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Jared Whiklo edited this page Dec 13, 2017 · 13 revisions


This meeting is a hybrid teleconference and IRC chat. Anyone is welcome to join. Here is the info:


  • Danny Lamb (regrets)
  • Melissa Anez
  • Seth Shaw
  • Jared Whiklo
  • Kim Pham
  • Marcus Barnes
  • Natkeeran
  • Jonathan Green
  • Rosie Le Faive


  1. or2018 - who's thinking of going? is anyone going to pitch anything CLAW related?
  2. Lots of ansible role PRs -


  1. Open Repositories 2018

    • Jonathan Green is planning to go, not sure what proposals would be put forth. Could be a CLAW one.
    • Islandora will have an Islandora overview and possibly a CLAW technical proposal. If anyone wants to help give a proposal.
    • UTSC has 2 proposals, one on digital scholarship project and the other is around migration of large amounts of spreadsheets into CLAW. Also around building a module to help with migration.
  2. Islandora-DevOps PRs

    • There are a fair number of PRs on the various broken out ansible roles, how do we want to handle them to switch claw-playbook from internal to external roles.
    • Consensus was to pull these roles (as the claw-playbook) has changed and push them to the individual roles leaving intradependencies in place. Those can be fixed in later PRs. But then a PR on claw-playbook that removes the internal roles and pulls them from galaxy should be easily testable as it should work exactly the same.
    • Jared said he would do re-create these branches with a single additional commit to add the necessary meta.yml file.
    • Nat raised concerns around loss of changes in PR-40. Those changes are currently only on the inventory/vagrant directory which will remain after the role removal, so it should be unaffected.
    • Nat to create a ticket around the use of Ubuntu user which fails on non-vagrant installs.
    • Jared to create a ticket to add some sub-variables to Crayfish to allow changing the hostname for all services easier while leaving all the microservices separate.

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