
- How to use Ansible to set up system monitoring with Prometheus | Opensource.com
- Ansible Extension — Mitogen master documentation
- Guest Post: Fission - Serverless Functions and Workflows with Kubernetes and NATS
- ierror/ssh-permit-a38: Central management and deployment for SSH keys
- 4 Techniques for Testing Python Command-Line (CLI) Apps – Real Python
- How to use Vault with Hiera 5 for secret management with Puppet
- Monitor your applications with Prometheus
- nzoschke/gofaas: A boilerplate Go and AWS Lambda app. Demonstrates an expert configuration of 10+ AWS services to support running Go functions-as-a-service (FaaS).
- Go on very small hardware (Part 1) | Michał Derkacz
- How to Establish a Session and Authenticate with the vSphere 6.5 API – Technical Rambling – Lessons from a sys admin.
- Web Scraping for Fun | oeQuacki
- Writing a Web Crawler with Golang and Colly – Edmund Martin
- GitHub - vterdunov/vmware-ova-uploader: Deploy VMs from OVA using rbvmomi
- Developing a Ruby on Rails app with Docker Compose – blindside.io
- Kubernetes in Vagrant with kubeadm – Liz Rice – Medium
- thedevsaddam/govalidator: Validate Golang request data with simple rules. Highly inspired by Laravel's request validation.
- Draft vs Gitkube vs Helm vs Ksonnet vs Metaparticle vs Skaffold
- Monitoring PostgreSQL VACUUM processes
- Automated rollback of Helm releases based on logs or metrics - Container Solutions
- gitkube | Gitkube: Build and deploy docker images to Kubernetes using git push.
- floyernick/Data-Structures-and-Algorithms: Data Structures and Algorithms implementation in Go
- nanopack/shaman: Small, lightweight, api-driven dns server.
- tomnomnom/gron: Make JSON greppable!
- ritiek/spotify-downloader: Download Spotify playlists with albumart and meta-tags
- Using Terraform to deploy Nested ESXi hosts in your VMware Cloud on AWS SDDC (or home lab!) – Troy Lindsay's Blog
- Deploying vSphere VM with Terraform | Virtualizatio'n'automation
- HAProxy and Consul with DNS for Service Discovery - HAProxy Technologies
- GitHub - avwo/whistle: HTTP, HTTPS, WebSocket debugging proxy
- Introduction to automated provisioning and deployment with Ansible – Tratif Blog
- Announcing Tower — A library for writing robust network services with Rust.
- Open sourcing Terratest: a swiss army knife for testing infrastructure code
- GitHub - gruntwork-io/terratest: Terratest is a Go library that makes it easier to write automated tests for your infrastructure code.
- GitHub - gruntwork-io/terragrunt: Terragrunt is a thin wrapper for Terraform that provides extra tools for working with multiple Terraform modules.
- Terraform @ Cars.com – Cars.Com Technology
- Minio: Private cloud storage
- Store Terraform states in Cloud Object Storage - IBM Cloud Blog
- Cobbler in a Docker Container - Container Solutions