Releases: JuliaReach/ReachabilityAnalysis.jl
Releases · JuliaReach/ReachabilityAnalysis.jl
ReachabilityAnalysis v0.7.0
Closed issues:
- Expose BFFPSV18 algorithm (#25)
- Warning when trying to solve nonlinear ODE (#181)
- Generalize discrete evolution for several reach-sets (#200)
- Duck typing LGG09 options (#206)
- Error when trying to overapproximate flowpipe (#213)
- Generalize cluster functions for more reach-set type (#226)
- Generalize convexify functions for SparseReachSet (#229)
Merged pull requests:
- #206 - Duck typing LGG09 options (#212) (@mforets)
- Let TMJets options be passed outside the struct (#214) (@mforets)
- add in-place splitting (#215) (@mforets)
- Add split function for zonotopes (#216) (@SebastianGuadalupe)
- add some missing conversion methods (#217) (@mforets)
- extend discretization for interval matrix (#218) (@mforets)
- Add sparse and cache options to LGG09 (#220) (@mforets)
- Clustering + alg udpates (#221) (@mforets)
- Add Van-der-Pol model to documentation (#222) (@schillic)
- Refactoring + Updates on van de Pol example (#223) (@mforets)
- Projection + invariant updates (LGG09, BFFPSV18) (#224) (@mforets)
- issue #225 for dense matrix ops (#227) (@dfcaporale)
- issue #226 - generalize cluster functions for AbstractLazyReachSet (#228) (@dfcaporale)
- issue #229 - Generalize convexify function for SparseReachSet (#230) (@dfcaporale)
- Update Project.toml (#233) (@mforets)
ReachabilityAnalysis v0.6.0
Closed issues:
- BoundsError for nonlinear ODE (#179)
- Add template hull intersection for discrete transitions (#207)
- Add "discrete time" approximation model (#208)
Merged pull requests:
- Distributed initial conditions for hybrid problems (#187) (@mforets)
- Use exact tdom in overapproximation of Taylor models (#189) (@mforets)
- Changes in hybrid solve for TMJets (#191) (@mforets)
- fix hybrid constructor (#193) (@mforets)
- Add hybrid lotka-volterra model (#196) (@mforets)
- Intersection of TMs with set union of half-spaces (#197) (@mforets)
- Add location getter for flowpipes (#198) (@mforets)
- Add TemplateHullIntersection (#202) (@mforets)
- Add LGG09 (#203) (@mforets)
- BFFPSV18 with inputs + update lazy projection (#205) (@mforets)
- Add NoBloating approximation model (#209) (@mforets)
- Add (generic) template hull intersection for discrete transitions' (#210) (@mforets)
- fix tests (#211) (@mforets)
ReachabilityAnalysis v0.5.1
Merged pull requests:
- Update transitions + time_shift (#175) (@mforets)
- deps (#176) (@mforets)
- Time shift fixes (#177) (@mforets)
- Hybrid
(#178) (@mforets) - Add docs for some common gotchas using TMJets (#180) (@mforets)
- Add rsetrep for solutions (#182) (@mforets)
- Dummy algorithm for disjointness check (#184) (@mforets)
- Fix dim getter function of identity map (#185) (@mforets)
- Update constructors.jl (#186) (@mforets)
- Update Project.toml (#188) (@mforets)
ReachabilityAnalysis v0.5.0
Merged pull requests:
- Add adaptive abs_tol option for TMJets (#160) (@mforets)
- BFFPSV18 - some homogeneous cases (#164) (@mforets)
- adds Convexify to exports.jl (#166) (@dfcaporale)
- Overload some set methods over reach sets (#167) (@mforets)
- Add some operations for unions (#168) (@mforets)
- Discrete transitions (#169) (@mforets)
- Allow time-span for flowpipe slices (#170) (@mforets)
- Update (#171) (@mforets)
- Update Project.toml (#174) (@mforets)
ReachabilityAnalysis v0.4.0
Closed issues:
- HA - Clocked linear dynamics (#7)
- Fix error msg handling in incorrect time span (#68)
- Multithreading for mixed flowpipes (#105)
- Update references (#114)
- Check _reduce_order function (from setops.jl) (#120)
- Admit interval for jitter in HACLD1 (#131)
Merged pull requests:
- Update solve.jl (#118) (@mforets)
- revised order reduction methods (#121) (@mforets)
- Update references (#122) (@mforets)
- undef for Flowpipe (#123) (@mforets)
- update GLGM06 (#124) (@mforets)
- Non-recursive implementation for ASB07 (#125) (@mforets)
- Fix rsetrep in ASB07 + add test (#126) (@mforets)
- add more accurate conversion to zonotope from lazy affine map (#127) (@mforets)
- fix reduction for ASB07 (#128) (@mforets)
- Update algorithm defaults + docs + cleanup (#129) (@mforets)
- Add value type parameters (#130) (@mforets)
- Cleanup tspan conversions (#133) (@mforets)
- Generalize jitter in clocked systems (#134) (@mforets)
- Lazily shift flowpipes in time triggered problems (#135) (@mforets)
- Fix tspan for Shifted flowpipes (#140) (@mforets)
- Add plot recipe for lazily shifted flowpipe (#141) (@mforets)
- Fix number of stored sets in switched system (#142) (@mforets)
- Update algorithms for reachability with inputs (#143) (@mforets)
- Fix BOX (#144) (@mforets)
- Bump LazySets (#150) (@schillic)
- Use artifact cache on Travis (#151) (@schillic)
- Zonotope splitting methods for static arrays (#152) (@mforets)
- Update Project.toml (#154) (@mforets)
ReachabilityAnalysis v0.3.0
Closed issues:
- Update installation link when registered (#1)
- Register package (#2)
- Fix dim (#31)
- Use LazySets.AbstractDirections in TemplateReachSet (#49)
- Add INT & BOX algorithms to docs (#52)
- Add setrep as type parameter in algorithms? (#67)
- Add tests for ASB07 (#92)
- Duck-typing tspan (#103)
- Releases (#111)
Merged pull requests:
- Add LGG09 algorithm (#90) (@mforets)
- various updates in ASB07 (#91) (@mforets)
- bump LazySets dep (#95) (@mforets)
- Invariant checks for INT algorithm (#96) (@mforets)
- Add tests for dimension (#98) (@mforets)
- Test HACLD1 (#99) (@mforets)
- update docs (#100) (@mforets)
- Various updates in flowpipe structs + docs (#101) (@mforets)
- Update sol docs (#102) (@mforets)
- Update solve tests + tspan duck typing (#104) (@mforets)
- ABS07 test for Linear ODE (#106) (@dfcaporale)
- Support solving split initial conditions (#108) (@mforets)
- Update Project.toml (#109) (@mforets)
- Update flowpipes.jl (#110) (@mforets)
- CompatHelper: bump compat for "IntervalArithmetic" to "0.17" (#112) (@github-actions[bot])
- Add test for NSTEPS + fix args bug (#113) (@mforets)
- Update templates (#115) (@mforets)
- Add threading for distributed initial sets (#116) (@mforets)
- rsetrep to retrieve reach set rep for an algorithm (#117) (@mforets)
ReachabilityAnalysis v0.1.0
Closed issues:
- Add keyword arguments to solve_hybrid function (time_triggered.jl) (#34)
- Use symbols in discretization? (#38)
- Incompatible with Julia v1.0 and v1.2 (#63)
- Let TMJets work with linear IVPs (#79)
Merged pull requests:
- CompatHelper: bump compat for "TaylorIntegration" to "0.7" (#3) (@github-actions[bot])
- CompatHelper: add new compat entry for "StaticArrays" at version "0.12" (#4) (@github-actions[bot])
- CompatHelper: bump compat for "IntervalMatrices" to "0.3" (#5) (@github-actions[bot])
- CompatHelper: bump compat for "Optim" to "0.20" (#6) (@github-actions[bot])
- CompatHelper: bump compat for "MathematicalSystems" to "0.9" (#8) (@github-actions[bot])
- CompatHelper: bump compat for "IntervalMatrices" to "0.4" (#9) (@github-actions[bot])
- CompatHelper: bump compat for "MathematicalSystems" to "0.10" (#10) (@github-actions[bot])
- CompatHelper: bump compat for "RecipesBase" to "0.8" (#12) (@github-actions[bot])
- CompatHelper: bump compat for "TaylorIntegration" to "0.8" (#13) (@github-actions[bot])
- Various updates (#20) (@mforets)
- add some tests for the solve API (#27) (@mforets)
- More flowpipe types (#29) (@mforets)
- time triggered + various updates (#33) (@mforets)
- solve_hybrid: positional alguments to keyword (#35) (@dfcaporale)
- remove type annotation of X0 (#36) (@dfcaporale)
- update docs (#39) (@mforets)
- add linear high dim docs (#40) (@mforets)
- add 0.5 compat for IM (#41) (@mforets)
- Mforets/asb07 (#42) (@mforets)
- Mforets/38 (#43) (@mforets)
- Changes in GLGM06, add static method (#44) (@mforets)
- add example for scalar linear eq (#45) (@mforets)
- Add INT algorithm (#46) (@mforets)
- Update make.jl (#47) (@mforets)
- Update (#48) (@mforets)
- Update (#50) (@schillic)
- Adjust common exports (#55) (@mforets)
- Update (#56) (@schillic)
- Add hybrid flowpipe (#57) (@mforets)
- Update (#59) (@schillic)
- Update .travis.yml (#61) (@mforets)
- Add v1.4 to CI (#64) (@mforets)
- cleanup (#65) (@mforets)
- Various fixes (#75) (@mforets)
- #79 - Update IVPs interface for TMJets (#80) (@mforets)