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Natural language processing (NLP) is a field of computer science that studies how computers and humans interact. In the 1950s, Alan Turing published an article that proposed a measure of intelligence, now called the Turing test. More modern techniques, such as deep learning, have produced results in the fields of language modeling, parsing, and natural-language tasks.

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Amber Heard Social Network Analysis of Disinformation/Influence Operations, Bots, & Crime Across-Platforms. - Twitter, Reddit, YouTube, Instagram,, Facebook, Tumblr, TikTok. To create Foundations to Help victims of bots, cyberabuse, domestic abuse, coercive control, crime, & disinformation operations. We want to Save Lives & help part…

  • Updated Mar 30, 2023
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基于字符级卷积神经网络的细粒度的中文情感分析以及具体的应用,将顾客打分和评论情感进行两极映射,使用数据自动标注和基于弱监督预训练的数据增强方式自动扩充和优化数据集,实验证实了在情感分类中,使用本文的字符级卷积神经网络(C-CNN-SA)可以在不依赖分词的情况下,达到的精度和 F 值均高于词级粒度。并将模型上线使用,利用tensoflow+flask restful做出的后端服务化,具体的项目细节和讲解看右面的ppt

  • Updated Jan 16, 2020
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A simple Django-based resume ranker website where recruiters post their jobs and candidates applies for their desired vacancies. The system gets the document similarity between the job description and the candidate resumes, generates similarity scores using the KNN model, and rank or shortlist the candidate resumes.

  • Updated Jan 26, 2024
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Created by Alan Turing
