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SDK Bugs

GDrukenmiller edited this page Jan 21, 2024 · 15 revisions

The Red Orchestra SDK is a buggy piece of garbage that's prone to crashing frequently if you don't know what kinds of things to avoid. This page is for enumerating all the ways the SDK fails us every day.

Click Delay

  • The SDK will go unresponsive when selecting an actor, surface or other object via 3d or 2d viewports (selections from menus such as Actor Search are fine) on modern PCs running Windows 8 or later.


  • Reduce number of actors in your field of view by zooming in completely and facing away from other actors (such as completely towards the ground or sky) prior to making a selection. This will reduce the likelihood and severity of unresponsiveness.
  • Disable GPU by opening Device Manager, then select Display Adapters, right click your GPU and click Disable. This may eliminate click delay, but will likely also reduce framerate in the editor dramatically (make sure to repeat the steps above but this time Enable your GPU when done working in the SDK).
  • If you have older hardware, such as a GPU prior to the Nvidia GTX 10xx series, you may consider dual-booting with a separate installation of Windows 7, which will resolve the issue entirely. Unfortunately this is not possible with newer graphics cards.


  • The SDK can sometimes initialize with a white space where the viewports are supposed to be. To fix this, go to View>Viewports>Configure... then clickOK.
  • Exporting assets from packages will fail if the target directory has "special characters" (eg. C:\Users\mikołaj\Desktop\tex). It's likely that any path that can't be directly converted to Windows-1252 encoding will fail.
  • Importing/exporting sound files will fail if the origin or target directory contains spaces (eg. C:\Users\Admin\Desktop\Sound Export).
  • The static 'myLevel' package is showing many statics that aren't even used in the level. This is an issue with asset naming. You likely have a terrain layer or a texture named the same as an actor, static, or something else in the level. For example: the height map layer is named the same as the terrain actor.


  • Undoing (Ctrl+Z) any action that involves a Projector actor will generate this crash.
  • Importing an animation set name with the same name as a mesh in the same package will generate a crash.
  • Attempting to play a sound group with no sounds assigned will generate a crash.
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