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Steam Family Sharing zh TW

ArchiBot edited this page May 25, 2021 · 23 revisions

Steam 親友同享

ASF 從 版開始支援 Steam 親友同享。 為了了解 ASF 如何支援 Steam 親友同享,您首先應該閱讀 Steam 商店中提供的**Steam Family Sharing works**。


Support for Steam Family Sharing feature in ASF is transparent, which means that it doesn't introduce any new bot/process config properties - it works out of the box as an extra built-in functionality.

ASF includes appropriate logic in order to be aware of library being locked by family sharing users, therefore it won't "kick" them out of playing session due to launching a game. ASF will act exactly the same as with primary account holding the lock, therefore if that lock is being held either by your steam client, or by one of your family sharing users, ASF will not attempt to farm, instead, it will wait for the lock to be released.

In addition to above, after logging in, ASF will access your games sharing settings, from which it'll extract up to 5 steamIDs allowed to use your library. Those users are given FamilySharing permission to use commands, especially allowing them to use pause~ command on bot account that is sharing games with them, which allows to pause automatic cards farming module in order to launch a game that can be shared.

Connecting both functionalities described above allows your friends to pause~ your cards farming process, start a game, play as long as they wish, then after they're done playing, cards farming process will be automatically resumed by ASF. Of course, issuing pause~ is not needed if ASF is currently not farming anything actively, because your friends can launch the game right away, and logic described above ensures that they won't be kicked out of the session.


Steam 網路喜歡廣播錯誤的狀態更新誤導 ASF,這可能導致 ASF 認為可以恢復掛卡,導致您的朋友被踢出遊戲。 這與我們已經在 this FAQ entry 解釋的是相同問題。 We recommend exactly the same solutions, mainly promoting your friends to Operator permission (or above) and telling them to make use of pause and resume commands.

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