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Mark Jordan edited this page Apr 23, 2019 · 7 revisions


This meeting is a hybrid teleconference and IRC chat. Anyone is welcome to join. Here is the info:

  • Time: 1:00pm Eastern Daylight Time US (UTC-4)
  • Zoom link:
  • IRC:
    • Join the #islandora chat room via Freenode Web IRC (enter a unique nick)
    • Or point your IRC client to #islandora on


  • Danny Lamb
  • Alan Stanley
  • Cary Gordon
  • Don Richards
  • Eli Zoller
  • Jared Whiklo
  • Jonathan Green
  • Marcus Barnes
  • Mark Jordan 🌠
  • Natkeeran
  • Paul Clifford
  • Rosie Le Faive
  • Seth Shaw
  • Yamil Suarez


  1. Testing Sprint:
  2. Some important fixes
    1. Fix for indexing technical metadata for files in Fedora:
    2. Fix for indexing the triplestore from Fedora:
  3. Some new issues:
    1. EDTF Date doesn't accept L0 date range "1964/2008"
    2. Add noscript to OpenSeadragon
    3. Provide an option to not to create derivative if the derivative mimetype is same as the original
    4. How does an authenticated user creates a media?
    5. Some taxonomy terms are not checked to be translatable
  4. ... (feel free to add agenda items)


  1. Testing sprint: Some green so far and a little red... it's going well. Don't hesitate to ask Danny about anything. Danny says we should keep our eyes on how metadata works - we need to know what people expect so we can prioritize fixes for the 1.0 release. No testing VM yet, but it's in the works. Docs are up at (feedback welcome).
  2. Some important fixes
    1. Rosie asked if the node > media > file association in Drupal is replicated in Fedora. Danny says that's the way it is intended to work, this PR fixes that.
    2. A lot of moving parts on this one.... @dannylamb is working on it.
    3. Merged during call. Related, we are relying on dev-master in Crayfish currently; Jared recommends that we cut a version in prep for the Islandora 8 release. Danny says we should look into cutting releases ("pinning down versions") for as many components as possible prior to release (@dannylamb please confirm this note).
  3. Some new issues
    1. Largely a documentation issue.
    2. Add noscript: Seth hasn't tested it but it seems like a reasonable to do.
    3. Don't create derivative if derivative is same as original. Update the entity view to also return Original Files if Service file does not exist. Make this decision at the Drupal level before emitting an event to generate a derivative.
    4. This issue generated a lot of discussion around permissions. The general use case we need to address is not being able to hide tabs when we should.
    5. Seth says all terms should be translatable. Do it!

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