Releases: JuliaReach/ReachabilityAnalysis.jl
Releases · JuliaReach/ReachabilityAnalysis.jl
ReachabilityAnalysis v0.9.0
Closed issues:
- Add algorithm of Φ₁ and Φ₂ for the invertible case (#22)
- Add filtered oscillator model to Examples (#304)
- Tests for 2nd order systems (#339)
- ReachabilityAnalysis defines ambiguous
Merged pull requests:
- Overload TM functions for Taylor model reachsets (#190) (@mforets)
- Add exponential LGG09 w/ time-varying input sets (#340) (@mforets)
- update some docs (#343) (@mforets)
- Add examples to (#344) (@SebastianGuadalupe)
- fixes for TM conversions (#345) (@mforets)
- continuation of intro docs / linear (#346) (@mforets)
- Docs + A20 (#349) (@mforets)
- Change TagBot script (#350) (@schillic)
- add solver for trajectories w/o bloating (#355) (@mforets)
- add krylov methd for orbit w/zero state (#356) (@mforets)
- Orbit plot recipe (#359) (@mforets)
- LGG09 with multithreading (#361) (@dfcaporale)
- update linear docs (#362) (@mforets)
- fix dirs (#363) (@mforets)
- Update (#364) (@mforets)
- reorganize discretization (#365) (@mforets)
- update some docs pages (#367) (@mforets)
- homogeneization of a CLCCS (#369) (@mforets)
- add homog as a solve option (#370) (@mforets)
- Update (#371) (@mforets)
- Add in sol (#373) (@mforets)
- #374 - Cleanup vertices of CHA (#375) (@mforets)
ReachabilityAnalysis v0.8.1
Closed issues:
- Generalize concrete shift for abstract reach sets (#316)
- Make fixpoint check optional (#317)
- Normalize function from SecondOrderLinearContinuousSystem to LinearContinuousSystem (#328)
Merged pull requests:
- Issue #316 (#318) (@dfcaporale)
- fixpoint_check added to hybrid solve (#319) (@dfcaporale)
- Fixes for time interval evaluation of hybrid flowpipes (#323) (@mforets)
- cleanup TMJets folder (#324) (@mforets)
- External kwarg to TMJets solver (#326) (@mforets)
- Refactor models (#327) (@mforets)
- #328 add second order normalisation functions (#329) (@dfcaporale)
- Union clustering (#332) (@mforets)
- Add QINT method for scalar quadratic ODEs (#335) (@mforets)
- update docs (#338) (@mforets)
ReachabilityAnalysis v0.8.0
Closed issues:
- GLGM06 with OctDirections in Platooning model fails (#244)
Merged pull requests:
- bugs in transitions.jl (#311) (@dfcaporale)
- Generalize to initial interval time shift in continuous solvers (#313) (@mforets)
ReachabilityAnalysis v0.7.7
Closed issues:
- Add disease model to the Applications section in the docs (#51)
- A simple SEIR model (#195)
- Wrong title in Lorenz example in documentation (#299)
Merged pull requests:
- Add spacecraft example (#281) (@SebastianGuadalupe)
- add HPolyhedron constructor (#282) (@mforets)
- Add platooning example (#283) (@SebastianGuadalupe)
- Add MT to docs deps (#284) (@mforets)
- Add building example (#285) (@SebastianGuadalupe)
- #195 - Add SEIR model (#286) (@SebastianGuadalupe)
- Add quadrotor example (#288) (@SebastianGuadalupe)
- Add Lotka-Volterra example (#289) (@SebastianGuadalupe)
- Add Lorenz example (#290) (@SebastianGuadalupe)
- Adds ISS benchmark to documentation (#291) (@dfcaporale)
- cleanup MT code (#293) (@mforets)
- cleanup zontope splitting methods (#294) (@mforets)
- Add production-destruction model (#296) (@mforets)
- concrete project - methods for TemplateReachSet and implementation in… (#297) (@dfcaporale)
- update docs (#301) (@mforets)
- ISS is not an ODE (#302) (@mforets)
- op-amp from scratch (#303) (@dfcaporale)
- Update Vanderpol example (#305) (@SebastianGuadalupe)
- impove generic apply method (#306) (@mforets)
- bump julia version (#308) (@mforets)
ReachabilityAnalysis v0.7.6
Closed issues:
Merged pull requests:
ReachabilityAnalysis v0.7.5
Closed issues:
- Emit warning if hybrid solve hits max_jumps (#264)
Merged pull requests:
- fix emptiness check in hybrid solve (#258) (@mforets)
- fix TMJets when the first reach-set is empty (#262) (@mforets)
- update LGG09 (#263) (@mforets)
- #264 - Add warning if max_jumps is reached (#266) (@mforets)
- update forward approx for the initial states (#267) (@mforets)
- remove empty intersection in apply methods (#269) (@mforets)
ReachabilityAnalysis v0.7.4
Merged pull requests:
- Add LGG09 algorithm using expv (#246) (@mforets)
- Update (#247) (@mforets)
- Add HalfSpace and Hyperplane symbolic constructors (#248) (@mforets)
- fix a bug in nomalization of CS (#249) (@mforets)
- Fix tspan for hybrid flowpipes (#250) (@mforets)
- fix eval functions for hybrid flowpipes (#251) (@mforets)
- Update discretization (#255) (@mforets)